Oct 26 Update: Court Rejects Joe's Appeal / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

reminder please keep conspiracy in the appropriate section - cleaned
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

u know it says alot when his other kids dont get together and say dad we will look after you so just drop all this mess and all the trouble it is putting on the estate and the kids. but no keep a fair distance and have it all put on mj cause thats what happened in life and hes not here anymore so let joe carry on. aslong as he doesnt come knocking on my door. joe needs to take along walk. the fool will live to 100 at this rate. gotta love this fecked up world.

OH you are reading my mind...

I don't know about the others... but Janet should be in a very comforable position to take care of Joe...

it just baffles me how Mj is sh*t on .. always
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

I just get the feeling that Joe is going out of his way to slow Branca and McClain down from doing what Michael asked them to do. Make money for his estate for the benefit of his Mother and children. It seems like he feels well if I am not in it no one will get anything
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

strangely, the media don't talk about it, like TMZ
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

reminder please keep conspiracy in the appropriate section - cleaned

did u delete my post on Branca stealing money from Michael's estate?

that was NOT conspiracy.

i can give the sources where that was mentioned years ago by one of Michael's lawyers, David LeGrand, when Michael hired people to secretly investigate Branca.

I don't know if you are on Branca's side or not, but you seem to be someone who knows a lot about him and the estate, so I would've assumed you were informed about him stealing Michael's money and channeling it to a secret account. I guess you weren't informed about that, if you didn't already know...
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Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

"Although Joe is alleging various misdeeds on the part of the executors -- including fraud and embezzlement, which the executors strongly deny -- the lawyer for Michael Jackson's kids claim Joe is actually harming them with all the "procedural wrangling." Margaret Lodise, the kids' lawyer, says Joe only cares about his stake in the Estate and, therefore, he's "the ultimate dog in the manger."

How does Joe look his grandkids in their faces knowing that he is doing this to them? I know the kids dont know and thank goodness! If Michael knew (shaking head)) terrible!
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Re: Joe Jackson appeals probate court judge's decision about contesting executors

everything about the events surrounding Michael, whether financial or concerning doctor murray is long winded theatre. the only thing seeming to move is the clock. anybody who doesn't know what patience is, is going to learn it. yeah..i know everything's gotta be just right. it's so easy for that just right to slip into an eternity, unnoticed.

You sure are right on that one and a part of me see's this other "stuff " as DISTRACTIONS. It appears to be playing out nicely for the other characters in the play. Im just sayin'
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Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

And I also forgot to mention, michael and his lawyer hired a company called Interfor to investigate Brance and Motolla. The investigators came back in Feb, March and April of 2003 and reported that Branca and Motolla were illegaly funneling Michael's money to a secret account in the caribbeans.
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Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

kasume;3011620 said:
did u delete my post on Branca stealing money from Michael's estate?

that was NOT conspiracy.

i can give the sources where that was mentioned years ago by one of Michael's lawyers, David LeGrand, when Michael hired people to secretly investigate Branca.

I don't know if you are on Branca's side or not, but you seem to be someone who knows a lot about him and the estate, so I would've assumed you were informed about him stealing Michael's money and channeling it to a secret account. I guess you weren't informed about that, if you didn't already know...

your post said that he's NOW stealing money from the estate - that IS conspiracy

I know the Legrand/ Inferior investigation , I know that they suspected Branca and investigated him

but you are wrong about the outcome of that investigation

Let's do a step by step by using actual court transcripts and LeGrand's testimony shall we.

1 Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: And he specifically asked you questions about an attorney named John Branca, right?

4 A. Yes.

5 Q. At the time you began an investigation into some of the people around Mr. Jackson that you were concerned about, one of the people you investigated was Mr. Branca, correct?

yes there was a concern about Branca and yes he was investigated.

Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: Didn’t you investigate Mr. Branca because you were concerned that he and Sony had set up an offshore account to funnel money to so they could defraud Michael Jackson?

5 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Same objection.

6 THE COURT: Sustained.

7 Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: Why did you investigate Mr. Branca?

9 A. I requested -- well, let me back up.After consultation with my partner, Mr.Gibson, and discussion with I believe Mr. Joss at Paul Hastings, Mr. Gibson and I instructed the firm Interfor to investigate Mr. Branca, because Mr. Konitzer had indicated in several conversations that he was very concerned about Mr. Branca and that Mr.Jackson had expressed concern about Mr. Branca’s loyalty. Also, there was -- Mr. Schaffel related information that also was negative of Mr. Branca.So we made collectively the decision to ask Interfor to further the background investigation, to conduct investigation into Mr. Branca.

yes it was about Sony, conflict of interest and a possible offshore account.

1 Q. Okay. And did your investigation get far enough to establish that, in fact, this lawyer was a signatory on that account?

4 A. I don’t believe so, no.

5 Q. But the investigation did indicate he was somehow involved in the account, correct?

7 A. The investigator’s report so indicated.

8 Q. And the investigator’s report indicated it appeared that Sony was involved in that account,right?

11 A. The investigator’s report indicated that Sony had transferred money to the account.

13 Q. Sony had transferred money to that account for the benefit of Mr. Jackson’s lawyer, right?

15 A. That’s what was indicated in the report. It -- I need to be very clear here that that was not verified, with a reasonable degree of certainty, that I would have acted upon that information. And Mr. Branca’s a fine lawyer. And, you know, there is no -- I have no proof of these statements.

so yes the account existed , yes sony transfered money but branca wasn't the signatory ( meaning that he didn't have the authority to take/tranfer money out of the account) and there was no proof that the money was transfered for Branca's benefit.

13 Q. As far as the John Branca and Tommy Motolla investigation by Interfor, Interfor never found any evidence that Mr. Motolla or Mr. Branca were engaged in any fraud with Mr. Jackson, did they?

17 A. That’s correct. I had no evidence delivered with that report to substantiate those claims.

19 Q. And in fact, that report only indicate that Sony was depositing money in some offshore account, apparently for Mr. -- on Mr. Jackson’s behalf, true?

22 A. I’m not sure about the “Mr. Jackson’s behalf.” I would need to see the report.

24 Q. Okay. But you have no reason to believe that any funds transferred to an offshore account by Sony, you have no reason to believe that those funds
were somehow defrauding Mr. Jackson?

28 A. I was given no credible evidence to support those charges. I would be doing Mr. Branca and Mr. Motolla a great wrong if I said otherwise.

as you see from the above some source claimed that Branca was self dealing but Inferior found no evidence, no proof of it. it's even suggested that the account was set up to send money for Michael.

source for transcripts you can download it from the following link - also see that the file is uploaded at 2007 http://www.box.net/shared/09zmi31anq/2/9455516#/shared/09zmi31anq/2/9455516/94511904/1

and to answer your question No I'm not on anyone's side (I didn't know that we were supposed to take sides) but I have serious problem with presenting misinformation as facts and conspiracy theories as reality. Such theories are welcome at "the conspiracy" section but this is Michael Jackson News and this is a thread about Joe Jackson's appeal hearing and whether or not he has a standing in matters regards to Michael's will and estate.
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Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

And I also forgot to mention, michael and his lawyer hired a company called Interfor to investigate Brance and Motolla. The investigators came back in Feb, March and April of 2003 and reported that Branca and Motolla were illegaly funneling Michael's money to a secret account in the caribbeans.
I remember hearing about the off shores accounts if this is true that branca had these accounts It should be heard in court.
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

See above
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

Thank you, Ivy. I've said it before and I'll say it again... If Michael Jackson had issues with Branca running his estate, he could have very easily amended his will to remove Branca. If he wanted Joe in, he could have very easily done the same... changed his will and put Joe in charge.
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

your post said that he's NOW stealing money from the estate - that IS conspiracy

I know the Legrand/ Inferior investigation , I know that they suspected Branca and investigated him

but you are wrong about the outcome of that investigation

Let's do a step by step by using actual court transcripts and LeGrand's testimony shall we.

yes there was a concern about Branca and yes he was investigated.

yes it was about Sony, conflict of interest and a possible offshore account.

so yes the account existed , yes sony transfered money but branca wasn't the signatory ( meaning that he didn't have the authority to take/tranfer money out of the account) and there was no proof that the money was transfered for Branca's benefit.

as you see from the above some source claimed that Branca was self dealing but Inferior found no evidence, no proof of it. it's even suggested that the account was set up to send money for Michael.

source for transcripts you can download it from the following link - also see that the file is uploaded at 2007 http://www.box.net/shared/09zmi31anq/2/9455516#/shared/09zmi31anq/2/9455516/94511904/1

and to answer your question No I'm not on anyone's side (I didn't know that we were supposed to take sides) but I have serious problem with presenting misinformation as facts and conspiracy theories as reality. Such theories are welcome at "the conspiracy" section but this is Michael Jackson News and this is a thread about Joe Jackson's appeal hearing and whether or not he has a standing in matters regards to Michael's will and estate.

This has been repeated over and OVER again here. This is not the first nor the last time...I, myself, have posted long chunks of the testimony here to refute these lies that Branca worked with Sony to defraud MJ.

But some people r too obtuse to GET it.
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Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

Thank you, Ivy. I've said it before and I'll say it again... If Michael Jackson had issues with Branca running his estate, he could have very easily amended his will to remove Branca. If he wanted Joe in, he could have very easily done the same... changed his will and put Joe in charge.

he wouldn't necessarily HAVE to put Joe in charge. he could've put another lawyer in charge.

Michael NEVER wanted anything to do with Sony. he said it himself to the public. so that's not conspiracy. Branca still has a strong relationship with sony

it's strange that eight days before he dies, Michael suddenly changes his mind about Branca anyways.....

It would be nice if Peter Lopez, Michael's lawyer who very close to him could comment on all this, but he committed "suicide" just a few months after Michael's death when it was rumored he was about to make a public announcement about the case soon.
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

So why did he sign again with Sony and put out Thriller 25?
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

So why did he sign again with Sony and put out Thriller 25?

I guess "some" folks forgot about that little FACT. Or maybe it doesn't fit their agenda, so it get's ignored.

Either way, we all know by now that Michael and Sony teamed up for the Thriller 25 project. Which turned out to be pretty darn successful, in my opinion.
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

I think I need to echo Ivy one more time. Rumors, innuendo, conspiracies, and what a friend of a friend of a friend friend's thoughts, do not apply here.
We are not trying to stifle discussion, we are just asking for the proper discussion to take place in the proper place. We understand many of you have strong feelings about some things, but when posts are made in the part of the board that is for facts, then people are justified in asking for proof of claims that you are making.

If you would like to be able to make claims, not necessarily with proof in order to open up a dialogue between members and in order to exchange ideas please go to the conspiracy section.

Thank you everyone for cooperating with this.
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

Again what ginvid said there has been major claims made here which if you want to make them we have a place for it. It doesn't belong here. Thanks everyone.
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

Michael NEVER wanted anything to do with Sony. he said it himself to the public. so that's not conspiracy.
mjs issue was with mottola thats well documented.when he was sacked mj worked with sony on TUC thriller 25 etc. so whatever mj said when ever you are claiming he made such a statement things obviously changed

This has been repeated over and OVER again here. This is not the first nor the last time...I, myself, have posted long chunk of the testimony here to refute these lies that Branca worked with Sony to defraud MJ.

But some people r too obtuse to GET it.
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Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

For some of you, your feelings towards conspiracy talk seems biased, or always negative. It doesn't make any sense.

"There is conspiracy all around me."

If anyone wants to argue with that, then argue with Michael. He's the one that started ALL this talk about conspiracy. So if anyone has a problem with conspiracy, they must have a problem with Michael, not his fans. And Michael said there is conspiracy all around him, so except a bit of it to be leaked into threads like this.

Ivy, if you have a serious problem with conspiracy theories as reality, telling fans that isn't going to solve your problem. Sadly, Michael isn't here for you to go to about your problem with his conspiracy talk.

Let me tell you something elusive moonwalker, and everyone else on this board. I am on this board for one reason, ONE only. Not to prove any theories (I have NO theories of my own), or discredit anyone. That all would just be a waist of my precious time.

I am only here to defend Michael.

No I'm not on anyone's side (I didn't know that we were supposed to take sides)

If you are not on Michael's side, then who's side are you on? What would be anyone's motivation to sign up as staff over here, posts thousands of messages in conspiracy and case talk, if they are not on Michael's side? It clearly doesn't make any sense.
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Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

Ivy, if you have a problem with conspiracy theories as reality, telling fans that isn't going to solve your problem. Sadly, Michael isn't here for you to go to about that.

please re-read what I wrote : "I have serious problem with presenting misinformation as facts and conspiracy theories as reality."

I don't have any problems with conspiracy theories (I am actually quite interested in all kinds of conspiracy theories and I know that conspiracy exists in real life). Nobody is denying Michael's words either - but be fair we don't know what conspiracy and who he was talking about do we? All I have a problem with is fans presenting their own theories as reality in the not appropriate sections.

for example: somebody doesn't take the time to read the transcripts or the outcome of the actual investigation and labels Branca as a thief, somebody who doesn't have idea about how a probate court runs and has no understanding that a judge, katherine and kids lawyer oversees all the deals mistakenly suggests that the executors must be stealing from the estate NOW. and then it gets around and presented as a fact. you have other people believe in this mistaken information and the more it goes around the more it get to be seen as an absolute fact. That's what I have a problem with. ( I have no problem in discussing or forming such theories in a section that clearly says consists of heavy speculation just as the conspiracy section)

Now on the other hand If any of the conspiracy theories are reality then like other people said show me "proof" and I'll apologize and say that I was wrong.

If you are not on Michael's side, then who's side are you on? What would be anyone's motivation to sign up as staff over here, posts thousands of messages in conspiracy and case talk, if they are not on Michael's side? It clearly doesn't make any sense.

that's just a ridiculous twist on my words. You previously asked me if I was on Branca's side and I told you that I wasn't on his side and I didn't know that we were suppose to take sides as as Pro-Branca and Anti-Branca (or any other parties - meaning AEG, Sony etc). Similarly I'm not pro or anti on anything. I wasn't even mentioning Michael when I wrote "anyone". It's obvious that Michael could not be classified as "anyone" (well at least I can't lump him with others or identify him with such words as anyone, someone, everyone). This is a Michael Jackson forum in which I expect that ALL of us are Michael Jackson fans. Our love and support for him is a given in my book.

And to add:

Nobody has any problems with conspiracy and nobody is denying Michael's own words, all we are saying that there's a section for that called "The Conspiracy".

similarly nobody is denying Michael is the most photographed man on the planet and there's a section for it that's called "Michael in the Mirror" and we haven't forgotten his family , there's a section for it called "2300 Jackson street". It is clearer now?

overall in summary quoting ginvid "we are just asking for the proper discussion to take place in the proper place." If we are going to speculate all we want with no proof then it belongs to conspiracy section.
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Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

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Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

It doesn't matter whose conspiracies they are. If you have nothing to back up what you are saying (especially when quoting someone else so that we can understand the context of what they said) or if what you are saying has been flat out disproven, then it is not to be discussed here. Please go to the conspiracy forum.

It's as simple as that.

Thank you.
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors


I guess "some" folks forgot about that little FACT. Or maybe it doesn't fit their agenda, so it get's ignored.

Either way, we all know by now that Michael and Sony teamed up for the Thriller 25 project. Which turned out to be pretty darn successful, in my opinion.
As I remember the invincible album was michael last album with sony that he would do for them, the essential and the thriller 25 album were rerelease albums and michael did no personal promotion for the albums, michael wanted no dealings with sony and did not do and new work for sony. sony have rights to the material michael recorded while under there contract.
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

You are wrong. And I thought this thread was about a court actions not people's theories
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

I don't have any problems with conspiracy theories (I am actually quite interested in all kinds of conspiracy theories and I know that conspiracy exists in real life). Nobody is denying Michael's words either - but be fair we don't know what conspiracy and who he was talking about do we? All I have a problem with is fans presenting their own theories as reality in the not appropriate sections.


Yes we DO. He was talking about conspiracy meaning Sony, the media and some folks behind it. If you forgot, you should watch the video of Michael talking about Sony as an example. You know, ppl are not stupid. It is not that difficult to underatnd what Michael was talking about.
All false allegations he was dealing with were a part of conspiracy to make him a broken man. They wanted to control his money and they wanted him to be dead. Michael was not a convinient person for many. It does not matter that these conspiracy folks are hiding their names behind company's names like SONY, AEG. We all know who they are.
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