Oct 26 Update: Court Rejects Joe's Appeal / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

Just face it................

Because of Branca and McClain, the estate actually exists...............

If it was up to Michael's Parents and Siblings, there would be nothing left for Michael's Children.............

.......And the chances are that they would of emptied Michael's back catalogue and re-release the songs as their own!!!!!!!

So why doesn't Joe just f*** off and leave MJ3's inheritance alone!!!!!!!
Calif. court to hear Jackson dad's estate appeal
By ANTHONY McCARTNEY (AP) – 1 hour ago
LOS ANGELES — An appeals court will hear arguments Wednesday on whether Michael Jackson's father should be allowed to challenge the administrators of his son's already lucrative estate.
Joe Jackson has appealed a probate court's dismissal of his objections to the appointment of attorney John Branca and music executive and family friend John McClain to oversee the pop singer's estate.
A judge ruled in November that the elder Jackson did not have standing to intervene in the case and was not entitled to an evidentiary hearing to contest the administrators.
Such a hearing would allow Joe Jackson's attorney, Brian Oxman, to air complaints about potential conflicts of interest and the validity of the pop singer's 2002 will, which specifically omitted his father from receiving any money.
Attorneys for Michael Jackson's estate have noted the probate court's findings against the elder Jackson, and said in motions to the appeals court that the ruling came after considering Oxman's arguments in the most favorable light.
Oxman was also allowed to argue at length during the November hearing, the estate also said in its filings.
The attorney raised issues on behalf of Joe Jackson after the singer's mother, Katherine, dropped any of her potential objections to the appointment of Branca and McClain. Katherine Jackson and her son's three children are the primary beneficiaries of the singer's estate, which has earned tens of millions since his death at age 50 in June 2009.
The estate also noted that Joe Jackson sought a stipend, but later chose to withdraw that request. The Jackson family patriarch has filed a wrongful death lawsuit in federal court against Conrad Murray, the doctor charged in connection with his son's death.
Murray's lawyers have asked a judge to dismiss that case, arguing in part that Joe Jackson doesn't have the right to sue for wrongful death.

Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

This is never going to end with Joe is it?
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

This is never going to end with Joe is it?
it sure the heck doesn't seem like it...it really is just sad...he needs to stop now.
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

well appeal hearing is happening today , the decision should come soon.

if appellate court withhelds the previous decision than it should be over.
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

Arguments to a California appeals court concluded Wednesday in a bid by Michael Jackson's father to remove the administrators of his son's lucrative estate.

A judge ruled in November that Joe Jackson did not have standing to intervene in the case and was not entitled to an evidentiary hearing to contest the administrators.

The three-judge panel of the Second District Court of Appeal listened to 40 minutes of arguments Wednesday by attorneys for Joe Jackson and for the estate.

The justices did not indicate when they would issue a ruling.

The judges spent time asking questions about previous legal decisions by Joe Jackson that included withdrawing a petition for a monthly allowance from the estate.

Joe Jackson did not attend the hearing.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/artic...nt/e001359D24.DTL&type=business#ixzz11cXNQiLh
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

See above article.
Please Delete this post.
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

The judges spent time asking questions about previous legal decisions by Joe Jackson that included withdrawing a petition for a monthly allowance from the estate.

i wonder why
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

i wonder why
Because they think Joe Jackson is a fool.
If they give him any money as a stipend, it will be that same amount.
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

Oral Arguments Presented in Joseph Jackson's Appeal Over Denial of Hearing
(CNS) Posted Wednesday October 6, 2010 - 3:43pm

Michael Jackson's 81-year-old father deserves his day in court to challenge the appointments of two men named executors of his son's estate, the Jackson family patriarch's attorney told an appellate court panel today.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Mitchell L. Beckloff erred when he denied Joe Jackson a right to a hearing last Nov. 10 to show his disapproval of the judge's naming of former Michael Jackson attorney John Branca and music executive John McClain to oversee the singer's estate, lawyer Brian Oxman said.

He also told the three-justice panel of the 2nd District Court of Appeal that both McClain and Branca are hostile to his client.

"They just don't like him ...,' the lawyer said.

But attorneys for the executors, Michael Jackson's three children and family matriarch Katherine Jackson all said Beckloff was correct in finding that other than his claims of entitlement to a family allowance, Joseph Jackson was excluded from assets from the estate under his son's will or the family trust and therefore had no standing to object to McClain or Branca.

"I think Judge Beckloff gave Mr. Oxman every opportunity to give sufficient offers of proof,' said Howard Weitzman, attorney for Branca and McClain.

Michael Jackson was pronounced dead at UCLA Medical center the afternoon of June 25, 2009, hours after being found not breathing at his rented Holmby Hills mansion.

At the time of his death, the 50-year-old singer was rehearsing for a planned series of 50 concerts in London.

The July 2002 will that McClain and Branca say reflects the true intentions of how Michael Jackson wanted his property distributed leaves his assets, worth an estimated $500 million, in a trust for his mother, his children and various charities.

His father, with whom the singer had publicly acknowledged he had a difficult relationship, is not mentioned as a beneficiary.

Oxman maintains in his court papers that Michael Jackson was in New York City at the time the will states he signed it in Los Angeles.

He also argues that although the will does not leave Joseph Jackson any assets, his client is a "statutory beneficiary' under the state Code of Civil Procedure and that both Branca and McClain are "statutory trustees.'

According to the attorney, Joseph Jackson was financially dependent upon his son while the singer was alive. When the entertainer died, McClain and Branca had the obligation to bring a wrongful death lawsuit against those who allegedly caused his death in order to replace that lost income, according to Oxman.

Joseph Jackson ultimately was forced to bring the action on his own behalf in U.S. District Court, on the first anniversary of his son's death, against Dr. Conrad Murray, the physician charged with giving the pop superstar a lethal dose of sedatives.

His client "was placed in the intolerable position of paying for the wrongful death proceeding himself, which would cost him hundreds of thousands of dollars,' Oxman's court papers state.

Justice Laurie D. Zelon asked Oxman why he made no mention of the possible bringing of a wrongful death case while arguing before Beckloff.

The attorney replied that Beckloff never gave him the chance to explain that right or any others he believed his client was entitled to.

Justice Fred Woods inquired why the Jackson patriarch did not bring a creditor's claim against the estate.

Oxman replied that his client would have had to show he had a valid contract with his youngest son instead of the informal agreement the late entertainer had with his father to maintain him financially.

"He just did it as he had money available,' Oxman said.

Attorneys for the estate argue in a brief filed in July that Beckloff's ruling should stand.

"The probate court thoroughly analyzed the issues, even performing its own research,' the estate attorneys' court papers state.

Even when examined from the point of view most favorable to Joseph Jackson, Beckloff correctly concluded he did not have standing, Weitzman and the other estate attorneys say.

Margaret G. Lodise, an attorney for Jackson's three children, states in her court papers that their grandfather's current effort hurts them.

"In fact, the beneficiaries, particularly the minor children who are the major beneficiaries of the estate, are only harmed by the continued procedural wrangling in the administration of the estate,' Lodise wrote.

Justice Frank Jackson -- who is not related to the Jackson family -- did not pose any questions to the lawyers.

The justices took the case under submission and did not indicate when they would rule. They have three months to render a decision.

Weitzman, when asked about the justices' possible impressions concerning the arguments, said they presented a "tough read.'

However, both he and Adam Streisand, who represents Katherine Jackson, said they expect a decision sooner rather than later.

Let's all pray Joe & Oxman never come near the kids' money.

***Notice, Oxman DID NOT ARGUE the will was fake. He mentioned the mistake, but he did not say the will was fake, something he is been hammering in the media. Even though Oxman is an idiot, he knows he cannot make a false claim in front of the judge.***
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

They just don't like him. Wow what a great legal argument.
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

this is getting ridiculous .please god watch over these 3angles.
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

California appeals court hears arguments from Michael Jackson's father in estate case
Calif. court hears Jackson dad's estate appeal

By ANTHONY McCARTNEY | ASSOCIATED PRESS | 19 minutes ago in Arts & Living

Michael Jackson's father was "grievously wronged" by a probate court that decided last year not to let him try to replace the administrators of his son's estate, an attorney argued Wednesday.

The arguments by attorney Brian Oxman were heard by a three-judge panel of the California Second District Court of Appeal after a probate judge ruled last November that Joe Jackson did not have standing to intervene in the matter.

The appeals panel did not issue a ruling but did question the legal steps Joe Jackson had taken after being left out of his son's will and whether the moves warranted revisiting the challenge to the administrators.

Associate Justice Laurie D. Zelon asked why Joe Jackson had withdrawn a petition to receive a monthly stipend from the estate before the probate court had a chance to rule on the request.

Zelon also noted that Oxman, who represents Joe Jackson, hadn't told the probate court about a wrongful death lawsuit being considered by his client.

"I must beg this court's forgiveness. I must beg the probate court's forgiveness _ the magic words 'wrongful death' did not pass my lips," Oxman said.

Associate Justice Fred Woods also questioned why Joe Jackson hadn't filed a creditor's claim with the estate, since he has claimed his son supported him financially throughout his life.

Oxman said there was never a contract between Michael Jackson and his father for assistance.

Attorneys for Jackson's estate reminded the appeals panel that the singer had omitted his father from his will and he was not considered a beneficiary of the estate.

"He is not an heir," estate attorney Howard Weitzman told the panel in brief remarks.

Attorneys for the singer's mother, Katherine Jackson, and his three children also argued against Joe Jackson's petition.

Michael Jackson's will appointed attorney John Branca and music executive and family friend John McClain to oversee the pop singer's estate.

Nobody Wants Joe Jackson To Be Part Of Michael's Estate
Posted on Oct 06, 2010 @ 05:00PM print it send it

AP Images
Brian Oxman, attorney for Joe Jackson, appeared in a California Appellate court Wednesday afternoon to present arguments as to why his client should be allowed to challenge the administration of Michael Jackson’s estate.

At issue is the November 2009 decision made by Judge Mitchell Beckloff, ruling that Joe wasn't an heir or beneficiary of his late son’s estate because the pop icon intentionally left him out of his will and trust.

Oxman attempted to persuade the three judge panel - arguing that Joe had filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Dr. Conrad Murray, giving Mr. Jackson legal standing as a beneficiary or heir to the estate.

The judges peppered Oxman with questions about why his client had not filed a creditor’s claim and why he also withdrew his request for an allowance from the estate.

Oxman stated that the decison to drop the family allowance was made because, "My client didn't want to open himself up for scrutiny."

Powerhouse attorney, Howard Weitzman, appeared on behalf the executors of Michael’s estate and told the judges, "Judge Beckloff gave Mr. Oxman the opportunity to show proof that Mr. Jackson had legal standing, and he didn't."

Weitzman also reiterated what the judges had already questioned Oxman about - Joe Jackson never filed a creditor’s claim and withdrew his request for a family allowance from the estate.

Also present in the courtroom was guardian ad litem for Michael's three children, Margaret Lodise who told to the judges, "The estate owes it to my clients to look out for their best interests," in regards to claims made against the estate.

After the hearing, Weitzman told RadarOnline.com that the ruling could be issued within the next several weeks and he’s not worried about Oxman’s claims.

"This is frivolous, we are confident in our case."

Joe Jackson was not present in court.

Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

Oxman attempted to persuade the three judge panel - arguing that Joe had filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Dr. Conrad Murray, giving Mr. Jackson legal standing as a beneficiary or heir to the estate.

Furthermore, a cause of action for wrongful death under Code of Civil Procedure section 377 clearly is not an asset of the estate of the decedent.


In a wrongful death case the action must be brought by the decedent's "heirs or personal representatives on their behalf." (Code Civ. Proc., ? 377, subd. (a).) The personal representative "is made a statutory trustee to recover damages for the benefit of the heirs. As administrator of the estate he has no interest in the matter, for the fruits of any judgment he may recover do not belong to the estate. Those fruits pass to the heirs as statutory beneficiaries of the statutory trustee. They do not take them by way of succession. This statutory action was given for the benefit of the heirs of the deceased, and for no other purpose. It was enacted in order that they might compensate themselves for pecuniary injury suffered in the loss by death of a relative, and this being so the statute necessarily contemplates that there must be heirs of a deceased. If this deceased had no heirs, then this statute does not apply, and there can be no action; for there can be no statutory trustee if there be neither trust nor beneficiary." (Webster v. Norwegian Mining Co. (1902) 137 Cal. 399, 400 [70 P. 276].)

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Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

I think that Radar Online's headline summarizes what happened today very well "Nobody Wants Joe Jackson To Be Part Of Michael's Estate"


When the entertainer died, McClain and Branca had the obligation to bring a wrongful death lawsuit against those who allegedly caused his death in order to replace that lost income, according to Oxman.

seriously how much income can they replace by suing already broke Murray?

and I'll answer that as well

"Under the MICRA law, there is a $250,000 cap on non-economic damages for patients who are injured or die because of medical negligence. Even if a jury decides that the family of a child who dies because a nurse administers too much medication deserves to be compensated $1.6 million for their loss, the judge will enter a verdict for only $250,000."

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Calif. court hears Jackson dad's estate appeal
By ANTHONY McCARTNEY (AP) – 1 hour ago
LOS ANGELES — Michael Jackson's father was "grievously wronged" by a probate court that decided last year not to let him try to replace the administrators of his son's estate, an attorney argued Wednesday.
The arguments by attorney Brian Oxman, who represents Joe Jackson, were heard by a three-judge panel of the California Second District Court of Appeal after a probate judge ruled last November that Joe Jackson did not have standing to intervene in the matter.
The appeals panel did not issue a ruling but did question the legal steps Joe Jackson had taken after being left out of his son's will and whether the moves warranted revisiting the challenge to the administrators.
Associate Justice Laurie D. Zelon asked why Joe Jackson had withdrawn a petition to receive a monthly stipend from the estate before the probate court had a chance to rule on the request.
Oxman said the petition had seemed duplicative after Joe Jackson filed a wrongful death lawsuit in June against a doctor who has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter in the death of the pop star.
Attorney Howard Weitzman, who represents the estate, countered that pursuing the stipend petition would allow Joe Jackson to be questioned under oath about various other matters.
Zelon also noted that Oxman hadn't told the probate court that his client was considering the wrongful death lawsuit.
"I must beg this court's forgiveness. I must beg the probate court's forgiveness. The magic words 'wrongful death' did not pass my lips," Oxman said.
Associate Justice Fred Woods questioned why Joe Jackson hadn't filed a creditor's claim with the estate, since he has claimed his son supported him financially throughout his life.
Oxman said there was never a contract between Michael Jackson and his father for assistance.
Attorneys for Jackson's estate reminded the appeals panel that the singer had omitted his father from his will and he was not considered a beneficiary of the estate.
"He is not an heir," estate attorney Howard Weitzman told the panel in brief remarks.
Attorneys for the singer's mother, Katherine Jackson, and his three children also argued against Joe Jackson's petition.
Michael Jackson's will appointed attorney John Branca and music executive and family friend John McClain to oversee the pop singer's estate, which has earned tens of millions of dollars since Jackson's death in June 2009 at age 50.

Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

Margaret G. Lodise, an attorney for Jackson's three children, states in her court papers that their grandfather's current effort hurts them.

"In fact, the beneficiaries, particularly the minor children who are the major beneficiaries of the estate, are only harmed by the continued procedural wrangling in the administration of the estate,' Lodise wrote. "

Joe Jackson has no shame, and he has really crossed the line,
this time.
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

If the kids were contesting the executors or Michael's nephews, I would see no issue with this. They loved Michael for what he was - the real deal - not for being their cash cow. I'm not fond that Branca is making $$ from MJ's estate especially after learning what he did with Sony and ect this past year. I would perfer someone else in that spot over Branca.

Joe needs to sit down.
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

I'm so sick of Joe...urgh, what a "father."
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

*sigh* Joe is a hopeless case
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

"He is not an heir," estate attorney Howard Weitzman told the panel in brief remarks.
Attorneys for the singer's mother, Katherine Jackson, and his three children also argued against Joe Jackson's petition "

Joe go to bed!!!
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

Attorney Howard Weitzman, who represents the estate, countered that pursuing the stipend petition would allow Joe Jackson to be questioned under oath about various other matters.

Attorneys for the singer's mother, Katherine Jackson, and his three children also argued against Joe Jackson's petition.

Ain't that something. When it was reported that Joe Jackson would have to take a deposition, UNDER OATH, regarding his stipend petition, I sort of figured that having Joe Jackson speaking under oath would NEVER happen, because LORD only knows what would have been revealed, i.e. his past failed business deals, his relationship with his son, his relationship with his other children, whether or not he was putting pressure on Michael to do "whatever," and why would Michael be giving Joe Jackson's support money to Ms. Katherine (as Oxman claims).

I also didn't realize that Ms. Katherine's attorney was also present at this hearing. That is definitely an interesting development.

But aside from all of that, when you add up everything that went down yesterday, the words that matter the most (to me) are the words that came from the children's attorney. She has been very low key, thus far, but when we do hear from her, her words always end up being very powerful, in my opinion.
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

u know it says alot when his other kids dont get together and say dad we will look after you so just drop all this mess and all the trouble it is putting on the estate and the kids. but no keep a fair distance and have it all put on mj cause thats what happened in life and hes not here anymore so let joe carry on. aslong as he doesnt come knocking on my door. joe needs to take along walk. the fool will live to 100 at this rate. gotta love this fecked up world.
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

"He is not an heir," estate attorney Howard Weitzman told the panel in brief remarks.
Attorneys for the singer's mother, Katherine Jackson, and his three children also argued against Joe Jackson's petition "

Joe go to bed!!!
Katherine's right. The executors are doing a brilliant job at the moment.
When it come to business & money management, nobody in their right mind would let Joe near the estate with a 10 ft pole. Michael did not sack Joe Jackson as his manager for nothing.
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

If that kids are actually stating that what Joe is doing is hurting them then he should do what a decent person would do and step away. It's their father's estate and they're going to take over it one day. They're the important ones here not Joe getting a piece of the pie.
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

If that kids are actually stating that what Joe is doing is hurting them then he should do what a decent person would do and step away. It's their father's estate and they're going to take over it one day. They're the important ones here not Joe getting a piece of the pie.
And thanks Goodness Joseph Walter will be no where around when they take over, as grown adults.
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

But aside from all of that, when you add up everything that went down yesterday, the words that matter the most (to me) are the words that came from the children's attorney. She has been very low key, thus far, but when we do hear from her, her words always end up being very powerful, in my opinion.
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

Joe Jackson never ceases to amaze me!

Its always been about the $ where Michael was concerned with Joe and nothing, not even his death has changed that!

The ATM machine is no longer open to you Joe, go lean on your other children, or have you forgotten that you have other children?