Official O2 Conference Thread!!!

finally I'm back here server been down for me. Been updated by the twitter page luckily. I might be home in time to wath it at this rate. So it's kinda nice he's not there yet! Getting really anxious about what he's gonna say. Excited even more though!!! Michaelmania!!
Tickets on sale next Wednesday.

Cliff notes:

"Hi. I love you. Thank you. These are my final shows in London. See you in July."
hmmm... it's not that I wished to see... It's like Michael is forced to do this, I don't see the passion anymore, but that was great news. Waiting for the summer.
So MJs going to do a curtain call in all countries cuz he said this is his last concerts in England which leads me to thinks he's going to do a curtain call in all continents.
What did he mean by THe Final Curtain ? So Tour and no new album etc? Or did he mean final curtain only for live performances?
Glad I didn't go, knew I'd be standing around for nothing.
OMG pleaase don't start that negative ish up again. How can u tell he's lost passion when he hasn't even started the dang tour yet....

...anyway, loved the outfit.
Tickets on sale next Wednesday.

Cliff notes:

"Hi. I love you. Thank you. These are my final shows in London. See you in July."

That about sums it up. He didn't have a small speech prepared or anything. He just sorta came out and...... :unsure: Didn't exactly seem excited about it either.

WELL at least we got to see that krytonite smile. :)

I'm going to have a piece of cake now. lol
What did he mean by THe Final Curtain ? So Tour and no new album etc? Or did he mean final curtain only for live performances?

I think Last Live Perfomances in London.:no: He didnt say anyting about other places...:doh::mello:

It was short, but to the point. I dont know what to think. I had moisture in my eyes when he said "I love you, I love you so much From the Bottom of my heart." I know he says that a lot, but this one seemed like his voice was kinda cathing...i guess. I wanted to cry but the guy in the front...Lmao...He's funny...Much love to him though!!!

He Looked good though!!! Healthy!

Michael, We lOVE YOU MORE, MOST!!!