Official Aussie & NZ Thread

Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

OMG I would die if that thing was in my house!! How you're brave enough to be in a same room as it is beyond me.

I'm not sure about this, but I've heard that those spiders like to eat Americans.

Oh thank you so much for that!!!! :bugeyed

Haha! With my luck it would wanna jump on my head or something... it's legs were probably almost long enough to wrap AROUND my head... :mello:

So, are these things really common here? Are they always so big? Based on your reactions maybe this one is on steroids or something??? I hope we don't get them in the house all summer.... :swoon:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Oh my god!!!!! Yuck!!!

I hate spiders!! Actually, i am facinated when they are at like some zoo or whatever behind glass...but they don't belong in homes....

Or kitchens! We had one in the house last night, a little smaller than that. I freaked out and refused to let my boy continue eating his dinner until he removed it, haha. And I make him take it across the road to the spare block. I like to think that maybe if he does that, it won't find it's way back to my house :p
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Freaked out after seeing my first Huntsman today.... how are you? :)

aww :huggy: we have them in the house here, one lives behind my cupboard in my bedroom and the other one is in my dad's computer room.

They are huge aye, my nephew has this spider cased up it's a dead one of course and as Luci said they actually eat birds, their called "Bird Eating" spiders. They are huge too, everytime my nephew wants me to go into his room I make him move the thing, even though it's dead it still freaks me out, but I don't mind hunsman's I think they are kinda cute.

I'm not too bad I got bored listening to the rain outside so I thought I'd come on here for a little while.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

aww :huggy: we have them in the house here, one lives behind my cupboard in my bedroom and the other one is in my dad's computer room.

They are huge aye, my nephew has this spider cased up it's a dead one of course and as Luci said they actually eat birds, their called "Bird Eating" spiders. They are huge too, everytime my nephew wants me to go into his room I make him move the thing, even though it's dead it still freaks me out, but I don't mind hunsman's I think they are kinda cute.

I'm not too bad I got bored listening to the rain outside so I thought I'd come on here for a little while.

Maybe with a few months time I'll get a little bit used to them? Maybe.... or maybe not :mello: Jeepers the one we had today had long legs....
Yikes, I'd make him move it too!
I do love the sound of the rain but when it's raining so much it's like.......where is the sunshine?? Was it warm by you today? Was around 30 here.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Maybe with a few months time I'll get a little bit used to them? Maybe.... or maybe not :mello: Jeepers the one we had today had long legs....
Yikes, I'd make him move it too!
I do love the sound of the rain but when it's raining so much it's like.......where is the sunshine?? Was it warm by you today? Was around 30 here.

It wasn't warm here at all, I think mum said it was in the mid 20's I can't remember. But I know that it wasn't hot thank god, its about time we get some cool weather up here.

They do take a little getting used to, but they don't bite so there's not need to be to worried about them.

Far out 30 degrees I can't stand it when it's hot, all I do it complain to mum about it. I finally got air conditioning in my room now so that's usually where I spend my time when its hot, either there or up at my sisters in the spa or swimming pool.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

ok, no one post a bird eating spider picture...i am begging of you!


:huggy: don't worry Nay, I wouldn't do that too you, they creep me out too :lmao:, I only know they exhist because on my nephew as my brother in law brought a dead framed one for him for his 14th b'day I think it was.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

ok, no one post a bird eating spider picture...i am begging of you!


Yes I second that!!! :mello:

It wasn't warm here at all, I think mum said it was in the mid 20's I can't remember. But I know that it wasn't hot thank god, its about time we get some cool weather up here.

They do take a little getting used to, but they don't bite so there's not need to be to worried about them.

Far out 30 degrees I can't stand it when it's hot, all I do it complain to mum about it. I finally got air conditioning in my room now so that's usually where I spend my time when its hot, either there or up at my sisters in the spa or swimming pool.

Yes I am glad they don't bite. I have no idea why spiders make me freak out...I think it's all the legs......the long....hairy...scary...legs :mello:

Yeah it was nice here. Cloudy and a bit humid, but definately warm enough to jump in the pool :D My friends here don't run the A/C until it's over 100 F (like 38C?).. so I'm glad it was only 30 today :)
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Mel - did you know it's New Moon week on the Today show this week? :p

ooooooooooooooooo :no: I didn't know that *jumps up and down with excitement*

not long to go now Nay... oooooooo I kinda broke my rule about no shopping for twilight stuff till sydney too, when I went with Emma and my niece Bryneeka to see TII I kinda went on a shopping trip too.

I brought a New Moon Shoulder bag, a Bella and Edward poster, a new moon tshirt, the new moon soundtrack, the whole box of trading cards (those card cost me $110) but shh what mum and dad don't know :lmao: and I also brought the "I Run With Werewolves" & I Run With Vampires" wristbands, and a twilight pillow with Edward and Bella on it saying "I Dream About Begin With You FOREVER" not bad considering I was going to wait till sydney aye :lmao:
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Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Oh, you are so baaaaaaaad! Who's bad!! Haha

My bestie is all excited too, she wanted to go to the midnight session and I was all 'no way! I'd rather catch some zzzzz's" haha. So we are doing a lunchtime session instead :p

I still can't believe all the twilight merch around, it's crazy! They have edward undies...i mean...come on, haha. (*insert inappropriate comment here*) :lol:

Oh, and bandaids!?! that's strange!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Oh, you are so baaaaaaaad! Who's bad!! Haha

My bestie is all excited too, she wanted to go to the midnight session and I was all 'no way! I'd rather catch some zzzzz's" haha. So we are doing a lunchtime session instead :p

I still can't believe all the twilight merch around, it's crazy! They have edward undies...i mean...come on, haha. (*insert inappropriate comment here*) :lol:

Oh, and bandaids!?! that's strange!

I've got the midnight session *nods* and then I'm going to same day again now sure what session yet but it will be after school hours cause my niece Breannan wants to go.

:blink: okay the edward undies might be going a little to far, I've seen the bandaids too I WANT them, not to use though just for decoration maybe I can buy some when I'm in sydney.

*nods* yeah wrist bands, I've also got the ones from Twilight they say "I'm In Love With A Fictional Character" and the other one says "Twilight" I wear them with my "KING OF POP 1958 - 2009" wristband.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

yeh, the undies just freaked me out. I mean for starters....everyone wants him in their undies - no on them :p
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

yeh, the undies just freaked me out. I mean for starters....everyone wants him in their undies - no on them :p


ok...that was inappropriate :p Hehe

I don't think so, cause you and I both know that there would be sad people that would want him on their undies :lmao:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I got my ticket for the tribute in Brisbane today, it should be good.