O.J. Simpson Found Guilty in Robbery Trial

It doesn't matter if you think he's guilty of the murders from 95 or not. That's no cause to lock him up over a trial with a shaky foundation.
due to the jury selection, it was stated even before this case began, that if he was found guilty at this trial, that he already had grounds for appeal before this trial even started.
due to the jury selection, it was stated even before this case began, that if he was found guilty at this trial, that he already had grounds for appeal before this trial even started.

That were just legal analysts believing that way, there is no gurantee an appellate judge will see it that way and based on this article where the jury states why they convicted him, i think his chances of getting out are slim to none, clearly they wanted to acquit inspite of any previous preconceived notions about him but OJ damned himself, read below:


LAS VEGAS - O.J. Simpson jurors said Sunday night the Juice convicted himself with his own words - and they bristled at suggestions they are racists.

The panel said secretly recorded tapes of the football great discussing the botched gunpoint memorabilia heist in a Sin City hotel room sealed his fate.

"The laws that were laid out were the laws," juror Dora Pettit said. "And they were clearly broken."

The jurors also rejected complaints by Simpson's lawyers that the panel was biased against Simpson because there were no blacks among them. One juror identified herself in a court questionnaire as Hispanic.

"We've been painted as an all-white jury who hates O.J., and that's just not true," said Pettit, adding that she prayed for Simpson and doesn't care if he does a day in prison.

After deliberating 13 hours Friday, the jury of nine women and three men found Simpson, 61, and pal Clarence (C.J.) Stewart guilty of all 12 criminal charges stemming from the Sept. 13, 2007 holdup.

The memorabilia dealers told cops Simpson had robbed them at gunpoint.

Simpson unsuccessfully maintained that he never saw a gun and only wanted to retrieve family heirlooms stolen by a former manager.

The jurors said at an extraordinary news conference that they virtually discounted the witnesses against Simpson, whom they branded as unreliable crooks trying to save their own skins.

Juror Michelle Lyons, 41, said a key piece of evidence was a postrobbery recording made at a restaurant in which Simpson acknowledged his pal Michael McClinton was packing his "piece."

"We heard it quite clearly," Lyons said. "And we heard it more times than anyone else heard it."

Without the tapes, jurors would have almost certainly acquitted Simpson, they said.

"It would have been a very weak case," Pettit said. Juror David Wieberg, 51, chimed in, "Yes, a weak case," and other jurors nodded in agreement.

Asked why they convicted Stewart, 54, whom some observers pegged as a bit player, juror Teresa Owens said, "The thing that clinched it for me is he drove the car. ...He came out of that room with items that didn't belong to him."

Added juror Consuelo Saldivar: "He didn't leave. If he walked in and saw what was going on, he could have walked out."

The jury also emphatically denied that they convicted Simpson to make up for his controversial 1995 acquittal in the murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ronald Goldman.

In pretrial questionnaires, five of the 12 seated jurors admitted they disagreed with Simpson's 1995 acquittal.

"I think he did it," wrote juror Sheridan Eckart, 55, when asked her opinion on the murder trial. "But I wasn't there to hear the case, so I really can't say."

Still, all 12 said they could "set aside" personal feelings.

Simpson lawyer Yale Galanter vowed to appeal the verdict.

"We are going to fast-track it," Galanter said. "Our notice will be filed 30 seconds after he's sentenced."

Simpson's kidnapping charge carries a potential life sentence.
whats with the kidnapping charge. he didnt kidnap anyone.

Juror Michelle Lyons, 41, said a key piece of evidence was a postrobbery recording made at a restaurant in which Simpson acknowledged his pal Michael McClinton was packing his "piece."
which means? how does it prove oj knew others had guns with them?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I always thought that if you record someone without their permission, the recordings aren't allowed in court (thinking back to Mike's '93 situation when Evan was recorded).
If you look carefully at the evidence presented, you will see that this case was NOTHING more than a REVENGE case and it was carefully orchestrated to get a conviction.

Hmm.... I have to sort of agree to this. It was weird that the jury was all white. When OJ was vindicated in 1995, it was split between blacks happy for the verdict and white angry for the verdict. The people that were with him when he did what he did were all crinimals and made deals with the pros. to flip. I would not be shocked if these pros. were cool with the pros. in the OJ murder trial and did everything they can to ruin OJ. The media had a field say with the verdict and it is really sad.

If OJ did not write that stupid book and wasn't found responsible for the murders in 1996, then maybe all of these things would not have happened to him. After the verdict, he should have taken his children and leave the country never to be seen or heard from again. He should have been careful. However, OJ is a trainwreck. He is. He knew better and did stupid things anyway.

Oh well...
"I think he did it," wrote juror Sheridan Eckart, 55, when asked her opinion on the murder trial. "But I wasn't there to hear the case, so I really can't say."

So, you weren't there to hear the case in 1995 but you think he did it? What a fool. Why is the 1995 case being bought up in the robbery trial? This proves what I have always believed when this happened - he was being tried for the 1995 case again.

"We've been painted as an all-white jury who hates O.J., and that's just not true," said Pettit, adding that she prayed for Simpson and doesn't care if he does a day in prison.

So what, this fool prayed for Simpson but doesn't care if he does a day in jail? So, if you do not care, why did you pray for the man???? Makes no sense.

The jury also emphatically denied that they convicted Simpson to make up for his controversial 1995 acquittal in the murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ronald Goldman

Lies, lies, lies. All lies.
I don't know what to think on the issue of the 1994 case. To me, both sides of that had their share of shady characters. For the 2007 one though, I will say that I think that OJ has a serious problem controlling his temper and what he did wasn't in the least bit smart. But I also think the guys who arranged that hotel room meeting knew about him having a psychologically short fuse and took advantage of him with it. Personally, I think it seems a bit too perfect that they just happened to have the means and presence of mind to tape record the whole incident. They knew what was going to happen and were hoping to either make some quick cash by selling the tape to the media or use it as a means to trap OJ in court, which is exactly what happened. OJ should have been careful and kept out of trouble from 1995 on out. So he has to shoulder alot of the blame. But those guys set him up IMO. And they've gotten away with it.
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staceyr.....y would he need to strongarm a person...let alone in a casino /hotel that's got hella cameras? the man was a crook.....if he didn't go through w/ it, he'd be charged. in fact, his 'co-consp' were also threatened....it's just amazing 2 c jealousy and anger last 13 yrs...clark county must pat themselves on the back...makes me sick

yale knew what he was doing w/ the jury b/c he said he fig. that they'd find him guiilty. sorry but it's IMPOSSIBLE to find 12 people who can be objective.
Hmm.... I have to sort of agree to this. It was weird that the jury was all white. When OJ was vindicated in 1995, it was split between blacks happy for the verdict and white angry for the verdict. The people that were with him when he did what he did were all crinimals and made deals with the pros. to flip. I would not be shocked if these pros. were cool with the pros. in the OJ murder trial and did everything they can to ruin OJ. The media had a field say with the verdict and it is really sad.

If OJ did not write that stupid book and wasn't found responsible for the murders in 1996, then maybe all of these things would not have happened to him. After the verdict, he should have taken his children and leave the country never to be seen or heard from again. He should have been careful. However, OJ is a trainwreck. He is. He knew better and did stupid things anyway.

Oh well...

No doubt, OJ deserves the FOOL of the century award with this one.

But a FOOL, no matter how stupid, does not deserve JAIL time for a NON-crime!!!

Plus, did you see what the jury said??? They disregarded witnesses and only listened/looked at the "evidence"? WHAT EVIDENCE??? I heard the tapes. I saw the trial on TruTV. I also heard the tapes where the cops said they were gonna get him and one of his shady friends "arranged the meeting". This was a SET UP!!!!

This man was SET UP for 1995. This is no coincidence.

This verdict needs to be overturned.

This jury is going to talk about "praying" for the man. Who did they pray to?? Do they really think God's gonna reward them for putting somebody behind bars for life for a crime he did not do??

(as for "if I did it" -- I don't know who on earth convinced this man to accept that book deal, but I can only imagine his despratation for money to agree to write that book. I mean, this man has tried just about everything to earn money since his acquittal. People have bills to pay so maybe he was in dire straits. I remember when a satellite company caught OJ stealing satellite TV a few years back. This man was in bad shape financially..maybe that's why he wrote --"if i did it")

whats with the kidnapping charge. he didnt kidnap anyone.

which means? how does it prove oj knew others had guns with them?

Cops love charging people with the kidnapping charge. It makes it sound way more serious than "dumb OJ was being a loudmouth and screaming at me". With a simple flick of the pen, the kidnapping charge makes it sound like OJ threw someone in the trunk and took off down the road. You see?
The Americans need to take back their constitution and their civil rights from their mafia govts. The whole world is talking about the american slide into fascism. Help yourselves america; get up, stand up, stand up for your rights.
The Americans need to take back their constitution and their civil rights from their mafia govts. The whole world is talking about the american slide into fascism. Help yourselves america; get up, stand up, stand up for your rights.

you make a valid point datsy about what we need to do, i was expressing this when i posted this poem http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1623540#post1623540 a week or so ago had nothing to do with this case specifically, but in general to this country and how i feel things are going atm. it seems to me that these controversial cases seem to happen to some people more than others, but im opening a can of worms.
soso def, I feel this was all a set-up, but having said that, I just don't think he would get an appeal. It's clear they want this man in jail. I was interested to know why you thought he would even get an appeal.
as for "if I did it" -- I don't know who on earth convinced this man to accept that book deal, but I can only imagine his despratation for money to agree to write that book. I mean, this man has tried just about everything to earn money since his acquittal. People have bills to pay so maybe he was in dire straits. I remember when a satellite company caught OJ stealing satellite TV a few years back. This man was in bad shape financially..maybe that's why he wrote --"if i did it")

vstreet, I happen to agree with this and his has been commented upon by many. He should of just left the country, Stay low like Robert Blake.
you make a valid point datsy about what we need to do, i was expressing this when i posted this poem http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1623540#post1623540 a week or so ago had nothing to do with this case specifically, but in general to this country and how i feel things are going atm. it seems to me that these controversial cases seem to happen to some people more than others, but im opening a can of worms.
Thanks. I like your poem too.
here is an interesting American worth listening too. his name is joe and he is doing really well on youtube.

Plus, did you see what the jury said??? They disregarded witnesses and only listened/looked at the "evidence"? WHAT EVIDENCE??? I heard the tapes. I saw the trial on TruTV. I also heard the tapes where the cops said they were gonna get him and one of his shady friends "arranged the meeting". This was a SET UP!!!!

I saw it and laughed. How can they say that and think that someone was gonna buy what they said? There was really no evidence and they all said that if the tape was not bought in as evidence, they would have vindicated him. I think the pros. and media knew that ish and bought in the tapes. They knew that was the only way to get his ass. It was def. a set up and OJ feel into that trap big time. There was no crime because how did he rob the place? Don't you need a gun to rob the place? How did he kidnap anyone? Telling someone not to leave is kidnapping? He was tried for the 1995 case. Those jurors are patehiec nobodies.

This jury is going to talk about "praying" for the man. Who did they pray to?? Do they really think God's gonna reward them for putting somebody behind bars for life for a crime he did not do?

Great question. These people kill me. They prayed for a man that they didn't care for. They were trying to convince the public that they did not try OJ for 1995. However, it was clear as day that they did.

I don't know who on earth convinced this man to accept that book deal, but I can only imagine his despratation for money to agree to write that book. I mean, this man has tried just about everything to earn money since his acquittal

I was thinking along that angle as well. No one would give this dude a chance and he was, at that time, aquitted. The evils of this country, I tell ya. A whole man was found innocent and he is treated like a criminal that they wanted him to be. It is a damn shame. OJ was an HERO, A HERO and now the very people that loved him and called him a HERO has now hated him and calls him a ZERO. Only in America, only in America. SMH.
O.J. was set up in this case. No doubt he did some stupid things, but this was DEFINITELY a set up.

MARK MY WORDS: THIS case will be used as the template for going after celebs in the future. We will see a STRING of convictions in the future because cops and DAs all over the country will use what they used in this case (deception, lies and CRIMINALS) to put celebs in compromising positions so that they can get a conviction.

I STRONGLY OPPOSE the conviction in this case. If you look carefully at the evidence presented, you will see that this case was NOTHING more than a REVENGE case and it was carefully orchestrated to get a conviction.

I have to agree with you on this. The police wanted to "get him", and they did.
Lol While my mom was watching the news report she shook her head and said
"I knew they weren't going to let him get away this time" :lol:
And Third, i never said OJ Murderd or Never Murdered anyone. all am saying is that I Dont know what happned 13 yrs ago, all inknow is that 12 Charges and Guilty on all of them on this case was not justice served...i know there might be anger in peple from 13 yers ago, but am still not convinced what he did in in the Hotel, deserves 15+.

nobody knows what happened 13 years ago...so i'm wondering how so many can say he killed nicole and ron...do they have evidence to prove it that nobody else has seen or heard? were they there the night of the murder?
I watched that murder trial from the 1st day to the last day when the verdict was read...and none of the evidence linked OJ to those murders...not even that glove that didnt fit his hand...in order for him to slash, chop and cut...he needed gloves that would fit him.....many cauasians say he did it just because hes a black man and two white people were killed...but thats how its always been here in AmeriKKKa...for those that say he did it..show everybody else your proof......
yale set it up so taht if it didn't go their way, he had wiggle room.....maybe a few things went on behind the scenes that he let slip that he'll 'discover' in a week or two to give cause for appeal
tbh theres more evidence against OJs son for the 94 killings then oj himself. that intresting docu/article thats on the net somewhere
And I think OJ knows that his bad tempered son may have killed the couple, maybe angry to find them in bed together. OJ may well be covering up for his son.
nobody knows what happened 13 years ago...so i'm wondering how so many can say he killed nicole and ron...do they have evidence to prove it that nobody else has seen or heard? were they there the night of the murder?
I watched that murder trial from the 1st day to the last day when the verdict was read...and none of the evidence linked OJ to those murders...not even that glove that didnt fit his hand...in order for him to slash, chop and cut...he needed gloves that would fit him.....many cauasians say he did it just because hes a black man and two white people were killed...but thats how its always been here in AmeriKKKa...for those that say he did it..show everybody else your proof......

If you go to Youtube, there you can find all of it there.
And I think OJ knows that his bad tempered son may have killed the couple, maybe angry to find them in bed together. OJ may well be covering up for his son.

Well, that was an issue too. "OJ wouldn't give up his son to police". I read that his son was a chef during this time, he had planned a dinner of 20 people but Nicole didn't want to attend the dinner, she really didn't care for OJ's son. Perhaps, this could have been a theory that no one investigated".
yale set it up so taht if it didn't go their way, he had wiggle room.....maybe a few things went on behind the scenes that he let slip that he'll 'discover' in a week or two to give cause for appeal

SoSo, your baby boy is so cute and looks so much like you! :)
tbh theres more evidence against OJs son for the 94 killings then oj himself. that intresting docu/article thats on the net somewhere

so if its actual EVIDENCE then why hasnt oj's Son been arrested?

If you go to Youtube, there you can find all of it there.

so some anonymous person/people have proved that OJ killed nicole and ron and they posted this on youtube......:rofl:...like i said before..when someone who has ACTUAL PROOF comes forward with PROOF that OJ did this..then I will believe it...until then he didnt do shit IMO...i'm not gonna run with racist AmeriKKKa and say the man killed somone just because he happens to be black and the two victims are white...
nobody knows what happened 13 years ago...so i'm wondering how so many can say he killed nicole and ron...do they have evidence to prove it that nobody else has seen or heard? were they there the night of the murder?
I watched that murder trial from the 1st day to the last day when the verdict was read...and none of the evidence linked OJ to those murders...not even that glove that didnt fit his hand...in order for him to slash, chop and cut...he needed gloves that would fit him.....many cauasians say he did it just because hes a black man and two white people were killed...but thats how its always been here in AmeriKKKa...for those that say he did it..show everybody else your proof......

Agreed:agree:!!! Who EVEN KNOWS HE DID IT 13 years ago...Its like that Murder trail in 1983(Ithink) where a black guy(Darryl Hunt) wrongfully convicted of the rape and murder. He served 19 and a half years in prison before he was freed. 19.5 years? Its just not really fair whats still happning here...very dissapointed in the justice system!:no:
so if its actual EVIDENCE then why hasn't oj's Son been arrested?

so some anonymous person/people have proved that OJ killed nicole and ron and they posted this on youtube......:rofl:...like i said before..when someone who has ACTUAL PROOF comes forward with PROOF that OJ did this..then I will believe it...until then he didn't do shit IMO...i'm not gonna run with racist AmeriKKKa and say the man killed someone just because he happens to be black and the two victims are white...

yes, i don't know when the you tube poster posted, it may have just come out recently now that OJ has been in trouble again.
what i did see in you tube, the cop Mark Ferman was called the "racist cop" in the trial at that time. OJ's defence team presented tapes of Mark Ferman using racial slurs during his work experience as a police officer," stating how he would arrest blacks, take them into the basement and beat them up." "Many time putting a bullet in their heads." He bragged about this on tape. These tapes are probably what got OJ acquitted..
I will see if I can get the link and post it for you to read.