It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that the cheap press is trashing Madonna's speech. After all, it's what they did to Michael for most of his life.
Most people can't handle people that are honest and try to do good. Madonna's not afraid of cliches, she's not afraid of coming across as corny or cheesy. She's just honest.
Now, people such as Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have been put on pedestals and made almost untouchable because even with their arguable holier-than-thou attitudes, they're still extremely hip to a very broad mainstream audience.
Madonna is only seen as hip by people who are able to strip themselves bare of all these things we're 'supposed' to be - because she never gave a damn what people thought about her, and her supporters very much mimic that attitude.
So yes, of course Madonna is getting crucified today and that only proves a lot of the points she made in last night's speech. Unfortunately, the bad, ignorant people of this world will never learn - even if they've just lost Michael Jackson, the greatest entertainer on Earth.
And if Madonna died tomorrow, I'm positive they wouldn't even think for a second how they called her 'self-indulgent' or 'fake' or a 'hag' and talked about the veins in her arms, even though they all know those things are not true (or are unimportant) and that Madonna has more goodwill in her little finger than they've expressed in their life.
Lastly, the main reason for everyone bashing Madonna today is the fact that she left the world with a bad taste in their mouths last night. BECAUSE SHE SAID WHAT NO ONE WANTED TO HEAR: WE DID THIS TO HIM. We lost one of the greatest creatures the world has ever seen because we abused him and drove him to despair, and that's just something we'll have to live with. People don't want to to hear the truth and in this case, they're just trying to kill the messenger to make the pain go away. I applaud Madonna.