O.J. Simpson Found Guilty in Robbery Trial


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Jul 25, 2011
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Oct. 3, 2008


O.J. Simpson Found Guilty in Robbery Trial

LAS VEGAS -- O.J. Simpson has been found guilty on all charges in the alleged gunpoint robbery of two sports memorabilia dealers in a Las Vegas casino hotel room more than a year ago.

Simpson faces a prison sentence of 15 years to life.

The jury reached the verdict Friday after working into the night, deliberating the fate of the former football star and a co-defendant accused of robbing two sports memorabilia dealers at gunpoint in a casino hotel room.
Not shocked just based on the fact OJ Simpson IMO since the verdicts has acted like a real but head who did not know when to shut his mouth or show any act right. I am willing to bet you he did not do what he was found guilty of but him being such an asshole since the last trial is the reason why he was found guilty
Yea... I watched it just a few minutes ago on TV live..
This jury was determined to send a message on the anniversary of his acquittal of the murder charges: Their message was you didn't get convicted the first time but we got you now despite the fact this trial was a joke, most of the witnesses were convicted felons, and clearly the case made no sense but we gonna push you for getting away with the first one. All i can say to ANY celeb out there watch your step jurors will play God if they think you "got away" with something.
This jury was determined to send a message on the anniversary of his acquittal of the murder charges: Their message was you didn't get convicted the first time but we got you now despite the fact this trial was a joke, most of the witnesses were convicted felons, and clearly the case made no sense but we gonna push you for getting away with the first one. All i can say to ANY celeb out there watch your step jurors will play God if they think you "got away" with something.

This case was a joke but there will be no outrage. And lets ot forget he was on trial not to long after the murder case on a murder charge and he was found not guilty for that. I wonder what this judge will give him?
This case was a joke but there will be no outrage. And lets ot forget he was on trial not to long after the murder case on a murder charge and he was found not guilty for that. I wonder what this judge will give him?

The case was certainly not a "joke." Even if you ignored all the facts surrounding the case, the look on OJ's face during the reading of the verdict really said it all. He knew what he had done.

Also, what is this murder charge case you're talking about after the original case? He went to a civil court and was found responsible for the deaths of Ronnie and Nicole.
The case was certainly not a "joke." Even if you ignored all the facts surrounding the case, the look on OJ's face during the reading of the verdict really said it all. He knew what he had done.

Also, what is this murder charge case you're talking about after the original case? He went to a civil court and was found responsible for the deaths of Ronnie and Nicole.

Oh I am sorry not a murder case but a road rage case. Sorry, it is late here and I will be honest I did not really follow this trail all I knew for sure is some of those witness would make the Arvizos look like truthful people
This case was a joke but there will be no outrage. And lets ot forget he was on trial not to long after the murder case on a murder charge and he was found not guilty for that. I wonder what this judge will give him?

O.J. went on trial for a road rage case where he was acquitted but it wasn't serious enough charges there. Now with this he faces a minimum of 30 years which given he is 61 is essentially a life sentence. Also even with all of the appeals im sure that Yale Galanter is going to file none will be overturned, O.J. is a public pariah and those tapes that scumbag Riccio made doomed O.J. all i can say is thank God his children are all adults and they can move on with their lives.
hardly surprised they were never gonna let him get away with anything second time around. so what about the others who were involved? only 2 were found guilty did they all flip to the pros side and testifyed against him? theres been no reporting on this at all over here. only saying the jusry was picked and then yestersay when they said the jury had gone out. did oj have a gun on him?

all i can say is thank God his children are all adults and they can move on with their lives.
i doubt being adults makes much difference. they have still lost their father
hardly surprised they were never gonna let him get away with anything second time around. so what about the others who were involved? only 2 were found guilty did they all flip to the pros side and testifyed against him? theres been no reporting on this at all over here. only saying the jusry was picked and then yestersay when they said the jury had gone out. did oj have a gun on him?

i doubt being adults makes much difference. they have still lost their father

What i meant elusive is that when the murder trial happened his two youngest with Nicole were minors, now Sydney and Justin are adults yes they have lost their father forever to the prison system here but they don't have to be the subject of nasty custody suits and people stalking their father who raised them etc....All four of O.J's kids even in the midst of this tragedy can be free to live their lives and I"m sure they will have that now no more of the public wondering what happened to those poor little kids like they did when he was acquitted 13 years ago on the same date.
wow is this really the anniversary of the first big OJ case? now there is something about that ... don't know what exactly, but wow
OJ is a horrible man, but this verdict is really related to a previous more infamous crime and seems to outweigh what he's been charged with. Is this justice or "Middle America's" revenge which isn't what a court of law is supposed to be used for.
OJ is a horrible man, but this verdict is really related to a previous more infamous crime and seems to outweigh what he's been charged with. Is this justice or "Middle America's" revenge which isn't what a court of law is supposed to be used for.

Of course this is "Middle America's" revenge, here I thought given how shady and questionable most of the characters were in this trial was that O.J. would get acquitted. My dear sweet sister reminded me, it's an election year and O.J. got the worst year to be tried he's going down and man did she call it. Juries always like to send messages in election years and you can believe plenty of them remembered like yesterday the date he was acquitted and made sure to send a message on that same date to O.J. it was you are going to prison for life buddy, bye bye.
O.J. was set up in this case. No doubt he did some stupid things, but this was DEFINITELY a set up.

MARK MY WORDS: THIS case will be used as the template for going after celebs in the future. We will see a STRING of convictions in the future because cops and DAs all over the country will use what they used in this case (deception, lies and CRIMINALS) to put celebs in compromising positions so that they can get a conviction.

I STRONGLY OPPOSE the conviction in this case. If you look carefully at the evidence presented, you will see that this case was NOTHING more than a REVENGE case and it was carefully orchestrated to get a conviction.
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It really wasn't a good idea for OJ to write that "If I Did It" book. He set himself up with that as far as the general public who thought he was guilty. I think this is just revenge for the most part. What kind of person just happens to have a tape recorder going if they're being "robbed"? Why didn't the guy just call the police right away and not sit on the tape a couple of days?
some interesting takes on this. if it's truly a set-up, then i'd call it beneficial corruption if it wasn't 13 years too late.
One thing for sure that i just heard is that every legal analyst i watched said despite Yale Galanter's appeals he files for O.J. it's unlikely this verdict will be overturned, so in essence O.J. is screwed and unfortunately between that hideous book of "If I Did It" and hanging with scumbags he was on a slippery slope of this very thing happening.
I'm probably in the minority, but at this point I could care less.

Justice has been served.
agreeing he's GUILTY b4 we actually follow the case..
hardly anyone gives a toss about this case's details; people are referring justice back to very open case of his murder trial.
It really wasn't a good idea for OJ to write that "If I Did It" book. He set himself up with that as far as the general public who thought he was guilty. I think this is just revenge for the most part. What kind of person just happens to have a tape recorder going if they're being "robbed"? Why didn't the guy just call the police right away and not sit on the tape a couple of days?

If you go back and look at what transpired here (NOT what the 2 faced media says), you will see that they TRICKED OJ and set him up.

There are no two ways about it. This entire case is A SHAM.

OJ will now spend the rest of his life behind bars because of an ORCHESTRATED scam.

I hope this entire board realizes what just transpired. Study it! THIS is only the beginning. You will see with your own eyes how the Authorities will SNUFF out celebs in the future.

This is a sad day.
hardly anyone gives a toss about this case's details; people are referring justice back to very open case of his murder trial.

Thats what i'm saying...instead of focusing on this case...we focuse on a 13 yr. old case, i dont kow if he was guilty or not @ that time, but to charge a man like that is not justice...
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It really wasn't a good idea for OJ to write that "If I Did It" book. He set himself up with that as far as the general public who thought he was guilty. I think this is just revenge for the most part. What kind of person just happens to have a tape recorder going if they're being "robbed"? Why didn't the guy just call the police right away and not sit on the tape a couple of days?

I completely concur. NOT a good idea at all. It made it look like he knew exactly what happened, and HOW it happened.
I dont know if OJ killed His wife or not, but this case does NOT call for 20+ years in prison...i'm guessing its a revange, and most will disagree with me but thats me....


We can go on forever about the 1995 OJ case. But just set that aside. Put that away. Just look at this case and you will see that they just put OJ away on a fraudulent case.

I just hope in my lifetime somebody exposes OJ Simpson's Vegas set up as the scam it IS. I hope Aphrodite Jones does an Expose on it. I hope the people who helped Hurricane Carter see this. I hope Tom Mez sees this.

I hope all of the WRONGFULLY convicted inmates around the world get a 2nd chance based on the CRAP they pulled in this case.
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Thats what i'm saying...instead of focusing on this case...we focuse on a 15 yr. old case,
... which happened to be a double murder trial with a very controversial outcome.

i dont kow if he was guilty or not @ that time,
what the jury heard, the public heard as well. you can judge for yourself from the details of the trial:


corruption or not, you can't just say 'hey let's forget about that trial' - all the reactions have everything to do with what happened 13 years ago.
People are acting like authorities are running wild after celebrities.
I realize this trial stands on it's own ground, but it's virtually impossible to ignore his previous trial.

I don't even know where to start, the bias, in general, surrounding this man is obnoxious.
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which happened to be a double murder trial with a very controversial outcome.
it doesnt really matter if its a single or a double murder...what i'm saying is that its WRONG for jurers to convict him by the old case. Its NOT right to give a man 15yrs. 2 life for a case that was years ago. He Verywell doesnt desrve life for what THEY Said that happned in that hotel room...
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it doesnt really matter if its a single or a double murder...what i'm saying is that its WRONG for jurers to convict him by the old case. Its NOT right to give a man 15yrs. 2 life for a case that was years ago. He Verywell doesnt desrve life for what THEY Said that happned in that hotel room...

Now, if you believe OJ never murdered, then I just opened a whole can of worms.
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