Okay...Where in the world is Arty?

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Guess who will never be unblocked again?! :p

I just want to state it was not Arty who sent that PM, i have never had any contact with Arty although he does sound interesting, the person who sent me it is obviously in some trouble with the mods so i will not give his name unless he wants me too.
God all i can do now is laugh! If you all love arty so much open your own bloody forum dedicated to him!!! Jesus! Am i even on a Michael jackson forum?????

Maybe we will!!!!!

It will be great and will have tons of pictures of Arty in gold pants and will have a download section full of Arty unplugged shows! It will be amazing and everyone will leave here to join!
I think the mods are doing a great job. It must be a thankless task. So, thanks mods. I think Arty just got a little too intense. And the fact that other people were just as obnoxious (the people who kept inserting TINI/"Michael is too thin" messages into every thread), doesn't excuse Arty. Although, I never read where he bashed Michael; I hope he didn't. But the mods are watching all of the forum and they probably saw things that we didn't.
Perhaps Arty should start his own blog on another site as he seems to have a following. He is a lightening rod.
this forum is not a democracy and it never was designed to be such. show me one fan forum on the web that is a democracy. Gaz owns this board and he makes the rules (he can also break them as the situation demands and at his discretion).

Arty does bash MJ. while he may not INTEND it, it does come across that way. I know I've gotten plenty pissed off at certain anti-MJ comments he made. I understand he doesn't think of it that way, but when he does that AND he makes like a broken record, he can be very difficult to tolerate.

I am just not sure where I fall here. I do know that if it was directed at me, I'd resent any such 'ban', but if I knew I was irritating the hell out of everybody on the board, I'd see the ban coming miles away. I think Arty knows he pissed a whole lot of us off -- we TOLD him so, over and over again. so I think he should know the "whys" and the "hows" of the so-called ban on him.

I'll just leave it at that.
Maybe we will!!!!!

It will be great and will have tons of pictures of Arty in gold pants and will have a download section full of Arty unplugged shows! It will be amazing and everyone will leave here to join!

:rofl: :lol:
Just keep in mind, that if you read previous posts by Arty, you're seeing the good ones and not the really bad ones.... the mods cleaned up his posts, remember? :doh:

Please don't fall into the, "every single thing is a conspiracy, & our voice shall never be heard, because of THE man or THE mods" thing that some people consistently go through.

It's simply not that serious. :no:

He actually posted in this thread, I believe on the 1st page. :cheeky:

But another member did post a question that I had, "What happened to the top poster Poe?" :scratch:

I pray things are okay.
someone said a couple weeks ago that 'poe' is ok.. think the mod victoria knows about that..
Just a thought, but this thread should be taken (as bull :p!) from this section and put into General Discussion...
Arty has NOT EVEN SEEN THE FILM YET so how can he be saying anything about lipsyncing.

:hysterical: that's funny. You must not have seen any of his posts before. Lipsyncing is all he talks about.

he's IN LOVE WITH MJ's voice.

Arty is just in :wub: with Michael's voice...

But anyway, he DO love Michael's vocal.

Obsessed is probably a better word for it :unsure:

lol at this thread still going on awwhh.

...I miss you all. As I said before I cannot post here anymore without moderators approving my posts-I´ve written many but they did not approve them-but none of them were negative-I don´t know what is going on. I´m tired of writing and writing and nothing is shown on the forum.

As I said before on Sunday I´ll write my movie review after watching it on Saturday again.

I really hope the moderators will show my review.

Even if I cannot write anymore I´m reading the forum for all your great reviews and wonderful impressions I miss the discussion with you all-I really miss it!...

countdown to lockdown of this thread...?

Hey Arty :waving: wtf are you doing on Rockin's account? all I can say it prepare to have your suspension extended lol. I don't think the mods will take too kindly to you ban evading. Yep, that's definitely Arty, he even uses the tilda symbol instead of a real apostrophe, just like in his post on the 1st page

Last post here: I agree if people get rude they should be banned or blocked for a while. I dont think Arty did that. Anyway im done with this now:) laterrr

You wouldn't know would you because the posts where he was out of line were removed completely by moderators. There must be a very good reason for a mod to remove entire posts. It doesn't happen that often.

Maybe we will!!!!!

It will be great and will have tons of pictures of Arty in gold pants and will have a download section full of Arty unplugged shows! It will be amazing and everyone will leave here to join!

That will be the day the internet breaks
That will be the day the internet breaks

Your wrong! It will MAKE the internet! You think the internet is popualr now.

Just wait.

Artycommunity.com will be the hottest site on the net. Arty will do one performance every week (all 100% live of course) to promote this new site!

The girls can have their own section talking about his manhood and what not, while us guys can simply chat about our idol!

We need a place like that though tbf. An escape from all the trash you hear about Arty everywhere, just to be with people who share your opinion!
:hysterical: that's funny. You must not have seen any of his posts before. Lipsyncing is all he talks about.

huh? .. yes I do know.. but not in relation to actually reviewing the film himself, thats what I meant.

Hey Arty :waving: wtf are you doing on Rockin's account? all I can say it prepare to have your suspension extended lol. I don't think the mods will take too kindly to you ban evading. Yep, that's definitely Arty, he even uses the tilda symbol instead of a real apostrophe, just like in his post on the 1st page

What are you talking about? That was me....yupp.

Jeeez .. don't take things too serious.

Just leave it to the mods.
Your wrong! It will MAKE the internet! You think the internet is popualr now.

Just wait.

Artycommunity.com will be the hottest site on the net. Arty will do one performance every week (all 100% live of course) to promote this new site!

The girls can have their own section talking about his manhood and what not, while us guys can simply chat about our idol!

We need a place like that though tbf. An escape from all the trash you hear about Arty everywhere, just to be with people who share your opinion!

I can see it all happening, yesterday i never heard of the guy now i'm a fan. I want him back, i miss him before i met him. He has obviously influenced so many people during his time here, everyone seems to have an opinion of him.
I agree with you we will need a tabloid section for people to discuss all the trash written about him and anyone who ever accuses him of lip syncing they will be automatically banned for life because this is obviously the biggest insult possible to Arty.
hah sign me up...

u know maybe this is all a PR stunt .. Arty is clever.
:hysterical: DefDave, thanks for starting this thread, this is one of the funniest threads I have seen in a bit....I needed a laugh, thanks man, good stuff.

On a serious note.......


I don't think you gave the Mod's a choice, you just would not stop with it. It wasn't like you were just sharing your views, it was like you were TRYING to to upset everyone dude.

If you read this and If you are ever allowed back on the MJJC....a personal request, please, please, stop with the obsessive compulsive complaining about lip-syncing, we understand your point, you only like LIVE signing and NO dancing, you are like a broken record with that stuff, just over and over and over......

Finally, and most importantly, please stop insulting anyone who doesn't agree with you, I have seen almost every single one of your posts, I have been following the whole "Arty Saga" one could say (especially in the "This Is It - Setlist" thread), if someone does not share your opinion...BANG...you call them names and many times curse them, not cool at all, it's too much, the people who come here are really great people and we are all here for the same reason, Michael Jackson. Since I found the MJJC, I feel I have found a home, this is the place where the real, true, Michael Jackson fans converse and share with each other. Most, if not all, of us do not like MJ being criticized or nitpicked by someone else who claims to be a true fan - anything MJ did, he seemed to do for a reason, respect his decisions and appreciate ALL of his work Arty.
It's about the love man....L.O.V.E.

Just my thoughts Arty, and I won't try to force you to agree with me.....Anyway, best of luck to you and PLEASE go see "This Is It," maybe it will change the way you feel.
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What are you talking about? That was me....yupp.

Jeeez .. don't take things too serious.

Just leave it to the mods.

roflmao whatever. Yeah that was you. Of course. And I just bought a holiday home on the moon. -_- Me not take things serious? You are the one person who's been posting constantly in this thread lmao. Maybe you should take your own advice and leave things to the mods instead of doing stupid things like giving your password out to rulebreakers who get what's coming to them. It's cute that you have a crush on Arty though. But you should know he only has eyes for Michael Jackson's vocal chords.
When TII is out on dvd, Arty will edit the cd music over the TII footage so he can still watch a lip-synched TII version.:D

(kiddin', we like you Arty)
Your wrong! It will MAKE the internet! You think the internet is popualr now.

Just wait.

Artycommunity.com will be the hottest site on the net. Arty will do one performance every week (all 100% live of course) to promote this new site!

The girls can have their own section talking about his manhood and what not, while us guys can simply chat about our idol!

We need a place like that though tbf. An escape from all the trash you hear about Arty everywhere, just to be with people who share your opinion!

Finally, an official Arty community! :heart: I can't wait to discuss his manhood with other fans!!
roflmao whatever. Yeah that was you. Of course. And I just bought a holiday home on the moon. -_- Me not take things serious? You are the one person who's been posting constantly in this thread lmao. Maybe you should take your own advice and leave things to the mods instead of doing stupid things like giving your password out to rulebreakers who get what's coming to them. It's cute that you have a crush on Arty though. But you should know he only has eyes for Michael Jackson's vocal chords.

As a self appointed moderator of ARTYCOMMUNITY, i have to inform you that any anti-arty comments will be recorded and may lead to you being put on a bad members list and ultimately on a banned list. The only way back from such a list is to openly admit your love for all things ARTY.
You have been warned.
cheeky! but funny.. (not trying to be disrespectful to the mods).. noppe.

roflmao whatever. Yeah that was you. Of course. And I just bought a holiday home on the moon. -_- Me not take things serious? You are the one person who's been posting constantly in this thread lmao. Maybe you should take your own advice and leave things to the mods instead of doing stupid things like giving your password out to rulebreakers who get what's coming to them. It's cute that you have a crush on Arty though. But you should know he only has eyes for Michael Jackson's vocal chords.

:blushing: :wub::butterflies::love::heart::girl_in_love:... :listeningtomusic ... :girl_heartbroken::teary_eyed:

(ps. looks like you took the tone of my post to you wrongly it was said in a friendly joking way)
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Thanks everybody for the replies! :)

I honestly just was wondering where Arty was what with all the live singing Michael did on This Is It and everything.


Love you all....including you, Arty. :D
Well you didnt give any clear indication that you took it maybe from a private message he sent you... you could easily have given him your password to post that :scratch:
do rockin and arty know each other personally?

quit bullying guys
how about the constant bashing of michael's family in which some disgusting things are said and disgusting comparisons of certain family members with rapists and murderers are made? people dont get mod queued for things like that which are a billion times worse...

Yes, much worse, I agree.

The mods can't catch all this, I"m sure, so it's up to us members to report disgusting posts like you're describing. Or racist or violent posts against anyone, even if it's someone we're agreed we dislike.

Meanwhile we should not wait for mods, but put our own pressure on members who cross lines.

This is not a free speech zone; the owner can make it anything he wants that's legal. But my impression is he wants to make it a decent, safe and fun place, but needs all our help.

I've only seen a few of Arty's posts, and learned a lot from them, and I hope to see more of his posts. I can handle the bad with the good, and want to, as long as it's not destroying the mood of too many threads.
Well you didnt give any clear indication that you took it maybe from a private message he sent you... you could easily have given him your password to post that :scratch:

Noooo i wouldn't do that.

do rockin and arty know each other personally?

:) Nooo we don't .. I could only wish..:wub: :D

Yes, much worse, I agree.

The mods can't catch all this, I"m sure, so it's up to us members to report disgusting posts like you're describing. Or racist or violent posts against anyone, even if it's someone we're agreed we dislike.

Meanwhile we should not wait for mods, but put our own pressure on members who cross lines.

Yesss, someone who was very rude yesterday.. they were reported and BAM they were banned, with good reason.
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