O.J. Simpson Found Guilty in Robbery Trial

Love left Nicole and OJ's relationship. A bunch of things went wrong that none of us will ever fully know about. A murder occurred sometime afterwards that no one witnessed except Nicole and Ron and the one(s) that murdered them.

All of the familes on all sides are suffering and have been destroyed on all sides. The children born of Nicole and OJ have lost both of their parents and are now alone in the world with broken extended families. OJ's children from his first marriage are hurting as well. Everyone that has been directly effected by what has happened are grieving and do not need anything else added to their pain and trauma.

Stop arguing and taking sides, you guys. The whole entire thing is a tragedy and the way the media fed this tragedy to the general public was wrong and never should have happened. We all have been subjected to reality TV that went too far. A large number of cameras and microphones went into a courtroom. It is hurting everyone in their living rooms. Everyone that took in this tragic story via their television is hurting along with those families. That is what's fueling all of the arguments in this thread. The media acted irresponsibly with the way they covered this thing.

You can't fix what went wrong with Nicole and OJ, so why argue about it? Why continue allowing the media to make you suffer? It's not going to get you anywhere. All of it is sad. All of it. There is no good side to take in a tragedy. Spare yourselves the agony because the media is not going to. Their love for this story is going to continue, as will this wild ride we have been on. They followed him down the freeway, into the courtroom and now they are ready to follow him to prison. Aren't you ready to get off of this depressing ride? Aren't you? *sigh*

They are going to ride this story even if doing so is immoral, so it is now up to each and every individual that has been force fed this story to decide how to move away from it. This story split the country in the '90's and it is going to split the country again in the present day if we do not move away from it.

There is a major economic crisis taking place right now. We cannot afford to be split. If we do not come together and fix the crisis as soon as possible, there are going to be more tragic stories. Don't forget, the number one thing that causes problems in families is money.
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Love left Nicole and OJ's relationship. A bunch of things went wrong that none of us will ever fully know about. A murder occurred sometime afterwards that no one witnessed except Nicole and Ron and the one(s) that murdered them.

All of the familes on all sides are suffering and have been destroyed on all sides. The children born of Nicole and OJ have lost both of their parents and are now alone in the world with broken extended families. OJ's children from his first marriage are hurting as well. Everyone that has been directly effected by what has happened are grieving and do not need anything else added to their pain and trauma.

Stop arguing and taking sides, you guys. The whole entire thing is a tragedy and the way the media fed this tragedy to the general public was wrong and never should have happened. We all have been subjected to reality TV that went too far. A large number of cameras and microphones went into a courtroom. It is hurting everyone in their living rooms. Everyone that took in this tragic story via their television is hurting along with those families. That is what's fueling all of the arguments in this thread. The media acted irresponsibly with the way they covered this thing.

You can't fix what went wrong with Nicole and OJ, so why argue about it? Why continue allowing the media to make you suffer? It's not going to get you anywhere. All of it is sad. All of it. There is no good side to take in a tragedy. Spare yourselves the agony because the media is not going to. Their love for this story is going to continue, as will this wild ride we have been on. They followed him down the freeway, into the courtroom and now they are ready to follow him to prison. Aren't you ready to get off of this depressing ride? Aren't you? *sigh*

They are going to ride this story even if doing so is immoral, so it is now up to each and every individual that has been force fed this story to decide how to move away from it. This story split the country in the '90's and it is going to split the country again in the present day if we do not move away from it.

There is a major economic crisis taking place right now. We cannot afford to be split. If we do not come together and fix the crisis as soon as possible, there are going to be more tragic stories. Don't forget, the number one thing that causes problems in families is money.

the most appreciated post, to me, in this tragic subject.
Great post, All4MJ. The entire situation is sad and if you ever read the nasty comments from tmz.com, you should be happy that some of us, are not as low as those people. I stated how I feel about this situation and I am over it. The children of OJ have suffered too much and I wish them all the very best in their futures.
If the media doesn't let this story go for anybody else, they should at least let this story go for Nicole and OJ's children. Their children are already devastated by what has happened. They do not need anything else added to what they are naturally going through. They should be given a chance to heal as much as they possibly can.

I hope the media will start thinking about them and let this story go. They are pouring salt into their wounds.
I have to say that I believe O.J. murdered Nicole, and that he was let off on a technicality. I don't think I'll ever stop believing that, it just seems to be accurate and the most plausible explanation for what happened. It doesn't make it any less tragic.

That being said, 15 years for Armed Robbery and Kidnapping (especially this case) is completely ridiculous. I could understand it if he murdered someone else, but all he did was try to get his stuff back. And it wasn't even a real kidnapping. The judge was a little too heavy handed in this verdict.
I agree it was excessive, but we all know he wasn't being charged with this crime but with Nicole's death.​
and guess what....she's not alive b/c he was found guilty....neither is ron so what did th efamilies get from this 'justice' they sought for so many yrs?
I don't know too much about this case but I believe he did kill those people back in 1993 ...that's what he's famous for outside the US, not for being a football player
even of some say he didn't kill anybody and it was all about about race he still remains a brutal, violent individual and I don't like it when people compare Michael and OJ there's absolutely no comparison between them
yes there is b/c despite a not guilty verdict, both r forever guilty in the pub eye....AND one man cannot do the carnage that was done ALONE
both r forever guilty in the pub eye.
a % of the public eye.

i still dont get how they made up the kidnapping B.S charge.

I hope the media will start thinking about them and let this story go. They are pouring salt into their wounds.
when have the media ever cared. its all about the story then again oj hardly cared when he wrote that book
"Don't do the crime...

If you don't want to pay the time..!" :angel:
What I find disturbing is the 'pundits' wanting the jury to take the law into their own hands and punish him for what he may or may not have done.

We will never know if he is a murderer, but when the likes of Furhman the racist is caught committing perjury and the forensic guy doing the same and the non fitting glove I think there was reasonable doubt.

The judge was at pains to point out she was not influenced by the last case, yeah right, so why mention it. Given the obvious set up and the trial on the anniversary I am uncomfortable with the sentence, he did break the law, but the kidnapp charge and sentence was OTT, it is insulting to people who are kidnapped and abducted, as opposed to being told to stay where you are.