New unreleased footage of MJ (outtake of the bashir documentary)

i don't condone violence but i'd wish MJ HAD punched him and ended the interview there :(
things would be so different now!

I agree Mike should had Kicked his ass when off camera,Bashir was the cause of Michael going through court and being embarrassed and harrassed but Mike has too much Class to be violent. It's a good thing Michael won his case in 2005 and Now since people are now finding out what kind of man Mike was ,Bashir should be banished from TV for putting Michael through his pain.Now Michael is not here on earth and I expect an apology for putting Michael through all he's been through but I know we as fans will not get one.

Thanks for posting - I haven't seen this before - Michael is so lovely! (and Bashir didn't deserve to breathe the same air as him - vile man)
Omg - :cry:

Awww Michael is soooooooooooooo cute.

And HIM - :angry:
How can he talk down to him like that?
thank you! I haven't seen it before either..... I can't stand Bashir's voice.

MJ, love you.
I wish he would have really punched Bashir there. Bashir interview brought so many of Michael's later problems.
I understand what Bashir was trying to do, but he was such an ass, such a negative, vile, evil man who just made a total ass of himself.

Michael WAS putting on a show. Michael WAS not going to give Bashir full access to his soul...and Bashir just kept pushing and pushing whereas Michael just kept his responses 'general'.
Yes i seen this on youtube before a real touching side of michael a damn shame that Bashir didn't get beat down.
Wish there was more of this kind of footage...I wish we had more interviews of Mike actually talking about this kinda stuff and the proccess of creating music and his inspiration rather than having to answer dumb questions about allegations and such...
If only we knew then what we know now......the last couple of years just started an unfortunate chain reaction that ended on June 25th tragically!

Even in this footage you see Bashir trying to trap Michael into saying what he wants him to say! I really don't know how Martin Bashir is able to sleep at nights, if there are anything such as ghosts, Michael should be haunting the hell outta that sad excuse of a human being right about now!
First time seeing this clip. Still cannot believe he's no longer with us. Look at Bashir playing psychotherapist with those stupid questions. Michael, I give you permission to punch him now.
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This is new to me and damn Bashir is trying so hard to make MJ look crazy or something! MJ was so sweet and lovely! I to can sleep better with the lights on sometimes and I am not a performer! So, I guess I should be worried then according to bashit here. LMAO this guy is a joke and I love cats noses I think their cute! :p So what! MJ love there whiskers how adorable! I wish MJ punched this fool for real!
you can definitely tell a difference in his persona from this interview to the one at the start of the documentry. Bashir is clearly getting on his nerves. You can see it in this outtake too. Having the little maggot follow you for 7 months is sure to grate on your nerves.
I to can sleep better with the lights on sometimes and I am not a performer!

I guess I should worry too because I never go to sleep in complete darkness. There's always some type of light on, either from the TV or computer. I'm just not creating and visualizing like MJ was (I wish, then I would be productive, lol).
I blame Uri Gellar for this whole mess.

Uri introduced Bashir to MJ, Bashir's documentary lead to false and humilating charges against MJ which lead to him having to put his life on hold for 18 months defending himself. 18 precious months knowing now he only had 4 years left on this Earth. So angry right now!
Oh, Michael.. I love you. :( Bashir on the other hand, makes me sick to my stomach.
Aww Michael. :( Why wasn't this on the take 2 footage?

"Seven cameras on me! *air-punch*" lol. I liked that, he's so cute.

I hope you've finally found your happiness, Michael. :(
Thanks for posting.
Oh my God :(

thank you for sharing this, im so sad now, what a man he was..., so brilliant so dreamy, why Michael??? why so soon?? noone knows how much i miss him...

Thank you for this Andrew Ryan

I miss him more every day :(
First time seeing this clip. Still cannot believe he's no longer with us.

Look at Bashir playing psychotherapist with those stupid questions.
Michael, I give you permission to punch him now.
God, its so sureal.... :(

Bashir is just, i cant even say a word, this had me down, cant believe it... cant believe it...
Michael is so sweet there, and i miss him s much((( and Bashir! Stupid bastard! (sorry guys, can't keep silent) Hate him! Michael was so nervous when Bashir started to ask him question after question with his stupid intonation as if he' s Dr. Freud....