Official Aussie & NZ Thread

Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

OMG Yes! That would be so wonderful :D Thank you!

Hey Seb :waving: Just letting you know that I won't be able to do that copy of the dvd for you, it worked when I downloaded it but it won't let me convert from wmv to avi and without it being an avi its not going to play on a dvd player.

I'm really sorry babe, I've been trying all day but for some reason it reckons there is no "input source" what ever the hell that means.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Okay now i reallly nedd 100000 bats! :angry:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Okay now i reallly nedd 100000 bats! :angry:

*passes Jess 10000000000000000000000000000000000000 bats*

That's okay lovely :)
Thanks anyway. You're sweet

no worries, if I figure out what it's bloody problem is and get it working I'll do you a copy, if not hmm maybe I should put on those beach sounds you put me onto the other night? I could just about throw this computer out right about now :lol:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

did it fix it?, I'd still go an take it to a technician or to someone that knows a bit about computers and see if they can find why it's so slow all of a sudden.

Yeh looks like ill have 2 get someone to at a look at it.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

my eyes are really starting to hurt :cry:

Aww why hun? :hug:

Mine feel as though they are bout 2 fall asleep!

On that note, i think it time for me 2 head 2 bed

Nite nite guys

take care :waving:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I heard that koalas might become extinct in 30 years :cry: I hope it doesn't happen, take care of those cute fellas.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I heard that koalas might become extinct in 30 years :cry: I hope it doesn't happen, take care of those cute fellas.

Really! Oh no :cry: Thats terrible.

Seems like every few weeks there's talk about something becoming extinct :cry:

I worry about the state of our world - and quite frankly some of the people in it, and the impact it's having on our animal kingdom :(
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Really! Oh no :cry: Thats terrible.

Seems like every few weeks there's talk about something becoming extinct :cry:

I worry about the state of our world - and quite frankly some of the people in it, and the impact it's having on our animal kingdom :(

Yes it s true, but like michael said in the film IT STARTS WITH US!!
We are the only ones that can save our world, god cant do it on his own - we must help him!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I heard that koalas might become extinct in 30 years :cry: I hope it doesn't happen, take care of those cute fellas.

I know they had it on the news today. I hope it doesn't happen...they are really really adorable and lovely creatures. MJ definately is right, we have to take care of our planet, it's not only OUR only home...but the animals as well.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I know they had it on the news today. I hope it doesn't happen...they are really really adorable and lovely creatures. MJ definately is right, we have to take care of our planet, it's not only OUR only home...but the animals as well.

We must HEAL THE WORLD! as best as we can
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Yes it s true, but like michael said in the film IT STARTS WITH US!!
We are the only ones that can save our world, god cant do it on his own - we must help him!

Ban the sale of plastic bottled water in Australia! Drives me mad! all that plastic wasted just for a few minutes of drinking water! Australia should be leading by example and everyone should carry their own bottle with refilling stations located at every train station and every second street at every police station at every hospital door....Cant get my head around why this is still not being done.:doh:
so if you want to do your bit, say no to plastic bottled water! easy as that!
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Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

What can we do as individuals though? :( Individual efforts can only go so far. The government needs to introduce strict legislation to help heal the world. I'm not saying individual rallying and collective efforts from us won't do anything - because I know we can do things. But really what can we do about the bigger issues such as green house emissions from those huge factories that are pumped out every day of the year. I'm not saying we can't make a change, but some things are too big and are out of our hands! We can't control the acts of these companies; its up to the government to introduce laws to stop them in a legal manner. The government needs to introduce mandatory laws surrounding the use of plastics and other nondegradable materials. We can change things only to an extent.

Sorry if that didn't sound great haha. It's late and I'm tired and probably didn't make much sense.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Ban the sale of plastic bottled water in Australia! Drives me mad! all that plastic wasted just for a few minutes of drinking water! Australia should be leading by example and everyone should carry their own bottle with refilling stations located at every train station and every second street at every police station at every hospital door....Cant get my head around why this is still not being done.:doh:
so if you want to do your bit, say no to plastic bottled water! easy as that!

Yeah I know. I got one of those reusable bottles with a filter in it (actually Vargak I think we were talking about this last time we were in Sydney...) and it's SO much better than buying bottled water. I got it for under 20 dollars at a shop in the mall. You can fill it up anywhere, it's probably healthier than the store bought water and it saves heaps in both money AND resources. It irritates me too... it's a simple thing people can do.

What can we do as individuals though? :( Individual efforts can only go so far. The government needs to introduce strict legislation to help heal the world. I'm not saying individual rallying and collective efforts from us won't do anything - because I know we can do things. But really what can we do about the bigger issues such as green house emissions from those huge factories that are pumped out every day of the year. I'm not saying we can't make a change, but some things are too big and are out of our hands! We can't control the acts of these companies; its up to the government to introduce laws to stop them in a legal manner. The government needs to introduce mandatory laws surrounding the use of plastics and other nondegradable materials. We can change things only to an extent.

Sorry if that didn't sound great haha. It's late and I'm tired and probably didn't make much sense.

No it does make sense. It's frustrating... take my country for example.. OMG nobody cares there... it's such a battle. At least here in Aussie you guys recycle a lot more and have smaller cars and watch water consumption and do more to clean the environment. In the US if feels helpless... I wish there were ways to fix it on a larger scale. So many just don't want to hear it though :no:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Heh... can I join you?? :mello:

Seriously though, what happened? :better:

The more the better aye like seriously.

I was out shopping today and I happened to by another MJ book and when I got home I put it in my room so my dad didn't see it (he can't stand Michael) anyway he happened to come in my room for something and saw it on my computer desk.

He then decided that he was going to start a fight saying that's its about time that I've accepted the fact that this creep is dead and leave him be as he's were he belongs, and well naturally I defend him like I always do.

Then he decides to bring up all of Michael's past like how he hang Blanket out off the balcony, and how he bleached his skin, and how he likes to play with little boys bums it's just like GAH SERIOUSLY when will my parents just leave me alone and leave me to live in what ever this is I'm living atm.

I tried to explain to dad that Michael only stuck Blanket out was because the crowd wanted to see him and dad was like "he still did a irresponsibile thing" and I was like GAH okay then if that was so wrong then why didn't Steve Irwin be punished for having his 6 MONTH old son in with Crocodiles and dad was then like "how the crocodile was bred in capativity ect ect" and I'm like GAH either way its wrong.

The I tried to explain that he has a skin condition and that didn't work either, then about the sexual assult charges don't even get me started. Seriously I love my dad I really do but I was so close to decking him, and if he keeps on going I'll do it. I really don't care anymore I've friggen bloody had enough!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

The more the better aye like seriously.

I was out shopping today and I happened to by another MJ book and when I got home I put it in my room so my dad didn't see it (he can't stand Michael) anyway he happened to come in my room for something and saw it on my computer desk.

He then decided that he was going to start a fight saying that's its about time that I've accepted the fact that this creep is dead and leave him be as he's were he belongs, and well naturally I defend him like I always do.

Then he decides to bring up all of Michael's past like how he hang Blanket out off the balcony, and how he bleached his skin, and how he likes to play with little boys bums it's just like GAH SERIOUSLY when will my parents just leave me alone and leave me to live in what ever this is I'm living atm.

I tried to explain to dad that Michael only stuck Blanket out was because the crowd wanted to see him and dad was like "he still did a irresponsibile thing" and I was like GAH okay then if that was so wrong then why didn't Steve Irwin be punished for having his 6 MONTH old son in with Crocodiles and dad was then like "how the crocodile was bred in capativity ect ect" and I'm like GAH either way its wrong.

The I tried to explain that he has a skin condition and that didn't work either, then about the sexual assult charges don't even get me started. Seriously I love my dad I really do but I was so close to decking him, and if he keeps on going I'll do it. I really don't care anymore I've friggen bloody had enough!

That completely sucks major ass that your dad is being like that :mello:
I have family that doesn't like MJ but they've been really good over the years about not doing THAT in front of me....they just do it when I'm not around.
That's so unfair to you :( I'd be frustrated too! Can't he just be like...well I can't stand the guy but I wont make my kid feel any worse? I mean really!!

I'm so sorry you have to put up with that :better:

The worst I ever got from family was when Michael and Lisa were married my grandfather used to complain to me (of course because he new I was a big MJ fan...) about it saying Elvis was rolling over in his grave...yadda yadda yadda. :smilerolleyes: I never had to put up with the kind of thing you are though.

I think you have a lot of self control and you should be really proud of it :)
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Oh Mel my darling :(
I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I love you so much.
:( :huggy:
Love you so much
If I can help I will. Gosh I feel angry reading that. How rude!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

That completely sucks major ass that your dad is being like that :mello:
I have family that doesn't like MJ but they've been really good over the years about not doing THAT in front of me....they just do it when I'm not around.
That's so unfair to you :( I'd be frustrated too! Can't he just be like...well I can't stand the guy but I wont make my kid feel any worse? I mean really!!

I'm so sorry you have to put up with that :better:

The worst I ever got from family was when Michael and Lisa were married my grandfather used to complain to me (of course because he new I was a big MJ fan...) about it saying Elvis was rolling over in his grave...yadda yadda yadda. :smilerolleyes: I never had to put up with the kind of thing you are though.

I think you have a lot of self control and you should be really proud of it :)

:huggy: thanks, I actually feel a little better now :lol: who knows what dad's capable of, my mum used to be like it too but she came around in the end so it makes it a little easier.

I understand and respect that dad doesn't like Michael for what ever his reasons are and that's cool with me, but just because he doesn't like him doesn't mean I have to dislike the guy.

I know that the majority of the time he does it cause he knows I automatically jump to Michael defense and stick up for him but there is only so much one can take.

Dad believe's that the reason Lisa divorced from Michael was because she got a sign from her father and she thought more of her father then Michael.

The list just goes on and on lols its never ending.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

:banghead: :banghead: :angry:

OK THATS IT!!! my comp is offically ticking me of now!!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Mel, glad you feel at least a little better! :better: So that's his theory on why they divorced eh?? :p I dunno why people have to be like that :mello:

Ok, 8701girl you aren't actually doing what that smiley is doing I hope LOL! I do hate when puters act up :doh: Did you give it a good swift slap yet??
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

The more the better aye like seriously.

I was out shopping today and I happened to by another MJ book and when I got home I put it in my room so my dad didn't see it (he can't stand Michael) anyway he happened to come in my room for something and saw it on my computer desk.

He then decided that he was going to start a fight saying that's its about time that I've accepted the fact that this creep is dead and leave him be as he's were he belongs, and well naturally I defend him like I always do.

Then he decides to bring up all of Michael's past like how he hang Blanket out off the balcony, and how he bleached his skin, and how he likes to play with little boys bums it's just like GAH SERIOUSLY when will my parents just leave me alone and leave me to live in what ever this is I'm living atm.

I tried to explain to dad that Michael only stuck Blanket out was because the crowd wanted to see him and dad was like "he still did a irresponsibile thing" and I was like GAH okay then if that was so wrong then why didn't Steve Irwin be punished for having his 6 MONTH old son in with Crocodiles and dad was then like "how the crocodile was bred in capativity ect ect" and I'm like GAH either way its wrong.

The I tried to explain that he has a skin condition and that didn't work either, then about the sexual assult charges don't even get me started. Seriously I love my dad I really do but I was so close to decking him, and if he keeps on going I'll do it. I really don't care anymore I've friggen bloody had enough!

Aww :hug: mel

I know its hard hun but just ignore him. My stepdad is excatly like that too, but it always goes in one ear & out the other wheneva my stepdad tries 2 give me crap bout mj. I just put him on "mute" button! :p