Oct 26 Update: Court Rejects Joe's Appeal / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

The justices affirmed a probate judge's ruling that Joe Jackson didn't have standing to intervene in his son's estate.

Despite being excluded from his son's 2002 will, Joe Jackson had been seeking a say in the financial affairs.

I can't say that I'm surprise at the outcome. Appeal's court judges don't like overturning previous rulings.

I'm just happy to see that Michael's WISHES are being honored. MJ chose who he wanted and in my opinion, thus far, they're doing a dang good job!
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

Respondents are awarded their costs on appeal.

Does the above mean that Joe Jackson has to PAY the court cost for all of the lawyers who had to respond to this lawsuit?

If so, YIKES!

EDIT: Thanks marc_vivien, you answered my question.
Time will tell how this ruling will play into Joe Jackson's wrongful death suit against Murray.

I'm sure Murray's legal team can't wait to get their grubby little hands on the appeal court's ruling.
Joe Jackson -- Stay Out of Your Son's Estate
28 minutes ago by TMZ Staff

Joe Jackson's days of meddling in his son's finances are officially over -- the California Court of Appeal has ruled that Joe has no right to intervene in Michael Jackson's estate.

Joe had been fighting to have a say in how MJ's estate is administered -- despite the fact that he was excluded from the will Michael signed in 2002.

But today, a panel of judges reinforced the decision the probate court made back in November -- that Joe lacked the proper standing.

Just how Michael would've wanted it.



Court rejects Joe Jackson's estate challenge
Father of Michael Jackson was excluded from pop star's will in 2002

Joe Jackson wants a say in the financial affairs of Michael jackson's estate, which has earned tens of millions of dollars since the singer's death in June 2009.

LOS ANGELES — A California appeals court rejected a bid Tuesday by Michael Jackson's father to challenge the administration of his son's lucrative estate.

A three justice panel of the California Second District Court of Appeal unanimously affirmed a probate judge's ruling that Joe Jackson didn't have standing to intervene in his son's estate.

A copy of the opinion was not immediately available.

Despite being excluded from his son's 2002 will, Joe Jackson had been seeking a say in the financial affairs.

The appeals court heard arguments in the case on Oct. 6. The panel questioned several steps taken by Joe Jackson in the case, including withdrawing his request for a monthly stipend.

The panel also questioned why his attorney, Brian Oxman, didn't mention during a lengthy hearing in November that he might file a wrongful death lawsuit.

A phone message for Oxman was not immediately returned.

Michael Jackson's estate has earned tens of millions of dollars since the singer's death in June 2009 at age 50 in Los Angeles.

Last June, Joe Jackson sued Dr. Conrad Murray, the physician charged with involuntary manslaughter in Michael Jackson's death.

so the estate has only earned 10's of million since june 09 now lol its like the debt one figure goes up while the other does down. bunch of white sheets
comments from weitzman and oxman

Estate attorney Howard Weitzman said he was pleased the court affirmed the pop star's wishes to make John Branca and John McClain executors of his will.

"We hope this decision finally puts this issue to rest," Weitzman said.

Brian Oxman, Joe Jackson's attorney, said the father should have some say in post-death affairs involving his son.

"This is not right," Oxman said of Tuesday's ruling.

"This is not right," Oxman said of Tuesday's ruling

wheres the violin smiley when u need it. i guess oxman sees the $ getting futher and futher away
comments from weitzman and oxman

Estate attorney Howard Weitzman said he was pleased the court affirmed the pop star's wishes to make John Branca and John McClain executors of his will.

"We hope this decision finally puts this issue to rest," Weitzman said.

Brian Oxman, Joe Jackson's attorney, said the father should have some say in post-death affairs involving his son.

"This is not right," Oxman said of Tuesday's ruling.


Someone should put a tape over Oxman's mouth. He is obnoxious.

Ok...who wants to bet they will go back to the probate judge and ask for a stipend?
Nope. Michael's kids will win the war.
Right on

Now Joe must pay back the estate, Streisand and Lodise's costs

Like Elusive said, more interviews will be sold. It serves, Joseph right
so the estate has only earned 10's of million since june 09 now lol its like the debt one figure goes up while the other does down. bunch of white sheets
Exactly. It's ridiculous
comments from weitzman and oxman

Estate attorney Howard Weitzman said he was pleased the court affirmed the pop star's wishes to make John Branca and John McClain executors of his will.

"We hope this decision finally puts this issue to rest," Weitzman said.

Brian Oxman, Joe Jackson's attorney, said the father should have some say in post-death affairs involving his son.

"This is not right," Oxman said of Tuesday's ruling.

Gotta love Oxman, it's like he was born to make a mockery out of himself. I didn't laugh as much this past week, as I did right now after reading Oxman's statement :lol:
Right on

Gotta love Oxman, it's like he was born to make a mockery out of himself. I didn't laugh as much this past week, as I did right now after reading Oxman's statement :lol:

Lol, yes it's true.

But seriously, which school gave to this jerk the diploma of Lawyer? 0_o

The same school where dealer killer Murray had his medical degree? -________-
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

Nope. Michael's kids will win the war.

sorry, i should've explained who 'we' meant. i wasn't even talking specifically about Joe, or me and Joe.

what i meant was, Branca won't win in the end. WE who believe Branca (and possibly McCain) should be removed will win. so yes, Michael's kids will still gain victory like you said, but not just his children.
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

sorry, i should've explained who 'we' meant. i wasn't even talking specifically about Joe, or me and Joe.

what i meant was, Branca won't win in the end. WE who believe Branca (and possibly McCain) should be removed will win. so yes, Michael's kids will still gain victory like you said, but not just his children.

I understood PERFECTLY what you meant. You are a conspiracy theorist...so your "We" was fairly obvious.

So to be clear, MJ's kids...whose financial future is being represented at the moment by Branca & McClain will win. Joe will lose. Again. And again. Until his final goodbye.

riginally Posted by marc_vivien
document here :


Glad his name is listed correctly here: Michael Joseph Jackson

Page 6: To this date, Joe Jackson has not contested the will

Wonder what the conspiracy theorists will think.
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yes Branca was fired during 2003 but he was rehired several months later in 2003 and was working with Michael until 2006

You can read it in detail on this blog : http://mjandjustice4some.blogspot.com/2010/07/john-branca-2003-2006.html

some highlights from the above blog includes :
- Branca and Koppelman negotiating CBS 60 minutes interview, Branca attending a 2004 MJ legal team meeting, Branca saying that Michael is the biggest artist in the world and Branca and Koppelman advising Michael about Sony/ATV refinancing.

so perhaps Branca returned all the documents like the 2003 firing letter said and later Michael returned him all after he rehired him.

Also we know that Branca filed the will with the court in 2009 but we don't know whether it was in his possession between 2003 and 2009. Like you said another lawyer or person could have the will and give it to Branca when Michael died. The law says after a person dies and if you have the will you either file it with the court or give it to the executor of the will.

Thank you for all this information, most clarifying.
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marc_vivien;3033614 said:

okay let's summarize

Some background information first (most of which we know)

- 4 days after Michael's death Katherine and Joe files documents saying that Michael died intestate. Katherine appointed temporary executor.

- Later Branca and McClain files the will and trust. They got appointed executors.

- Joe filed an objection to their appointment citing fabricating the will and having several conflicts of interests.

- Joe also asked for an allowance. Oxman filed an affidavit saying that immediately before his death Michael was giving Joe $50,000 to $60,000 per month.

- Katherine withdrew her objection to the executors saying that it was unnecessary to “spend the estate‟s money on these disputes” and “felt it‟s high time that the fighting end.”

- Both Katherine's lawyer and the children's ad litem were against Joe's objection to the executors.

- Joe argued that even though he wasn't a beneficiary he was an interested party because he had a priority for appointment as an executor.

- Court determined that he didn't have priority to be an executor as he wasn't entitled to any portion of the estate.

- A really good quote from the judge " And I‟m not sure how he is affected at all by the appointment of Branca and McClain as executors. . . . he has his right to bring a family allowance petition, and he‟s done that, and we‟ve set it for hearing. He can get an order from the court ordering the executors to pay the family allowance. I‟m not sure that he has any other interest in this estate. Because even if the will is invalidated and the trust is invalidated, he has three children and under the laws of intestacy, those children would take (the estate) . . . I cannot figure out how Joe Jackson is affected by the decision to appoint [Branca and McClain as executors].”

- 6 months later Joe withdrew his request for allowance saying that he would pursue a wrongful death lawsuit and sues Murray.

About the appeal

- Joe had 3 issues 1) that he qualifies as an interested party 2) the court should had an evidentiary hearing and 3) even though none of those applied the court should have investigated the allegations that he had made (about the will and the executors).

- The appeals court determine that Joe is not an interested party because he doesn't have the priority of appointment as an executor (parents are the 5th on the list and a parent needs to be a beneficiary to get priority), even if the will were to be successfully challenged (btw 120 days has passed no one did and could anymore revoke the will) everything will be MJ's children's. In short Joe fails to show how in any scenario he would be entitled to any part or control of the estate hence he's not an interested party.

side note: the documents state that Joe had the standing to apply for an allowance and if he could have proved that he was a dependent parent the court could have determined an allowance for him in their discretion.

- Another good quote about why the court didn't need to investigate the allegations (from the appellate judges this time)

"Several of the beneficiaries of the estate, including Katherine and Jackson‟s surviving children, had an opportunity to evaluate the allegations in Joseph‟s objection and decided to approve the executors because they believed it was in the best interest of the estate. Under Joseph‟s theory, the probate court was required to ignore the beneficiaries‟ stated desires and hold an evidentiary trial to resolve allegations that were asserted by a party with no interest in the estate. That is the very outcome that Section 48 was designed to prevent."

Meaning : Katherine and MJ's kids that the change to see Joe's allegations about the executors/will but they didn't agree with them and raise any issues. On the contrary they approved the executors. So Joe's request goes (not only against Michael's wishes but also) against the wishes of the beneficiaries of Michael's estate.

In short
- Nobody contested the will.
- Time to contest the will has long passed.
- Katherine and MJ's kids has no issues with the executors. They have no claims against the executors.
- Joe has no priority of appointment. At most he could have been getting an allowance from the estate if he could establish that he was a dependent parent.
- Oxman isn't a good lawyer - read the documents to see this.
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

WE who believe Branca (and possibly McCain) should be removed will win.

one simple question - how?


Page 6: To this date, Joe Jackson has not contested the will


page 10-11 footnote

It is unlikely that Jackson?s will is subject to challenge at this point in the proceedings. Under Probate Code section 8270, any interested party may petition the court to revoke the probate of a will within 120 days after the will is admitted to probate. The court probated Jackson?s will on August 3, 2009. The probate court docket indicates that, to date, no party has petitioned the court to revoke the probation of the will and the time to do so has now expired.
the document is a slap in the face of Oxman.

He affirms some things without citing case laws or laws. Is he really a lawyer ?

Now, he wants the appelate court to rehear the case or to transfer the case to the California supreme court.

He has NO chance. They don't have any obligation to consider the case now.
Re: Update: Hearing date set to October 6th / Joe Jackson appeals to remove estate executors

as far as this claim and lawsuit goes - it's over. Joe has no standing to challenge the will & executors as he's not a beneficiary.

who knows whether or not Oxman can pull another claim and another lawsuit from his bag.

Actually this is not true,

Joe can ask The California Supreme Court for an appeal.

It's highly unlikely as they don't just take on any case but it is still an option, they do however reject most cases.