Okay...Where in the world is Arty?

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They are, he PM'd me. He said he isn't posting anything negative and they still aren't showing up. He also said he misses posting and discussing with us. I think he's a bit upset about it.

He was told why, and if you check out the 'Ellen Degeneres clip" thread, somewhere you will start to see a big gap in time between posts. Gaz personally closed the thread, removed all the pointless Arty posts and the replies and then withheld his commenting power and reopened it,

It is very wrong if his post are not been shown, does this mean if we disagree with a mods point of view then our posts will be censured, give him his say we can handle it i'm sure.

Yeah, thats the problem see. With Arty, lip-syncing is EVERYTHING. It isn't fair to have to fight him on it in every thread. Arty was asked over and over to move it general discussion and keep it there and there only. He refused and got what was coming to him.

Sorry, but this is an absolute joke. All of these posts are incredibly immature. This is supposed to be a discussion forum.

I think the MJJC community deserve a straight answer here mods - are Arty's posts being deleted/withheld, and if so, why?

This is a discussion forum. NOT a lets-turn-everything-into-a-lyp-synicng-debate discussion forum. And it's not our business. Arty I'm sure has been contacted by Mods to be told about his ban. Don't get fooled into thinking he did nothing and the Mods are being unfair...
I followed some of the discussions and never saw anything disrespectful or unfair from Arty. I'm sure the mods will do as they please though.

Because Gaz deleted loads of them the night he stopped him in the "Ellen Forum." I have to laugh at all this. Everyone is defending a guy who was banned for breaking CLEAR forum rules and bashing the mods for doing their job. And like I said, it was Gaz who took the decision to stop Arty... I wouldn't be messing with him... ;)
lol@Arty getting his own thread... wow Arty you are very popular...
Arty must be on "Mod Que"....

Yes he can get under some ppl's skin but at the same time it's no different then some of the other ppl on here b*tching and moaning about the jackson family everytime they appear on tv, b*tching and moaning about this or that...We have all posted comments that may get on other ppl's nerves...Oh well you have to option to ignore it... Hell Arty is very "sensitive" about MJ singing live vs lip syncing...
I know I have found myself agreeing with him on certain threads, and we both seem to agree on the Destiny/Triumph albums....
I think he is funny....
Well Arty hurry up and go see it, then we can hear your "boring" rants about him singing live or not... lmaooo
I felt i had to post this PM i received because i believe what he is saying

Hi Gottobethere,

I have also been put in the moderation queue for daring to disagree with one of the mods (and I was supporting MJ against some of the nonsense being posted about his family!) . I now post innocent comments on topics about sales (which I have quite a bit of information on), and they still don't post them.

It is wrong that the Mod's act like this is 'their playground' and no one can disagree with them, but what can we do?

It seems to be 'free-speech' on here - but only as long as you agree with the Mods!

If you get this PM, please feel free to copy and post my comments if you like. People need to know what is gpoing on behind the scenes at MJJ.

It used to feel like we were all part of one MJ family on here, but now it feels like it's 'them and us'. :-(
^^ I am not sure what happened with Arty, however I respectfully disagree I believe the mods are keeping this place well balanced and in favor towards Michael Jackson’s worldwide fan base.
I felt i had to post this PM i received because i believe what he is saying

Hi Gottobethere,

I have also been put in the moderation queue for daring to disagree with one of the mods (and I was supporting MJ against some of the nonsense being posted about his family!) . I now post innocent comments on topics about sales (which I have quite a bit of information on), and they still don't post them.

It is wrong that the Mod's act like this is 'their playground' and no one can disagree with them, but what can we do?

It seems to be 'free-speech' on here - but only as long as you agree with the Mods!

If you get this PM, please feel free to copy and post my comments if you like. People need to know what is gpoing on behind the scenes at MJJ.

It used to feel like we were all part of one MJ family on here, but now it feels like it's 'them and us'. :-(

Guess who will never be unblocked again?! :p
Guess who will never be unblocked again?! :p

Hey i never gave the name so i'd say he's safe enough, i never had a discussion with this Arty guy and i feel like i missed out, give me a chance with him, one on one in our own thread, the mods can pick the topic. The winner to be decided by a members vote, oh yeah shamone Arty shamone.
if u dont like the way the mods work or the forum then dont come her dont ruin it for everyone else! I think the mods do a brilliant job with all the nastiness and bitching that goes on hear i would hate to have to deal with it all!
if u dont like the way the mods work or the forum then dont come her dont ruin it for everyone else! I think the mods do a brilliant job with all the nastiness and bitching that goes on hear i would hate to have to deal with it all!

Here here!

Hey i never gave the name so i'd say he's safe enough, i never had a discussion with this Arty guy and i feel like i missed out, give me a chance with him, one on one in our own thread, the mods can pick the topic. The winner to be decided by a members vote, oh yeah shamone Arty shamone.

It's clearly Arty that sent you that, and no, MJJC is for all of us, not just Arty. His ban will be lifted after a while and maybe then he can stop the lip-syncing joke.

Mods should be ashamed of themselves for this shit. Disgraceful.

Theres an informed opinion... :p

I don't want to post in here anymore, its a waste of time, but it seems people are looking at this as Mods ganging up on an innocent poster. This isn't the case. Arty was out of line and broke forum rules and continued after being warned. Done and dusted guys, when he gets back I'm sure your celebratory party will be something...
Because Gaz deleted loads of them the night he stopped him in the "Ellen Forum." I have to laugh at all this. Everyone is defending a guy who was banned for breaking CLEAR forum rules and bashing the mods for doing their job. And like I said, it was Gaz who took the decision to stop Arty... I wouldn't be messing with him... ;)

Why is he a dictator?? If he is not happy with someones opinion he deletes his posts? Sometimes i feel thats how it works around here. Clearly a lot of people here kind of liked Arty. I did although i didnt agree with him sometimes. so bring him back to this forum:)
if u dont like the way the mods work or the forum then dont come her dont ruin it for everyone else! I think the mods do a brilliant job with all the nastiness and bitching that goes on hear i would hate to have to deal with it all!

Why is he a dictator?? If he is not happy with someones opinion he deletes his posts? Sometimes i feel thats how it works around here. Clearly a lot of people here kind of liked Arty. I did although i didnt agree with him sometimes. so bring him back to this forum:)

Dictator? Can someone say blown out of proportion! This is what few seem to be misunderstanding here. It was never anything to do with Arty's opinion (we all prefer live singing), it was his constant ruining of threads but turning them all into pointless debates on lip-syncing. He was asked to talk about it in ONE thread in General Discussion and refused, getting more threads ruined and closed. He was rightly suspended...
lol at this thread still going on awwhh.

...I miss you all. As I said before I cannot post here anymore without moderators approving my posts-I´ve written many but they did not approve them-but none of them were negative-I don´t know what is going on. I´m tired of writing and writing and nothing is shown on the forum.

As I said before on Sunday I´ll write my movie review after watching it on Saturday again.

I really hope the moderators will show my review.

Even if I cannot write anymore I´m reading the forum for all your great reviews and wonderful impressions I miss the discussion with you all-I really miss it!...

countdown to lockdown of this thread...?
People should ignore him then. But if people comment on his posts and start a discussion. Its fine and then ofcourse he goes on about mj not singing live and all. If you ignore him Im sure he'll stops. But we dont ignore him, it is probably for a reason. a lot of the people around here like to have a bit of a discusion around here.
the very same people asking to bring Arty back and complaining about censorship are the same people that get so annoyed with him that normal discussions turn into arguments. Which then leads to threads being constantly closed.

First, there are so many repetitive threads that the mods have to close down. Then they have to closed to every other threads because of constant rudeness and arguing and most of the times started by the same person.

When people are rude, bash MJ at his own forum, there should be some sort of consequence.

BTW- the mods are volunteers trying to facilitate a positive environment so we can all come and discuss and disagree, yes. But not to put up with rudeness among members or by other members who do not know the situation and sits here and pass judgment.
Dictator? Can someone say blown out of proportion! This is what few seem to be misunderstanding here. It was never anything to do with Arty's opinion (we all prefer live singing), it was his constant ruining of threads but turning them all into pointless debates on lip-syncing. He was asked to talk about it in ONE thread in General Discussion and refused, getting more threads ruined and closed. He was rightly suspended...

how about the constant bashing of michael's family in which some disgusting things are said and disgusting comparisons of certain family members with rapists and murderers are made? people dont get mod queued for things like that which are a billion times worse... and the comments remain on the forum.

thats all I'm saying.
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the very same people asking to bring Arty back and complaining about censorship are the same people that get so annoyed with him that normal discussions turn into arguments. Which then leads to threads being constantly closed.

First, there are so many repetitive threads that the mods have to close down. Then they have to closed to every other threads because of constant rudeness and arguing and most of the times started by the same person.

When people are rude, bash MJ at his own forum, there should be some sort of consequence.

BTW- the mods are volunteers trying to facilitate a positive environment so we can all come and discuss and disagree, yes. But not to put up with rudeness among members or by other members who do not know the situation and sits here and pass judgment.

I get annoyed with him sometimes.. but still..

He doesn't bash mj, he just loves him singing live.
how about the constant bashing of michael's family in which some disgusting things are said and disgusting comparisons of certain family members with rapists and murderers are made? people dont get mod queued for things like that which are a billion times worse.

Why are you saying this to me and not a moderator? Just because there's worse happening doesn't mean Arty should slip under the radar either. Arty broke the rules and is getting punished. Deal. With. It.
Last post here: I agree if people get rude they should be banned or blocked for a while. I dont think Arty did that. Anyway im done with this now:) laterrr
I get annoyed with him sometimes.. but still..

He doesn't bash mj, he just loves him singing live.

well, we will agree to disagree. i'd say go back and read his posts but it might have been already deleted.

he does bash mj .... hence whenever i see him i run to another thread.

you all are missing the point.

when is it acceptable to start attacking the mods who are volunteers publicly?
if you have a problem PM them... ask whats going on... express your opinion.
or calling Gaz a dictator?
aren't we all sick of threads being constantly being closed because one or two people will start arguing?

bottom line is this. we have rules on this forum. clearly... the mods were in contact with arty.... they asked him to abide by certain rules... HE REFUSED.

i like rules... i don't like anarchy! if you don't like the rules leave. and those that don't like the current situation .... leave.
mjjfan4ever, I respect what you say. Just to make it clear I'm not 'attacking' mods or anyone all I'm asking it this...

how about the constant bashing of michael's family in which some disgusting things are said and disgusting comparisons of certain family members with rapists and murderers are made? people dont get mod queued for things like that which are a billion times worse.

Thats all I have to say on the matter. I'm sick of the negativity at the moment. I'll leave things to be sorted out by the people in charge..
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mjjfan4ever, I respect what you say. Just to make it clear I'm not 'attacking' mods or anyone all I'm asking it this...

Thats all I have to say on the matter. I'm sick of the negativity at the moment. I'll leave things to be sorted out by the people in charge..

Well, if there are other members that you feel is acting inappropriately then report the person through PM.

You are right. I am sick of some of the family being targeted as well.

But I don't know who's on the mods radar? no one does? so who's to say they aren't addressing things.

Lastly, ROCKIN- I respect your opinion and views. we may disagree but I love being able to disagree RESPECTFULLY. I just wish others were like you.

I am done on this thread.
Well, if there are other members that you feel is acting inappropriately then report the person through PM.

You are right. I am sick of some of the family being targeted as well.

But I don't know who's on the mods radar? no one does? so who's to say they aren't addressing things.

Lastly, ROCKIN- I respect your opinion and views. we may disagree but I love being able to disagree RESPECTFULLY. I just wish others were like you.

I am done on this thread.

Thanks. Tell me about it, some people can't disagree about things without being totally rude and hurting people. Glad you aren't like that :)
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