Official O2 Conference Thread!!!

I'm glad I did not go to London for this.
I'm actually very disappointed, not only did he appear childish in front of the crowds, it looked like he didn't put a lot of effort into it..
Totally agree.
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He ment that his final shows will be in London. Not like, this is the last time I'll perform in London! GET IT?
This just created more questions than he answered. WTH is going on???????
yes indeed... sigh... final curtain call... ouch... well, guys, we all got to be there. seems...
He said several times that he doesn't want to perform 'til he is old and grey, like James Brown.
Don't you all think MJ has changed a lot? I mean his attitude and things like that..
He isnt like the MJ that I know.
As far as I understodd, it is a goodbye-string of concerts......huuu. I am :bugeyed wow We need to see him once again, all!!!! I am close to tears, but his appearance was amazing and cool and WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW :wub::clapping::wild:
Im not sure if he meant last performances in London, or last performances. Full stop..... :\

When he says I will be performing the songs my fans want me to perform. That really leads me to believe we will be voting on Like the King Of Pop album!
now we must think how to get "good" tickets ;) We know Michael, i didn't expect anything more... now we just have to wait till July :)
what did he mean by a curtain call ? that he wont do any performances anymore or that he will end his career in general ? i wish he clarified it. im confused now. he was going to give an explanation at the beginning. he said "because...." but he stopped talking and start waving at the fans and when he got back to talking he didnt continue his sentence.
Did I get it right ?

" This is it, 10 last concerts "... I know he just said in London,
but after that he once again said " This my 10 last concerts"...
Im confused and freakin' scared !!!
Wheres the new video footage we were told about???
I dont get why everyone is complaining.
Yes, wel all waited for a very long time, but it was already said it was just a statement.
I didnt expected to be the statement to be half an hour long, what else should he be doing on that stage besides saying that he's going to tour, I mean he already repeated for about 5 times ''this is it'', he could be going on for one hour more but that would just make him look like a complete idiot. It's not the actual concert yet, so dont expect him do to some dance or let him have this whole speech about how much he appreciate us.

I think we all could have expected this and besides, it was our own choice to wait for so long to see the PC.
Im more confused than before he appeared on stage!!!!
How the hell am i gonna get tickets? I can't even register on, UK phone numbers only :S

I am in HOlland.
He will add more dates if these sell out super fast. The number could go as high as 30 dates if everything goes well. I imagine that these 10 will be sold out within a few days...then another 10 will be added, and then a final 10 if everything goes well.

The reason he said 'this is it' for London is to create a sense of panic so that people will rush out and buy tickets believing this is the final time to see the legend Michael Jackson appear on stage. Its great P/R! Personally, I believe he will do a few big shows in Vegas in the fall after the O2.

In regards to the speech, I was a bit disappointed with the content. No mention of a new album, new singles, or anything. It was lacking the meat and potatoes, just more like an appearance. Im assuming the fans will get to vote on the concert set list (thats what MJ said) which is a good thing!
Don't you all think MJ has changed a lot? I mean his attitude and things like that..
He isnt like the MJ that I know.

I'd agree with that, showed a little more of the "real" guy. No more shy act please, although he showed some of that as usual.

I wish he would have said, "Look you guys and been with me through thick and thin and the best way I can repay you is with this tour. Bigger and better than ever and my new album, trust me its the best work I've done and I can't wait for you to hear it its coming out in June"

Now thats what we all wanted to hear.
To me "This is it" = retirement and no new album