Official <<< THIS IS IT >>> - More Countries Added ;-)

Re: Official > The Movie: Webpage w/Ticket info - Worldwide Gateway @ post # 97

I still wait for the trailer.
Re: Official > The Movie: Webpage w/Ticket info - Worldwide Gateway @ post # 97

Trailers will begin in September. There will be several made for both television, billboard, radio, and cinema advertising. Rumors are pointing at the MTV music awards for a possible debut for the television component of the campaign but this cannot be confirmed at this time. From what I have heard from my own sources I've been communicating with the trailers are coming very soon. The advertising campaign will be quite large for this type of project. Sony is apparently investing millions into advertising. Stay tuned to Michael, more info is coming next week...
Re: Official > The Movie: Webpage w/Ticket info - Worldwide Gateway @ post # 97

I'm willing to bet they'll show it only in Leicster Square at either the big VUE or the big Odeon. Thats it.

I work in an Odeon cinema in Preston, and the managers themselves have no knowledge of TII.

Doubt it, Sony will want to recoup as much money as possible therefore it will no doubt play in cities and major towns around the UK. Dont forget, Michael has a huge fanbase here, fans will go pay to see it not just once or twice but a few times, especially if they play it as a limited run.
Re: Official > The Movie: Webpage w/Ticket info - Worldwide Gateway @ post # 97

If we are already registered with Sony or, shouldn't we automatically get these updates?
Re: Official > The Movie: Webpage w/Ticket info - Worldwide Gateway @ post # 97

Love.him : Yes, I think so! :)
Re: Official > The Movie: Webpage w/Ticket info - Worldwide Gateway @ post # 97

Folks, I don't think you need to register to be eligibel for tickets. This is just a sort of 'mailing list' to inform you went tickets will be available for sale.
I imagine you go about getting the tickets like you would any other film.
Re: Official > The Movie: Webpage w/Ticket info - Worldwide Gateway @ post # 97

I hope this documentary gets shown in Malta. :praying
Re: Official > The Movie: Webpage w/Ticket info - Worldwide Gateway @ post # 97

so end of september i can just go to my cinema and buy a ticket?
Re: Official > The Movie: Webpage w/Ticket info - Worldwide Gateway @ post # 97

I am gonna check the sites of the theatres here, cause i was expecting to simply buy a movie ticket and go to see it. I wasn't expecting to have to do it another way.
Re: Official > The Movie: Webpage w/Ticket info - Worldwide Gateway @ post # 97

For those who are concerned about the release in Sweden..
I contacted "SF" and got this reply:

"Som det ser ut i nuläget kommer vi att visa filmen. Ett tips är att hålla utkik på vår hemsida för kommande information. "

So they're basically saying that they are probably gonna show it, and that you should look out at their homepage for upcoming information.

Woh, atleast now I can be calm about this :)
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Re: Official > The Movie: Webpage w/Ticket info - Worldwide Gateway @ post # 97

There is now a flag option at the top of the page to choose from various countries :cheeky:
Re: Official > The Movie: Webpage w/Ticket info >>>> *** Choose Your Country ***

The flag option is only for 4 countries, though. What about us? *whine*
This Is It Trailer Coming Very Soon!

Via Kenny Ortega's Twitter:
THIS IS IT Trailer should be out in September. The exact date is forthcoming. Have a great Labor Day Weekend. Be Safe!

Can't wait!

UPDATE: Somewhat related here's another recent tweet from Kenny RE: the film:
I know the plan is to release the film Internationally end of October. When I know more, you'll know more. So enjoy your positive Tweets!!!
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Re: This Is It Trailer Coming Very Soon!

WOW great!!

Thank you so much for posting!!!
Re: This Is It Trailer Coming Very Soon!

Thank you! Great news..........:)
Re: This Is It Trailer Coming Very Soon!

well it's about time. I can't wait to see it.
Re: This Is It Trailer Coming Very Soon!

Apparently it's to have it's worldwide premiere during the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards on the 13th September :)
Re: This Is It Trailer Coming Very Soon!

Thanks for the news, cant wait!!!!!
Re: This Is It Trailer Coming Very Soon!

Yay! I can't wait! :D
Re: This Is It Trailer Coming Very Soon!

I can't wait to see the trailer either
Re: This Is It Trailer Coming Very Soon!

I can't wait! *does happy dance*