O.J. Simpson Found Guilty in Robbery Trial

all the MJ compare-and-contrast arguments are flawed for quite an obvious reason, so i'm ignoring those.

it doesnt really matter if its a single or a double murder...what i'm saying is that its WRONG for jurers to convict him by the old case.
what's legally wrong here wouldn't be on behalf of the jurors but the investigators/prosecutors or whoever may have "framed" him. but looking at the bigger picture, i'd call it corruption for the greater good. after all, corruption makes the world go 'round and around.
Now, if you believe OJ never murdered, then I just opened a whole can of worms.

And Third, i never said OJ Murderd or Never Murdered anyone. all am saying is that I Dont know what happned 13 yrs ago, all inknow is that 12 Charges and Guilty on all of them on this case was not justice served...i know there might be anger in peple from 13 yers ago, but am still not convinced what he did in in the Hotel, deserves 15+.
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corruption or not, you can't just say 'hey let's forget about that trial' - all the reactions have everything to do with what happened 13 years ago.

I didnt say lets foget about it, all am saying is that it is NOT justice when you convict someone a life senteces not for what he's in the courtroom for, but for what happned 13 years ago...
u know what...i was absolutely gobsmacked w/ this news....

reminds me of the murder trial...U DON'T HAVE TO FRAME A GUILTY MAN.....i wonder y he was the ONLY one they considered in thosemurders even tho ron was associated w/ drug dealers etc....i wonder y they planted blood and a glove etc.....

and now, 13 yrs to the day he has to pay for something he didn't do. sorry but casinos have surv. this was a hack job and yale knew from jump he'd b convicted. i would have fought lik ehell to get some black folks on that jury.....

great....clark county, pat urselves on the back. the dude that accused oj of this was scum and is a crook....that's like gotti accusing someone of stealing his merc. and that personbeing sentenced to life....it'll totally go over on appeal
And Third, i never said OJ Murderd or Never Murdered anyone. all am saying is that I Dont know what happned 13 yrs ago
Educate yourself, then. Again, if you believe he didn't murder, then your position is understandable.
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I didnt say lets foget about it, all am saying is that it is NOT justice when you convict someone a life senteces not for what he's in the courtroom for, but for what happned 13 years ago...
that 'forget about it' bit was in response to vstreet's 'put that trial away' remark. because it's all about the murder trial.

and again you're saying it's not (legally) just and i've already acknowledged this LOL but you're detracting away from his murder trial, so i don't know how much you know about it. but i believe he's guilty with all the evidence and witnesses presented, so in principle i think it's 13 years short of justice.
Educate yourself, then. Again, if you believe he didn't murder, then your position is understandable.

Lastly, as i said i dont have a stand if he was guilty 13 yrs. ago or not, and i was like 7yrs old then, But I know what is Right or wrong. and i'm saying that convicting a person on what they did or didnt do 13 yrs. ago, is just NOT RIGHT! i know there are people hurting because he wasnt convicted all those years ago but only God knows what happned. right?

I know you might be older than me, but you cant argue that its a revenge on oj.
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u know what...i was absolutely gobsmacked w/ this news....

reminds me of the murder trial...U DON'T HAVE TO FRAME A GUILTY MAN.....i wonder y he was the ONLY one they considered in thosemurders even tho ron was associated w/ drug dealers etc....i wonder y they planted blood and a glove etc.....

and now, 13 yrs to the day he has to pay for something he didn't do. sorry but casinos have surv. this was a hack job and yale knew from jump he'd b convicted. i would have fought lik ehell to get some black folks on that jury.....

great....clark county, pat urselves on the back. the dude that accused oj of this was scum and is a crook....that's like gotti accusing someone of stealing his merc. and that personbeing sentenced to life....it'll totally go over on appeal

i know there are people hurting because he wasnt convicted all those years ago but only God knows what happned. right?
No, it's not only God who knows what happened. The whole world knows, the trial was a one of the most publicized trials. That's why people have such strong opinions.

I know you might be older than me, but you cant argue that its a revenge on oj.
Well, of course, like I said earlier, it's almost impossible to not go back to the murder trial. They made sure they weren't going to let OJ get off this time around, they had to convict him one way or another. The last case was extremely corrupted with race issues and justice was not served.
No, it's not only God who knows what happened. The whole world knows, the trial was a one of the most publicized trials. That's why people have such strong opinions.

Well, of course, like I said earlier, it's almost impossible to not go back to the murder trial. They made sure they weren't going to let OJ get off this time around, they had to convict him one way or another. The last case was extremely corrupted with race issues and justice was not served.

What i meant about God knowing what happned, i mean what really happned. We know(the World knows) what the media told us to know...but God, knows what happned...he might have or might not have done it, well, you and most ppl. believe he did...but really, i dont know! this is just my opinion so dont look down on it or judge me, cuz am not judging you @ all for what you think.
What i meant about God knowing what happned, i mean what really happned. We know(the World knows) what the media told us to know...but God, knows what happned...he might have or might not have done it, well, you and most ppl. believe he did...but really, i dont know! this is just my opinion so dont look down on it or judge me, cuz am not judging you @ all for what you think.

if by "the media told us to know" you mean the media sat us down in the courtroom through their cameras, then yeah that's pretty much what happened, lol.
I agree with what earthlyme has been saying. I thought this whole thing seemed like a setup from the beginning. You have people that thought he was guilty before and thought, "well, here's our chance to get him in jail".

I hope that they interview the jurors because I'd like to know their take on this.
Well, i do not believe he is a murderer, and neither did the court. it is an indictment on the American system of goverment that allowed an innocent man to be set up so that they can put him away for a crime that he was never convictted for. watch out. there is an old jamaican saying. 'Today for me, tomorrow for you'. Be careful what you wish for. When you allow these things to happen in your country it will affect your civil rights and it is happening right before your eyes.
Okay folks I have done a big clean up in here so if you notice your post is altered that was me. :)
I tried not to delete posts but rather just edit out parts :flowers:

This thread is going along fine but we will not be allowing MJ comparisons on this topic.

Also please note wishing death or trips to hell for jury members etc is not appropriate behaviour.

Thanks :) do play on :flowers:
Well, i do not believe he is a murderer, and neither did the court. it is an indictment on the American system of goverment that allowed an innocent man to be set up so that they can put him away for a crime that he was never convictted for. watch out. there is an old jamaican saying. 'Today for me, tomorrow for you'. Be careful what you wish for. When you allow these things to happen in your country it will affect your civil rights and it is happening right before your eyes.

Well said! :flowers: And altho the murder trial was very publicized people still didn't see what was right in front of them...or maybe they didn't understand what was being shown to them. And then most people who were in school or work still relied heavily on the media to tell them what was going on and we know how that works. I, for one, taped the whole thing and would watch it at night. I'm a legal buff, what can I say. No jury with a conscience could convict on that evidence. I love it when ppl say there was ALLLL this evidence but most of it was a bunch of hooey and not all they hyped it to be. It was shot down in court and shown for what it was. The media spun it and the O.J. detractors ignored it becuz it suited them and their opinion that he was guilty...or rather, if he wasn't guilty of murder he was guilty of beating his wife and should pay for that "somehow". But I digress. I promised myself to not get into any more debates about that particular trial. You need transcripts to show ppl what they missed and/or don't know and that's not possible, so to each his own opinion. Bleh.

Anyhoo, I have only two words to say about this revenge conviction.

Damn shame! :no:
At the time of OJ Simpson's 1995 trial, I believed him to be guilty based on the audio tapes and photos his ex wife Nicole Simpson kept which showed extream violence of the worst kind by OJ Simpson. But in hindsight my view has changed, as it is a fact that no DNA was found to link him to the murder. He's stuck in limbo on this because their is no evidence that he did or didn't do the murder, or wasn't connected to the murder in hiring someone. No one knows what happend, but OJ's past behaviour as a wife beater is what makes the public presume him to be a murderer. And the fact his ex wife thought his violence could lead to her murder whilst she was alive.

I don't really know that much about the 1995 trial, I watched bits of it here in the UK, though it was big news OJ was never really that famous in the UK because no one plays American Foot Ball. But I do agree the media has put a spin on the facts of his trial, and the truth (whatever that is) has been lost. I don't know if he is or isn't a murderer, I just think what he's been convicted of is wrong verdict and not a serious enough crime for a long time in jail.
It would be interesting to see what Tom Mesereau thinks of the verdict.
Something to think about............Simpson was found guilty of an armed robbery that occurred on Sept. 13, 2007, in Las Vegas. Jurors deliberated for 13 hours after a 13-day trial before rendering their decision Friday night - the 13th anniversary of Simpson's acquittal on charges of murdering his ex-wife Nicole and her pal Ron Goldman.
It would be interesting to see what Tom Mesereau thinks of the verdict.

i believe that Mesereau's practice is actually a civil liberties practice isn't it? yes, it would be very interesting to hear his take on it. i agree.

Something to think about............Simpson was found guilty of an armed robbery that occurred on Sept. 13, 2007, in Las Vegas. Jurors deliberated for 13 hours after a 13-day trial before rendering their decision Friday night - the 13th anniversary of Simpson's acquittal on charges of murdering his ex-wife Nicole and her pal Ron Goldman.

again i say.... eerie
crap verdict and lame that he'sbeing punished for what they THINK he did 13 yrs ago. i beleive yale willbe able to get this overturned
^^^ tha hell? makes no sense...

anyway, hasn't been in trouble all hislife....just the last 15 or so years...hmmmmmmm

OJ Simpson is may going to have to face the judge in about half a week or so, cause he been in tourble for all his life since in the 90s for Guilty assiot!

OJ won't see the judge again until Dec 5th for his sentencing. He is in isolation for 23 hours a day to keep him safe from other inmates and after he is sentenced he will be transferred from county jail to state prison. After he is sentenced his lawyer Yale Galanter can then file an appeal and he hopes at sentencing to get O.J. bail while the appeal is going on but chances are slim to none OJ will get bail due to the kidnapping charge he was convicted of.

As for him being in trouble all his life back in San Fran he was in a gang and did some petty stuff but turned his life around through football and remained trouble free until his late wife Nicole called the cops on him for spousal abuse back in 1989, they divorced in 1992 and they had back and forth drama but OJ stayed under the radar until the unfortunate murders of Nicole and Ron in June of 1994.
OJ wasn't setup. This was all his own doing. There is no conspiracy against this man other than karma finally biting him in the ass. He made his own bed long ago and now he must lay in it.
soso def, I'll be interested to know why you think this will go over on appeal?