New This Is It clip “Why Why” will debut on The Oprah Winfrey Show

Just because the media has said something, doesn't make it not true. And I've found him to be too skinny for a long time, not just because he's dead. If you can't see that he's skinny, and that his face looks gaunt, then you're simply not being honest, in my opinion. I think I've never seen him this skinny. His face, his shoulders, body..he's just really skinny. Now, i'm not saying that he was sick or anything like that at all, but he is really skinny here. It's not for nothing that his chef commented on it when she came back to his service, about how different he seemed.

I agree. He's never been a fat boy, but he's very skinny here and had been for a while. It's not my call to either judge on it or ask questions about it.

Looking at the footage though he still has that aura that he owns the stage. I always knew that he could still put down the best show the world had ever seen. Hearing his singing here (I've heared a lot of taped live singing from outside) and seeing him onstage and just watching him makes me even more proud to be an MJ fan, then I already was.

OW and almost forgot. Thanks for uploading the vid!!
I can't stop watching this clip! *clings*
I'm so sad

*hugs* It sucks so so so so badly. Michael deserved This Is It to be HUGE. And to be here to enjoy the adulation again.
What a voice in that clip. Love you Michael.
OMG his voice.....AMAIZING!!!
when i think we'll never hear his voice's unbearable!!:(:cry:
His voice... it's so beautiful... I really can't stand this anymore. :boohoo
yes..the greatest singing voice of all time. so unlike any ever heard from before, and i dare say, since.
Thank you Hoofmark and MJ5 for the extended versions! His vocals were better than ever, and that was just him experimenting...

Can't believe Sony is pulling all of these teaser clips from YouTube, mine included, rather than letting these short excerpts build hype around the documantary. What idiots.
YouTube just suspended my account because of these clips

And with it went 479 uploads down the toilet
Oh my goodness, sorry K.O.S! That's rubbish. I thought as long as you had an account there though they have to keep your information??
Just because the media has said something, doesn't make it not true. And I've found him to be too skinny for a long time, not just because he's dead. If you can't see that he's skinny, and that his face looks gaunt, then you're simply not being honest, in my opinion. I think I've never seen him this skinny. His face, his shoulders, body..he's just really skinny. Now, i'm not saying that he was sick or anything like that at all, but he is really skinny here. It's not for nothing that his chef commented on it when she came back to his service, about how different he seemed.

I didn't say he wasn't skinny. He was. It just doesn't matter at all now.
I´ve just watched the longer Version somebody uploaded....
Are you really thinking that was Michael?
He never moved in that way !?!

Not one second in any Concert or Rehearsals.

Even not one time in his complete Dangerous rehearsals you can get in the 2000Watt section....

Michael´s dance was always amazing and it gave you the feeling, that it cames from the inside!!
When I look at this footage I have the feeling that he have to learn his own steps?!?

I´m confused...

I think the Video is a fake, because...

from the beginning til 00:00:35 it is used other footage than the short second 00:00:36 you can watch the band playing..and the footage after the band of course...

look at the pictures...
From the beginning til 00:00:35 you can´t see the band in front of the drums...there is just one camera man in a white shirt filming the drummer.... and maybe one other person!



In that short second at 00:00:36 you suddenly can see 4 people in front of the drums...the blond woman with the guitar, two dancers and a person with a white shirt that looks like "Michael Jackson" or an Imposter (but without curls) !?!? And of course...on the side (in front) a man (you can only see his head) and a little piece of his camera...

Last but not least someone near the drums...


That doesn´t fit together.

So you´re not seeing what you hear!!

And there are some Questions...and why they use such a bad cutted footage? I mean, it´s SONY!!!

I think, maybe we can hear Michael but not see him!
Lipsynk is not a big deal to is used every day by many Popstars.
And sometimes it´s not easy to see if they are singing live or not...because their Lipsync is really good. Even Michael have made it too.
Not to forget all the films that were synced every day....

It makes me really sad, because I thought I get some nice footage from Michael and now I get some weird thing that gave me a feeling I can´t trust what I see...:no:

-Excuse my English, because it´s not my native Language:scratch:-

^^^Yeah I was wondering about that. Those are not MJ movements. It looked strange.

It's probably him, but I've never seen him "dance" like that before. It was odd.
I´ve just watched the longer Version somebody uploaded....
Are you really thinking that was Michael?
He never moved in that way !?!

Not one second in any Concert or Rehearsals.

Even not one time in his complete Dangerous rehearsals you can get in the 2000Watt section....

Michael´s dance was always amazing and it gave you the feeling, that it cames from the inside!!
When I look at this footage I have the feeling that he have to learn his own steps?!?

I´m confused...

I think the Video is a fake, because...

from the beginning til 00:00:35 it is used other footage than the short second 00:00:36 you can watch the band playing..and the footage after the band of course...

look at the pictures...
From the beginning til 00:00:35 you can´t see the band in front of the drums...there is just one camera man in a white shirt filming the drummer.... and maybe one other person!



In that short second at 00:00:36 you suddenly can see 4 people in front of the drums...the blond woman with the guitar, two dancers and a person with a white shirt that looks like "Michael Jackson" or an Imposter (but without curls) !?!? And of course...on the side (in front) a man (you can only see his head) and a little piece of his camera...

Last but not least someone near the drums...


That doesn´t fit together.

So you´re not seeing what you hear!!

And there are some Questions...and why they use such a bad cutted footage? I mean, it´s SONY!!!

I think, maybe we can hear Michael but not see him!
Lipsynk is not a big deal to is used every day by many Popstars.
And sometimes it´s not easy to see if they are singing live or not...because their Lipsync is really good. Even Michael have made it too.
Not to forget all the films that were synced every day....

It makes me really sad, because I thought I get some nice footage from Michael and now I get some weird thing that gave me a feeling I can´t trust what I see...:no:

-Excuse my English, because it´s not my native Language:scratch:-

I can explain this. That camera guy is standing near the keyboardist, who has the drummer behind him. Then when it switches to the shot of the keyboardist, you can't see the drummer from that angle. The band are standing on the other side of the stage, in front of another drummer. So it might be there are just two drummers. They are wearing different clothes for one thing.
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To everyone saying it's not Michael: MJ had lookalikes, but he didn't have clones!
I wish that the mods would simply forbid ANY threads about This Is It, any clips from the rehearsals, any pictures... So that some of you just learn the lesson and just SNAP OUT OF IT ALREADY!!!! What's next? "Oh,there are 7 people on the stage - the number 7 again! THAT MUST BE A SIGN!!!"

Hey all. Just wanted to clarify that I personally don't doubt it's MJ either. I was mainly just responding to fraenci about MJ's movements, which are very uncharacteristic of him.
It's Michael, no doubt. Maybe they did something with the video, but it IS Michael. There is a lot going on behind the scenes, there's no question something is wrong in the way Michael died, no doubt he was way too skinny to do what he had to do. I have mixed feelings of going to see the movie, because it's money making over Michaels dead body. But this IS Michael.
that weird hand movement was maybe some kind of sign for the band or something... are you people crazy? that IS Michael.
Re: New This Is It clip “Why Why” will debut on The Oprah Winfrey Show

Hey all. Just wanted to clarify that I personally don't doubt it's MJ either. I was mainly just responding to fraenci about MJ's movements, which are very uncharacteristic of him.

That is a non sequitur.
If it was an impersonator (how the hell can he copy his voice and face?!), he would never do something that Michael didn't
I'm sick of this clone stuff too.
Only Michael would do something unmichaelish. Would an impersonator dare to do something weird like the move at 10 secs and raise our attention? Would they dare to put it on tv?

Some of you are too paranoid...
so what michael was moving differently, is he not allowed to do something different!! of course it was m.j next someone will say it was a robot or some sort of animitronics!!! infact michael never did any concerts it was his sister dressed up like him! please dont say such silly nonsense!!!!
Why are we even discussing this as a serious debate? Any fan worth their salt can spot the real deal from an impersonator a mile off.

There were loads of people on Youtube saying that it wasn't really MJ at the press conference in March. It's absurd. Navi and Ecasonova are good, but not THAT good. They may be able to fool Joe Public, but the diehards know the real deal when they see it.
LOL.... Let's all get the camera out and tape ourselves doing a little dance and saying/singing something. Then, when we're 50, let's compare it to how we move and sound, I can guarantee you there will be differences!

I have no doubt that this is Michael! Come on...