New This Is It clip “Why Why” will debut on The Oprah Winfrey Show

Yes, he looks thin, but he has had times when he was really thin before. Go back and watch the "Beat It" video or the Pepsi commercial where the little kid imitates him. I can remember when they came out thinking, "My God, he's skinny". To me he looked as thin then as he did in this clip. Of course he was younger then, so his face didn't look so thin. Anyway, from what I have heard about the investigation into his death, he died from a drug overdose given by his doctor, not because he was too thin or frail.
ooo, I loveee the way he was moving for that rehersal..I wish he did a hn performance like that lol...The end seconds are what we are used to in a hn performance but imagine if he was moving like that through the lyrics..He was hyper there !!!!!!!!! I loved it...

and he did the marcel marceau walking at the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he relates each word and line of a song to his movements is unmatched
Oh man, I love the Human Nature part....:wub:
Look at him, moving on stage...still doing it like as if he was just 20 years old or something!
Bit worried about how thin he was, specially clearly to see in his face....but, well...he still looked like magic on that stage.
Miss him so much. :cry:
Damn...I'm watching these new clips of him rehearsing that are coming out and just don't get it that he's gone. It still doesn't seem real. I have to argue with myself every day that he isn't around anymore. :cry:
What is great to see is that there is more live singing on what we've seen from the TII rehearsals than all of the HIStory tour. So far we've heard him do Human Nature, Billie Jean and WBSS live... and in all of the clips he has sounded great. So much for all the haters who said he'd lost his voice....

Regarding the weight, what's the point in discussing this now? What's done is done. This footage is no great shock... we all knew how skinny he was in the months leading up to the show. I'm just glad that he appears happy and as if he wanted to be there. I was more worried for him when I saw MSG in 2001 than from this footage. Okay, he wasn't so skinny back then, but he didn't look well, he wasn't smiling, he didn't look like he wanted to be performing. In this footage he looks engrossed in the music, he looks passionate...
the knowledge that I could die at any time is comforting for me, cause I know Michael is there waiting.
Most dancers have a naturally thinner body then most people or more toned. He's been a dancer all his life.
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43 Seconds Version!!!



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AMAZING!!! His voice sounds so smooth. I was worried that it might sound abit rough like during the HIStory Tour but not at all. His moves aswell.... just incredible. Love this man.

Thanks for posting, the other clips i'd seen weren't as long.

That move he does at 10 seconds in is soooo funny! I was like, WTF! Thats a new move alright lol. That move has gotta be made into a signature lol!
Haha love it! What an earth is he doing at 10 secs though?? Made me laugh so much hehe. His voice is still so so amazing & yes very smooth. But then of course it would be, its Michael, hes the King.

Love this clip! Seen it so many times now & not bored of it.
His voice... my God, it's just effortless.

And so many people said he'd lost his voice... what a load of rubbish. He sounds incredible here.

I'm really excited seeing this clip... why didn't they put more of this stuff in the trailer??

I'm so glad that this movie seems as if it's going to show the world MJ's raw talent as opposed to just MJ putting on a big spectacle.