New This Is It clip “Why Why” will debut on The Oprah Winfrey Show

OMG! Maybe it IS an imposter!

It makes sense. I mean, at Motown 25, "Michael" did something he had never done before...The "moon"...walk? or something? The REAL Michael NEVER did that before then!!! So that wasnt Michael at Motown 25!!!!1111!!

Grow up. -_-
Re: New This Is It clip “Why Why” will debut on The Oprah Winfrey Show

OMG! Maybe it IS an imposter!

It makes sense. I mean, at Motown 25, "Michael" did something he had never done before...The "moon"...walk? or something? The REAL Michael NEVER did that before then!!! So that wasnt Michael at Motown 25!!!!1111!!

Grow up. -_-

I've just noticed that "Michael" in J5 was also impersonator - he got absolutely different voice and bigger nose. And he can't move!
OMG! Maybe it IS an imposter!

It makes sense. I mean, at Motown 25, "Michael" did something he had never done before...The "moon"...walk? or something? The REAL Michael NEVER did that before then!!! So that wasnt Michael at Motown 25!!!!1111!!

Grow up. -_-

hahahahah LOL!
I've just noticed that "Michael" in J5 was also impersonator - he got absolutely different voice and bigger nose. And he can't move!

Awww, he could move back then too!! :p

But hey, maybe each new era was a new imposter? Maybe BAD Mike is still out there somewhere? *goes looking* :lol:
Awww, he could move back then too!! :p

But hey, maybe each new era was a new imposter? Maybe BAD Mike is still out there somewhere? *goes looking* :lol:

Haven't you heard?? MJ got fed up with fame in the 80's and hired an imposter to take his place! It's obvious since his music and voice changed.
Are people seriously doubting this isnt him?? Why??
Re: New This Is It clip “Why Why” will debut on The Oprah Winfrey Show

Are people seriously doubting this isnt him?? Why??

The weight. Fans don't want to concede Mike had such a small frame in the end. Anyway I cant stop watching this clip. What happened to the grit in his voice? Wow..
The weight. Fans don't want to concede Mike had such a small frame in the end. Anyway I cant stop watching this clip. What happened to the grit in his voice? Wow..

Yeah he sounds better than Dangerous Tour. But I suppose on Dangerous tour he had performed Jam and Wanna Be Startin Something prior to Human Nature. Either way he sounds incredible.

Michael has allways been thin and had been exceptionaly thin for quite a while.

anyways... thank you for the clip, it's awesome... and it's michael....

that's all that matters....

he's the best...

I´ve just watched the longer Version somebody uploaded....
Are you really thinking that was Michael?
He never moved in that way !?!

Not one second in any Concert or Rehearsals.

Even not one time in his complete Dangerous rehearsals you can get in the 2000Watt section....

Michael´s dance was always amazing and it gave you the feeling, that it cames from the inside!!
When I look at this footage I have the feeling that he have to learn his own steps?!?

I´m confused...

I think the Video is a fake, because...

from the beginning til 00:00:35 it is used other footage than the short second 00:00:36 you can watch the band playing..and the footage after the band of course...

look at the pictures...
From the beginning til 00:00:35 you can´t see the band in front of the drums...there is just one camera man in a white shirt filming the drummer.... and maybe one other person!



In that short second at 00:00:36 you suddenly can see 4 people in front of the drums...the blond woman with the guitar, two dancers and a person with a white shirt that looks like "Michael Jackson" or an Imposter (but without curls) !?!? And of course...on the side (in front) a man (you can only see his head) and a little piece of his camera...

Last but not least someone near the drums...


That doesn´t fit together.

So you´re not seeing what you hear!!

And there are some Questions...and why they use such a bad cutted footage? I mean, it´s SONY!!!

I think, maybe we can hear Michael but not see him!
Lipsynk is not a big deal to is used every day by many Popstars.
And sometimes it´s not easy to see if they are singing live or not...because their Lipsync is really good. Even Michael have made it too.
Not to forget all the films that were synced every day....

It makes me really sad, because I thought I get some nice footage from Michael and now I get some weird thing that gave me a feeling I can´t trust what I see...:no:

-Excuse my English, because it´s not my native Language:scratch:-


That was Michael Jackson and he moves just as he always do. It is how he rehearses songs, and remember you are thinking about how MJ performed Human Nature before. That was 13 years ago. You really think he wouldn't change it a bit or try out some new things. He is not rehearsing his moves in this clip he is rehearsing with the band. Off course he is going to move completely different then what he will during a concert. That is how dancers like Michael Jackson work. That is how I work, and I have danced for 15 years so I know how this goes.

It is one thing reading all this crap on YouTube but one would think that a site of this magnitude would have mods kicking people like you out of here for spreading all these BS theories wich only serve your own need to think that maybe Michael faked his own death.

You know I am right
ALL THIS IMPOSTER SH'T - Some of you really need a "special" therapy!Don't make a drama movies!
Michael is still alive hiding and that was and "imposter" trying to do his moves...The media got you!Sometimes fans can be more strange than the tabloids!
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ALL THIS IMPOSTER SH'T - Some of you really need a "special" therapy!Don't make a drama movies!
Michael is still alive hiding and that was and "imposter" trying to do his moves...The media got you!Sometimes fans can be more strange than the tabloids!

its a bit cruel to say it.. but i sort of agree with u there!
Re: New This Is It clip “Why Why” will debut on The Oprah Winfrey Show

Awww, he could move back then too!! :p

But hey, maybe each new era was a new imposter? Maybe BAD Mike is still out there somewhere? *goes looking* :lol:

hahaha ^^ aw.
That is a non sequitur.
If it was an impersonator (how the hell can he copy his voice and face?!), he would never do something that Michael didn't


Okay....Again....I, ME, DJ Def Dave, the one typing this right now....I never said it wasn't Michael. There was ONE person I saw in this thread who questioned whether it was really him or not and that was not me.

I simply responded to it because I agreed that the moves he was doing were not typical of Michael's style over throughout any time of his career, which made me pause and think "Okay....he's moving in almost completely different ways than he ever has".

I've been a fan of Michael Jackson since 1983. I know Michael when I see him. I have no doubt that it's Michael in the clip. It is him. I said "It probably is him" because I didn't want to be rude to the person who I was responding to.

But for those talking about how Michael's always been doing new moves, Moonwalk, etc..Yes, you have a point. However....Michael has also always had a certain way of moving on stage....throughout his career there's been a certain MJ style. And in this clip, you can disagree with me all you want and I don't want to argue with anybody here.....but I'm telling you right now....the way he was moving was uncharacteristic of Michael's style, if you feel me. Michael's always had a certain style of movement. He has.

Maybe he was working on re-inventing himself. I don't know. I have no idea. But I'm telling you....he WAS moving different. I'm not just talking about the hand movement at the 10 second mark or so....I'm talking about the entire way he was moving and carrying himself. It was much different than I've ever seen Michael move.....and like I said....I've been a fan (and an adamant defender) of his since Thriller.

Not bashing him, yall. I loved him like he was a member of my family. All I'm saying is that it was different....much different than anything I've ever seen Michael do.

And lemme say this one more time. I do NOT doubt that was him. I NEVER did. Of course it's him.

Now hopefully I've cleared that up. If anybody wants to argue about it, I won't be participating, so lets move on. We're all MJ fans here so come on now.

Looking forward to taking my wife and my 2 little girls to see it in the theater. :)
It's gonna be great. It'll be difficult to watch, but enjoyable as well because it's Michael doing what he loved to do.
Omg i saw "the move"...michael what are u doin!!?? :toofunny:
michael sound oooOoOO la laaaaaaaaaaaaa Good! Thinks for the HD clip mj5 cuz the others where not working for me...well audio but not video. Thanks!

TII would have been amaziing! Extraordinarly amazing!

That wave or push move was mad funny! But I hink like always ppl (fans) blow thing out of proportion and over scrutinize things.

once again michael sounds amazing.