Official Aussie & NZ Thread

Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

How blonde is he u ask.....VERY! :lol: Its just a shame that troy couldnt find a way to help him.

:lmao: he seems very blonde :lol:. I suppose there could be a reason to why he did it that I don't know about so I suppose I should judge him just yet. But that still doesn't give him the right to still go and do it, he knew there was help out there he got better once before and he could of done it again.

I'm just so angry at him at the moment cause unlike some people he DID have the help he needed if he had only asked, he was just to lazy to ask for it. What good is having a fanstastic support group that is always there for you no matter what, if you don't tell them that your having trouble.

I almost bet my life on it, that if Michael knew he had the support that he's got now he would still be alive today, its just a shame that it took him to loose his lfe before people decided to get their fingers out of their arses and see Michael for what he actually was.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Hi guys

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend. I'm a bar bitch again trying to enjoy my freedom until I'm stuck at work from 11am - 1am ( read right!!)

I don't know why I agree to do these shifts...sometimes it's a good distraction!

Hugs to everyone x
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Hey all :waving: Hope you all are doing well :D

Work has been INSANE :shock:

Hopefully I'll get a chance to catch up with you all soon ;)

Miss you guys! :hug:

Hi guys

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend. I'm a bar bitch again trying to enjoy my freedom until I'm stuck at work from 11am - 1am ( read right!!)

I don't know why I agree to do these shifts...sometimes it's a good distraction!

Hugs to everyone x

Misty hopefully you can come online soon and talk for a little while, we miss you around here.

Nay, Its pouring rain here atm which is perfectly fine with me cause its a change from the hot weather so atm I'm having a great weekend. aww no having to work tonight and until 1am are you serious by that time I'll be snug in my warm bed with Bella & Edward :p.

Missing you both

:kiss: :huggy: :waving:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Yeah sorry about that, I know I've either not been on or on very short bits... work has been nuts and long and in the evenings I only have a couple hours before bed... it's like aaaaaaaaaaarg!
Trying to catch up with some mod stuff on here tonight, since tommorrow is my b-day and most likely I won't be on at all. I work and then it's paaaaaaaaaaartaaaaaaaaaaaaay time :rofl: I try not to type on here after having a few bevvies because everything comes out retarded and totally mistyped :p
But I'll get on within the next few days where I sit in this thread for a while ;)

and Nay don't work too hard! haha
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

oooooooooooooooo Happy b'day for tomorrow Misty, make sure you have a couple for me.

Haha thanks!! I'm going to pretend that instead of 31 that i'm just 21 again :shifty:

I work all day but when I knock off at 5..... then it's partaaaaaaaaaaaaay time. I got to choose my cake that was ordered and it's a raspberry cheesecake with dark choco on top :clapping: It's going to be yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmyyy :D
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Hey everyone! I was at my mums house watching This Is It :rolleyes2:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

:lmao: he seems very blonde :lol:. I suppose there could be a reason to why he did it that I don't know about so I suppose I should judge him just yet. But that still doesn't give him the right to still go and do it, he knew there was help out there he got better once before and he could of done it again.

I'm just so angry at him at the moment cause unlike some people he DID have the help he needed if he had only asked, he was just to lazy to ask for it. What good is having a fanstastic support group that is always there for you no matter what, if you don't tell them that your having trouble.

I almost bet my life on it, that if Michael knew he had the support that he's got now he would still be alive today, its just a shame that it took him to loose his lfe before people decided to get their fingers out of their arses and see Michael for what he actually was.

I think troy may have felt that his family wouldnt understand or want 2 care bout how he was feeling, and thought nah stuff this i cant take it anymore. I totally understand that, if that was how he was feeling. What u said bout michael is so true though.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Happy Birthday Misty! Hope you have a fantastic day :D

Im helping my mum move scary! I am never going to see her again :p
Hope everyone has a nice day :) beautiful weather!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

*sings* Happy B'day to you, Happy b'day to you, Happy b'day dear Misty, Happy B'day to you. *sings*

Sorry you have to work on your special day sweetie, make sure that you make up for it after work and I hope you truely get spoilt :).


Please remind me never to sing again, I can't sing to save my life :lmao:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Oh...I am SO exhausted. The only upside to that 14 hour shift was all the way hot guys to perve on amongst the wedding guests haha. Yes, this is what "bar bitches" do when they are bored. Totally smokin' Maori guys - with smiles to die for! Heaven :lol:

Just saw on another thread that Brittany Murphy died! What a shock, and so young :( This has been a terrible year hasn't it, taking away so many wonderful, young people :( I guess it happens every year sad to say...but god :(

Hope everyone is well today xo

Oh, sent you a birthday message Misty - check yer page :)
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Oh...I am SO exhausted. The only upside to that 14 hour shift was all the way hot guys to perve on amongst the wedding guests haha. Yes, this is what "bar bitches" do when they are bored. Totally smokin' Maori guys - with smiles to die for! Heaven :lol:

Just saw on another thread that Brittany Murphy died! What a shock, and so young :( This has been a terrible year hasn't it, taking away so many wonderful, young people :( I guess it happens every year sad to say...but god :(

Hope everyone is well today xo

Oh, sent you a birthday message Misty - check yer page :)

"bar bitches" i like that one! :lol:

Yeh i know tell me bout it! 2009 has to be the worst year ever :(
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Hey Jess

I know huh :( Everytime I hear the words "cardiac arrest" I feel sick in the stomach. It will always make me think of that day in June :(

It's just so sad, she was so young - just reminded me also of when Heath Ledger died :( Such a young actor, with potential and lovely personlaity too...just so sad
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Hey Jess

I know huh :( Everytime I hear the words "cardiac arrest" I feel sick in the stomach. It will always make me think of that day in June :(

It's just so sad, she was so young - just reminded me also of when Heath Ledger died :( Such a young actor, with potential and lovely personlaity too...just so sad

I know, it makes me think of that day too :(
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Jess, sorry I didn't come online today like I said I would. I ended up looking after Tyler & Braithan and between the two of them I didn't have time to scratch my backside let alone jump online.

I did reply to your text message when you said that you were on here, but obviously it never to through to you so once again I do apologize.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

That ok mel, just got worried.

no need to worry my dear, I'm not going to do anything silly (well not on purpose anyway) :lmao:

I'm in a really good mood tonight for some reason and I'm not sure exactly why :unsure:

Maybe it's the fact that I've finally gotten my finger out of my arse and put my Twilight Doona on my bed and the fact that I'm seeing New Moon again tomorrow with my mum for like with 13th time now, or wait is it 14 :lmao: (got a copy of it from the net so I've lost count how many times :lol)

What about you Chickadee how are you tonight?

:angry: My stupid Donator Badge has gone missing again :angry:... I don't think my Opera web browser likes it cause if I view MJJC on IE or firefox my badge is there, but yet if I'm on Opera my donator badges isn't but I can see everyone else's like WTF :blink: *scratches head*

Oh and Misty I tried to send you a reputation thingy today cause it was your b'day and the stupid thing wouldn't work :boohoo: do you know why that is, is it cause my computer is just damn retarded and needs me to smash it to pieces or is there something I'm mot doing right?
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

A twilght donna cover :wild: AWESOME!!!

And ur seeing it again tomorrow yay!! :D

Im alright, but i've been like sleeping again during the early night and i hate it! :angry:

I just cant seem to like feel awake or alive anymore, its like im happy one min-then angry & sad the next. Everything is so f:censored:ed up!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

A twilght donna cover :wild: AWESOME!!!

And ur seeing it again tomorrow yay!! :D

Im alright, but i've been like sleeping again during the early night and i hate it! :angry:

I just cant seem to like feel awake or alive anymore, its like im happy one min-then angry & sad the next. Everything is so f:censored:ed up!

just excuse me for a second while I literally kill my cat, she just jumped on my $150 twilight doona so she's in BIG trouble.

aww :huggy: you probably find that your just so run down and exhausted, and the only way to make you feel even the slightest bit better is sleeping.

hmm, you need a holiday that's what you need *nods* some where you can put your feet up have everyone run after you and not have to worry about a thing, but as per usual nothing like that exhists or it's expensive trust me, for my to do my Cairns holiday next year in July it's already costing me just under $2000 and that's only for my train ticket and accomodation.

Maybe you should see if there is someone that your close to and maybe talk to them, maybe there is something that's on your mind and it's eating you up, or maybe look at going to the gym or a boxing alley and taking your frustrations out there, when ever I'm angry and wanna rant about something instead of screaming I usually take it out on my sister's punching bag I feel really sorry for it sometimes :lmao:

:lol: I got my cat, she just went flying out the bedroom door and flew out the cat / doggy door you should see the cat hair that's flying all around my room now from the bitch, I tell you if there is one speck on hair on my doona she had better run! :lmao:

*Goes back to the bed to check*
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

just excuse me for a second while I literally kill my cat, she just jumped on my $150 twilight doona so she's in BIG trouble.

aww :huggy: you probably find that your just so run down and exhausted, and the only way to make you feel even the slightest bit better is sleeping.

hmm, you need a holiday that's what you need *nods* some where you can put your feet up have everyone run after you and not have to worry about a thing, but as per usual nothing like that exhists or it's expensive trust me, for my to do my Cairns holiday next year in July it's already costing me just under $2000 and that's only for my train ticket and accomodation.

Maybe you should see if there is someone that your close to and maybe talk to them, maybe there is something that's on your mind and it's eating you up, or maybe look at going to the gym or a boxing alley and taking your frustration out there, when every I'm angry and wanna rant about something instead of screaming I usually take it out on my sister's punching bag I feel really sorry for it sometimes :lmao:

:lol: I got my cat, she just went flying out the bedroom door and flew out the cat / doggy door you should see the cat hair that's flying all around my room now from the bitch, I tell you if there is one speck on hair on y doona she had better run! :lmao:

*Goes back to the bed to check*

Im so angry bout so many things, it killing me. 1: mjs death 2: my stepdad 3: in need of some time on my own to think & figure out some stuff. 4: ppl not letting me live my own life.

Mostly i sleep alot during the early night cuz @ least then i can ''go bck'' to times when i was most happiest.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

hey hun im so sorry but i g2g n sleep

Will hopefully be able 2 talk tomorrow, u take care ok

bye :waving:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Im so angry bout so many things, it killing me. 1: mjs death 2: my stepdad 3: in need of some time on my own to think & figure out some stuff. 4: ppl not letting me live my own life.

Mostly i sleep alot during the early night cuz @ least then i can ''go bck'' to times when i was most happiest.

aww :huggy: I know how you feel about MJ's death believe me I do, but you can't let it eat you up Michael wouldn't want that, and besides mark my words we will get justice for Michael one way or another if the LAPD don't get their fingers out of their backside soon and do their work then I'm quite happy to do it for them, how I don't know but I will promise you this we all will get justice one way or another.

I could really seriously knock the french fries out of ya step dad sometimes (that's my poliet way of saying it seen as this is a G rated forum :lol:) he really bothers and annoyed me and I don't even know him.

Maybe you should arrange to stay at a friends for a couple of days or maybe ya dad's so you can have time away to think and figure out what your going to do with what ever is bothering you.

And as for people not letting you do your own thing tell them to stfu and climb and bridge and get over it, you aren't two anymore you are a grown women and old enough to do what you want to do with your life no matter what it is.

I don't think it's normal to sleep ya problems away cause then they are going to always be there when you wake up again, I think you should really look at getting some "Me" time as soon as you can before it just gets all to much for you and it just gets the better of you and WHOOOSH it's too much to handle.

Me time, and maybe a hobby is what you need, maybe just maybe it might help?
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

hey hun im so sorry but i g2g n sleep

Will hopefully be able 2 talk tomorrow, u take care ok

bye :waving:

gah you disappeared on me before I got a chance to say goodbye, all well I'll talk to you tomorrow cause no doubt we'll both be on here at the same time eventually sometime tomorrow.

Sleep well babe won't you and please don't let to many people get on top of you, it's not a place that you want to go hunny cause it's not easy getting back on top believe me been there and done that.

Remember that I always love you and that I'm always here for you no matter what you need.

nite babe

Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

aww :huggy: I know how you feel about MJ's death believe me I do, but you can't let it eat you up Michael wouldn't want that, and besides mark my words we will get justice for Michael one way or another if the LAPD don't get their fingers out of their backside soon and do their work then I'm quite happy to do it for them, how I don't know but I will promise you this we all will get justice one way or another.

I could really seriously knock the french fries out of ya step dad sometimes (that's my poliet way of saying it seen as this is a G rated forum :lol:) he really bothers and annoyed me and I don't even know him.

Maybe you should arrange to stay at a friends for a couple of days or maybe ya dad's so you can have time away to think and figure out what your going to do with what ever is bothering you.

And as for people not letting you do your own thing tell them to stfu and climb and bridge and get over it, you aren't two anymore you are a grown women and old enough to do what you want to do with your life no matter what it is.

I don't think it's normal to sleep ya problems away cause then they are going to always be there when you wake up again, I think you should really look at getting some "Me" time as soon as you can before it just gets all to much for you and it just gets the better of you and WHOOOSH it's too much to handle.

Me time, and maybe a hobby is what you need, maybe just maybe it might help?

If the lapd dont do somethin soon, ill moonwalk on their butts! :p

I think when i get 2 my dads next week ill be able to have a break, but im gonna talk to my dad and let him know things are gonna have 2 change. But i like going to my dads its fun :D

i know ur always here for me and i appericate it more than u could ever know. And remember im always here for u too :hug:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

If the lapd dont do somethin soon, ill moonwalk on their butts! :p

I think when i get 2 my dads next week ill be able to have a break, but im gonna talk to my dad and let him know things are gonna have 2 change. But i like going to my dads its fun :D

i know ur always here for me and i appreciate it more than u could ever know. And remember im always here for u too :hug:

We'll get Michael's community all together and all moonwalk on the LAPD butts, that should make them get their fingers out of them backsides, I wonder if Brittney's reports are going to take as long as Michael's, if they don't then that's just proof that everyone is putting off what actually happened to Michael on purpose.

Well there you go, spending some time at your dad's place just might be what you need in order to work a few things out. :yes: talk to your dad, I'm sure that if he can help in anyway he'll only be too happy to do it :).

:) I know that you are here for me to if I need it, its just a shame that we live so far away, I'm almost positive that if we lived closer to each other life would be so much easier :p

Luff you

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Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Hey Jess

I know huh :( Everytime I hear the words "cardiac arrest" I feel sick in the stomach. It will always make me think of that day in June :(

It's just so sad, she was so young - just reminded me also of when Heath Ledger died :( Such a young actor, with potential and lovely personlaity too...just so sad

Gah Cardiac Arrest & 25th of June, I'll be quite happy if I live the rest of my life without those words, either that or I'm going to do everything I can not to hear them, even thinking about them puts a lump in my throat and makes my stomach sink.

How are you hunni, haven't spoken to you in a couple of days, how was work the other night, I read that there were a few hot guys to perve on, were any of them as or / hotter then Jacob or Edward? :lol:

Talk soon babe

Luff you

:huggy: :waving: