'But, do you not think thats slightly worrying?'
'I find myself quite worried for you Michael'
I cant stand the way he kept doing that, and tried to paint everything he was doing as weird.
Concerning the sleeping with the light on thing. Thats just the kind of thing that people do! Not everyone has to do things in a certain way............gosh its gotten to a point where we almost abide to this certain way of life, and everyone who doesnt stick to that lifestyle is depcited as weird.
I dont see Michaels way of life as weird, you know what I see as being weird?? Small minded little oaves who turn there backs on people and have no morals. See I find that weird, which is why I want to slap him so much throughout LWMJ.
Im a very good judge of character and I can sense someones character a lot of the time. I remember watching Bashir speakon the news about MJ after he passed away. I didnt get one sincere vibe from him in that whole interview, he just comes across as so insincere. Nobody likes him.
I suppose one good thing is that Michael is away from these kind of people now.