Official <<< THIS IS IT >>> - More Countries Added ;-)

Re: > The Movie Webpage

well if you mean me.. i posted that long a** article because that is what I had to weed through before it was made easier to sign up. also because no one believed it was offical. so therefore it is not pointless. but a point.

Yes you are the one who asked in this thrtead if it were official. now says nevermind.

um actually I'm the only one who brought up the possibility of it not being official. No one else did. And I edited my comment because I eventually found the sonypictures link, as I already mentioned. So actually no, there wasn't a point to your post. :smilerolleyes: Relax.
Re: THIS IS IT The Movie Webpage/Registration

always the same story
Come on. MJ skipped the USA on his last 2 tours. Is it too much to ask that we get something here once in a while?
Re: THIS IS IT The Movie Webpage/Registration

Come on. MJ skipped the USA on his last 2 tours. Is it too much to ask that we get something here once in a while?

this made me lol... i must say i was thinking the same thing.. however I am surprised that it wouldn't be a worldwide release. Sony knows damn well that MJ wasn't just any ol' artist, he is a MEGA ARTIST and there is not one country on this earth that hasn't heard of him. This is just wrong of them, they should release it globally so we can all rush back here to chat about it.
Re: Official > The Movie Webpage

Goddamnit how come its US only? NO mention on the Australian site :(
Re: Official > The Movie Webpage

I registerd probably no point though as I don't think it will come to Australia


Come Back Michael
Re: Official > The Movie Webpage

so i'm sooo confused about htis movie? is it going to be his concert rehearsal?..a documentary?....interviews with clips of his rehearsal?..i'm confused
Re: Official > The Movie Webpage

only for US? If logic applies the people in London should get it first...the fu**?
Re: Official > The Movie Webpage

Anything for money...they are capatilising on this as much as possible...bastards.
Re: THIS IS IT The Movie Webpage/Registration

this made me lol... i must say i was thinking the same thing.. however I am surprised that it wouldn't be a worldwide release. Sony knows damn well that MJ wasn't just any ol' artist, he is a MEGA ARTIST and there is not one country on this earth that hasn't heard of him. This is just wrong of them, they should release it globally so we can all rush back here to chat about it.
What! are you saying i wont be able to see Michael Jackson THIS IS IT in theaters here in Argentina?? are you sure?? man, i hate it if its like that
Re: THIS IS IT The Movie Webpage/Registration

What! are you saying i wont be able to see Michael Jackson THIS IS IT in theaters here in Argentina?? are you sure?? man, i hate it if its like that

WHOA WHOA WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!:agree: Don't quote me, I was just going by what other from outside of the U.S. were saying.. I am hoping everyone gets to see the movie even it if is for a limited time..
Re: Official > The Movie Webpage

Eh. I won't stress too much about it. I would like to see it but it's not like it's about a concert. They probably won't show it in my country anyway.
Re: Official > The Movie Webpage

OMG so we wont even be able to see this?! WHY does nothing EVER go right for us? God... I can't believe this. :cry:
Re: Official > The Movie Webpage

Thank you for your great information :) And I wish everyone can see it in whole theater.......including me :D
Re: Official > The Movie Webpage

I still think they are going about the release of This Is It completely wrong. They have no idea how to please the fans. We are getting screwed over.
Re: Official > The Movie Webpage

only US? agaaiiinn..... >"<
if someone knows about how it works for international....please post something
Re: Official > The Movie Webpage

the registration for the newsletter also works with Italian zip address my friend said
Re: Official > The Movie Webpage

I just registered anyway, I hope I get the chance to see it in cinemas
Re: Official > The Movie Webpage

Right. CALM DOWN ;) It is worldwide release. The site given in this thread (first post) was just a "register for info" thing in the US. It's not about buying tickets or the movie's actual release. We'll all get info eventually in September about where it will be in our countries, how to get tickets, etc.
Re: Official > The Movie Webpage

The zip code you enter has nothing to do with ticket sales. A zip is required for every newsletter/alert system you subscribe to.

I almost cried when the huge MJ - This Is It title popped up on that black background...
Re: Official > The Movie Webpage

Calm down everyone. That website might be for the USA only, but the film is going to be released worldwide.
Re: Official > The Movie Webpage

Thanks but it doesn't work for people outside of the U.S :(
Re: Official > The Movie Webpage

I hope they eventually decide to release it longer then 2 months and I hope the promotion is BIG for it
Re: Official > The Movie Webpage

Well can someone in the USA please post updates when you recieve the emails.

- Make a thread on here or something, containing all the emails, so we can all have the information?
