New This Is It clip “Why Why” will debut on The Oprah Winfrey Show

I hope it wouldn't be the new song -.-
I don't want it to be presented at Oprah's show!
I think it'll just be "Human Nature". Maybe there wasn't enough footage for the Oprah people to tell what song it is. All they could tell was that he was singing "why, why". Only real MJ fans could be able to hear just those two words and know it's from "Human Nature". Obviously the Oprah people aren't big MJ fans.
OK let me get this off my chest..I dont understand...If there is one thing I hope has been planted in the hearts and mind of those who have had the opportunity to learn from MJ is not to judge before knowing what you form an opinion of ...
Oprah's show hasnt even been aired yet already dissing it?
Wait until you have seen it then make up your mind...
@Naad Oh my God, I love your siggy's especially the In the Closet one, it is burning hot. I love to watch the making of In the Closet....
Can't wait for the Why Why Clip.
I think it'll just be "Human Nature". Maybe there wasn't enough footage for the Oprah people to tell what song it is. All they could tell was that he was singing "why, why". Only real MJ fans could be able to hear just those two words and know it's from "Human Nature". Obviously the Oprah people aren't big MJ fans.

I didn't think of Human Nature when I read "why, why" and I've heard that song thousands of times.
Yeh but if ud seen the clip and just heard MJ singing 'Why? Why?' you'd know what song it was from.

I didn't think of Human Nature when I read "why, why" and I've heard that song thousands of times.
Can someone in the UK text me when it's up on youtube? Then I can just log on and watch it :)

Oh im so nervous. Is there anybody a stream ? I am from Germany and i cant watch it on tv.
Why not just one of us watch it and record it. Then the rest of us can watch it on youtube. That way we can see the clip without bossting her ratings :) haha
Why not just one of us watch it and record it. Then the rest of us can watch it on youtube. That way we can see the clip without bossting her ratings :) haha

don't put any clips of oprah on your youtube account!!

it will be deleted automatic!!
I so wanted Human Nature to be performed on TII, sounds like this might be a clip from it.
Can't wait for the trailer - hope new material will be included. New dance routines etc.
You know, on a CD by Tito's sons, their group called 3T, if I remember correctly, Michael did a song called "Why?"

Could that be it? --- but I didn't know they had a video of it.
You know, on a CD by Tito's sons, their group called 3T, if I remember correctly, Michael did a song called "Why?"

Could that be it? --- but I didn't know they had a video of it.

There is a video I think - BUT why on earth would MJ wanna perform a song made by 3T?? - It's not that song, NO WAY!
it's NOT a new song,i am sure it's human nature. "why why" why would Michael call a song "why why" if he has a song "why" and he has human nature? people are so uninformed , they say Tito is his younger brother. you think they know all his songs? sure.

btw, has it aired yet ?
it's NOT a new song,i am sure it's human nature. "why why" why would Michael call a song "why why" if he has a song "why" and he has human nature? people are so uninformed , they say Tito is his younger brother. you think they know all his songs? sure.

btw, has it aired yet ?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I agree.

But MJ himself hasn't got a song called Why. I too doubt very much it's a new song.

But I can't wait for a new single from MJ.