O.J. Simpson Found Guilty in Robbery Trial

so if its actual EVIDENCE then why hasnt oj's Son been arrested?

so some anonymous person/people have proved that OJ killed nicole and ron and they posted this on youtube......:rofl:...like i said before..when someone who has ACTUAL PROOF comes forward with PROOF that OJ did this..then I will believe it...until then he didnt do shit IMO...i'm not gonna run with racist AmeriKKKa and say the man killed somone just because he happens to be black and the two victims are white...

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=OSKtQpZNAPg&NR=1 *****HERE IT IS*****
Mez thinks he did it *runs* lol

so if its actual EVIDENCE then why hasnt oj's Son been arrested?
i dunno go ask them. maybe cause it wasnt enough for probable cause. just some of the things i remember reading made you go humm. and lets face it its pretty obvious the police were only ever after one man and after he did a runner with money and a disguise its hardly surprising
No. I learned of these tapes a few weeks ago. Also, the story about OJ's Jason. I have been sitting on the fence with this one. I don't really know.
Mez thinks he did it *runs* lol

i dunno go ask them. maybe cause it wasnt enough for probable cause. just some of the things i remember reading made you go humm. and lets face it its pretty obvious the police were only ever after one man and after he did a runner with money and a disguise its hardly surprising

You have every right to think he did it. No need to run from the thread. We are all suppose to have our own opinion on things. I just never thought he did it. I watched this case from the time the bodies were found til the very last day when that verdict was read in court.

The police was after him from the start..even if he didnt go on his slow run through LA...he was a black man and two white people were dead...and him and Nicole had a history of domestic violence.

I wonder how people would feel if many years later...someone was to come forward with a deathbed confession and confess to these murders. Would they still say OJ did it. Or admit that they were wrong...

And as for Fred Goldman i'm tired of that mans mouth....You thought he would of shut up when it was exposed that he hadnt even talked to his son in years after disowning him for being gay.

But now he wanna act like a grieving father all because he can get some money out of it.
You have every right to think he did it.

i didnt say i believed he did it. i said Mez ie tom mez Mjs lawyer believes he did. i dont know one way or the other.it such a long time ago even though i followed it as much as i could have and have watched a few docus on it. but i dont remember all that went on as i said with it being so long ago.

I wonder how people would feel if many years later...someone was to come forward with a deathbed confession and confess to these murders. Would they still say OJ did it. Or admit that they were wrong...
they would prob say OJ paid them. as we know with MJ some ppl are just plain haters regardless of what evidence is put before them. and will refuse to change their beliefs
Mez did an interview and stated that he believed OJ did the crime.
You have every right to think he did it. No need to run from the thread. We are all suppose to have our own opinion on things. I just never thought he did it. I watched this case from the time the bodies were found til the very last day when that verdict was read in court.

The police was after him from the start..even if he didnt go on his slow run through LA...he was a black man and two white people were dead...and him and Nicole had a history of domestic violence.

I wonder how people would feel if many years later...someone was to come forward with a deathbed confession and confess to these murders. Would they still say OJ did it. Or admit that they were wrong...

And as for Fred Goldman i'm tired of that mans mouth....You thought he would of shut up when it was exposed that he hadnt even talked to his son in years after disowning him for being gay.

But now he wanna act like a grieving father all because he can get some money out of it.

I'd never heard of Ron supposedly being gay it was always said he was Nicole's lover she was preparing to be with that night. Very interesting info listed above.
wow so mez is the end all save all of opinions? this dude defended robert blake and he only thought to give mj a chance cuz he knew randy. sorry but people can be wrong.

oj was arrested for a bunk ass 'crime' and this is payback. hopefully yale can get an appeal, that might take a few yrs, but anything's better than 15. none of this will bring back ron and nicole and maybe one day their families will realize that cuz they are so damn bitter.

this is bs.
I'm surprised that these people though it was okay for that dude to talk OJ into coming to that room and then taping the whole thing when he got there. Like I mentioned, OJ messed up big time going over there. But somebody involved in getting him to go there was shady as I don't know what. Why was this okay when they recorded him in order to make media money. I heard that they even admitted they were going to leak the tape. Is that true? And if so, isn't there some law against that? I also heard that there was even a recording of cops saying they were going to get OJ. If that's true, it should be a big factor in getting him out if there's an appeal. I seriously believe those guys in that room set him up because they knew he would want that stuff back and they also knew he also has anger issues. I also think they delibrately got him mad enough to come over there and then acted all peaches-and-cream innocent when the ish hit the fan. I don't think OJ was very smart. Far from it. But the way this all started still stinks IMO regardless of the verdict.
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This verdict had absolutely nothing to do with race. Legally, it was the correct verdict and a fair sentence. Anyone who did what OJ did would have been liable for the exact same thing and if a white, hispanic, black, asian, swahili, etc. man had the same evidence against him that OJ had then this verdict would have been the fair one as well.
I'm surprised that these people though it was okay for that dude to talk OJ into coming to that room and then taping the whole thing when he got there. Like I mentioned, OJ messed up big time going over there. But somebody involved in getting him to go there was shady as I don't know what. Why was this okay when they recorded him in order to make media money. I heard that they even admitted they were going to leak the tape. Is that true? And if so, isn't there some law against that? I also heard that there was even a recording of cops saying they were going to get OJ. If that's true, it should be a big factor in getting him out if there's an appeal. I seriously believe those guys in that room set him up because they knew he would want that stuff back and they also knew he also has anger issues. I also think they delibrately got him mad enough to come over there and then acted all peaches-and-cream innocent when the ish hit the fan. I don't think OJ was very smart. Far from it. But the way this all started still stinks IMO regardless of the verdict.

There's no doubt that this guy that entrapped OJ, so to speak, is a scumbag but that doesn't take away from the fact that OJ actually committed the crime. That's why he's in prison right now and that's why he'll probably be there for most, if not all, of the rest of his life.
No one got OJ in to this mess but himself. I can't believe there are still people caught up in the race card and letting it blind them from the truth. The man is a killer and a thief. Let him rot. The color of his skin is irrelevant and the only one out to get him is God.
There's no doubt that this guy that entrapped OJ, so to speak, is a scumbag but that doesn't take away from the fact that OJ actually committed the crime. That's why he's in prison right now and that's why he'll probably be there for most, if not all, of the rest of his life.

I agree.
No one got OJ in to this mess but himself. I can't believe there are still people caught up in the race card and letting it blind them from the truth. The man is a killer and a thief. Let him rot. The color of his skin is irrelevant and the only one out to get him is God.

please don't bring religion in this. people are doing the proceedings, and people made the judgement.
No one got OJ in to this mess but himself. I can't believe there are still people caught up in the race card and letting it blind them from the truth. The man is a killer and a thief. Let him rot. The color of his skin is irrelevant and the only one out to get him is God.
so we can categorize a man who was acquitted yet we can bash those that do teh same towards others? shall i emphasize more or do u get my drift?
This verdict had absolutely nothing to do with race. Legally, it was the correct verdict and a fair sentence. Anyone who did what OJ did would have been liable for the exact same thing and if a white, hispanic, black, asian, swahili, etc. man had the same evidence against him that OJ had then this verdict would have been the fair one as well.

had that not happened, oj wouldn't be in this mess...they let him 'get away' then so this is payback...that's where race comes in

Crime....errr stupidity doesn't pay. If only he had gone the legal route in trying to get his stuff back he wouldn't be in this mess. He walked right into this one. I got nothing else to say on this. Just......damn. And God be with him while he's in jail.
My 2 cents.

1. OJ is an idiot for allowing himself to get set up, given the general sentiments towards him. Having said that...

2. OJ is fortunate that they didn't throw the book at him. He did what he did. He should have hire an attorney to get his stuff back instead of acting out his John Wayne fantasy...

3. While OJ is fortunate that they didn't throw the book at him, his sentence is probably not comparable to the average Joe, with no priors...

4. Having said that, I doubt that his lawyers will be successful with an appeal even though the jury was not diverse... and...

5. Anyone thinking that race doesn't underline anything having to do with OJ Simpson is naive. The 93 case help to lay open America's continuing dirty little secret regarding racism, as well as the flaws in the criminal justice system here, from how a case is investigated by police who carry pre-concieved notions of who is guilty instead of conducting an objective investigation, to prosecutors looking to be re-elected, to lawyers using famous cases as a launching board to a TV career and other hanger-ons looking to make a buck. Exercising justice and the rule of law gets lost with these other agendas and no one is ultimately satisfied at the end of the day.
................................................edit..sry..wrong post
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Let me get this straight. He got 15 years for robbery and "kidnapping" where no one got hurt or shot? Woooow.

Basically he was sentenced that much time for a crime that he was found not guilty of all those years ago. Now I'm not going to say he was indeed innocent but I don't think its cool that it had to play a factor in this case and its too obvious that it did.

Come on...15 years? People have done far worse and have gotten a slap on a wrist...this man is going to jail for robbing sports memorabilia that belonged to him. Now had he actually shot someone then yeah 15 years would make sense.

This whole thing just amazes me but I guess he'll finally rot for what he did all those years ago...but really, how messed up does that statement really sound? I know people are happy hes finally going to jail and I am right there with you. But I can't say he deserved that much time for this particular crime.
I have no meaning on his person since I haven't educated myself in the case, but I do remember watching the case 13 years ago, and seeing him on TV yesterday, it was surreal.

It's almost like someone came back and haunted him.

That said, the look on his face was sad and like someone said here, he knew what was coming.

I can't believe he is 61 years old. An old man, who would have had the chance to live his life if he didn't get himself caught up in mess.
so did oj hve a gun cause ive hardly een any articles that actually state the facts (as normal)
the kidnapping allegation is B.S im sure they make the laws up as they go along. he went into a room and said ppl arent leaving till he gets his things back. wow that equates with murder. oh sorry thats what hes really been sentenced for lol. its all about payback and nothing more sadly oj was dumb enough to do a pretty nothingless crime (unless he had guns on him) and they screwed him for it. im surprised they didnt give him longer hoping for a confession for 04 cause he will die in there anyway.regardless of whether you think he did it in 04 it stinks that hes been basically punished for that crime this time around. anyone who cares anythng about the justice system should be worried and angered by that.

one of the many reasons why mj should watch his back and preferably get out of there
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So all what was proved in court this time is the fact that the justice system in the US has nothing to do with justice. It's a shame!
is the fact that the justice system in the US has nothing to do with justice. It's a shame!
i think we have always known that
one of the many reasons why mj should watch his back and preferably get out of there

Get out for what? This has to do with OJ and his silly choices, not Michael. Let's not talk about Mike here. It was clear as day that the 1994 murder trial played a major role in OJ going to jail for good. For Fred and his daughter being in the courtroom during OJ's sentencing was very weird. The judge was lying through her teeth when she said that the sentencing has nothing to do with the trial. Why was OJ making stupid choices that he made? He should have gotten a lawyer to get his things. Better yet, OJ should have left the country, live in Japan and call it a day. But he did not. At the end of the day, for OJ, it is all sad. The legal system is a complete joke - duh, look what happened to Michael and many other innocent people. Racism plays a big role in the legal system, and OJ is a complete fool. He is the true American tragedy.