New This Is It clip “Why Why” will debut on The Oprah Winfrey Show

very clever i spy RAITINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Exactly! She already knows fans are pissed at her and are skeptical about her MJ "rememberance" show. I swear the entertainment industry has some devilsh ways. I 'll bet anything this was some FAST negotiating on Oprah's part. *smdh*

I still won't be watching.
Why, why??????....Oprah????

For real, I've said just about all I can on this Oprah's hoping for her sake she is'nt as bitchy as we are expecting her to be.
Why! Why! Oprah and ABC will be getting money for that bit of publicity. I think Sony and AEG will want positivity for Michael as they are all about the 'MONEY'. Now I wonder who will they go to next? Ellen Degeneress? She liked Michael.
I guess it's, 'why, why' does it have to be debuting on Oprah of all places?!?!


I know. Marketing, I suspect. Since ppl still watch her in large numbers and her show will be MJ-related, makes sense to promote the documentary at that well as ratings for her. blah

I'm not watching this woman tore down Mike's legacy to pieces so just I can catch a glimpse of a new clip.

I rather wait for someone to upload it on youtube, thank you very much!


Thanks for sharing the news.
it's prolly the same clip they played with Leno... i'll just wait for it to get posted here or on you tube.. i am not watchin yet another show trash Michael!!

This is getting sick all these shows/networks who did/do nothing but tell negative tabloid trash about him are not doing nothing but using his name for F*cking ratings. These are expamples of who turned there backs on him! MTV, ophera ..the list goes on.. it makes me sick.

and just fyi tidbit.. on the radio today they dicussed her ratings .. and they arent even above 7 mil with Whitneys thing this past 2 days.. the lowest she has ever had.. ever!
I don't think she'll ever give him the total respect due!!!!!!! And I can't stand her! I hope she does'nt say anything stupid or negative anout him on her show!
Due to all the complaints she's been getting, I truly believe Oprah "recently" decided to show this clip on her show.

Don't fall for it.

Please don't watch. Wait it out a bit until it shows up on Youtube.
I hope she will post it on her own Youtube channel
because she does not allow anyone to post her clips on Youtube anymore -
Almost all her videos have been taken down due to copyright
There are a few still lurking but eventually they may be pulled

she cant block the trailers can she?? she doesnt own the copyrights to them.. so dont see wtf she coudl do about it.. but maybe im wrong.. its a comercial not part of her show.
I don't think she'll ever give him the total respect due!!!!!!! And I can't stand her! I hope she does'nt say anything stupid or negative anout him on her show!

You can be sure she will!

Just watch her paint Michael as this sad, lonely tragic figure! I bet you!

I just pray to God that I do not see Janet giving her any exclusive interviews about Mike, 'cause I just have this sneaky feeling that this just might happen!
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I ask the same the question everyday. :(

So do I. Every day. Why did he have to go? :cry:
As for premiering something on Oprah, I agree with everyone else. Why Oprah? Her show BETTER be positive tomorrow or I won't even watch it online. I don't want to feel anymore disgust or be upset any more than I am already.
she cant block the trailers can she?? she doesnt own the copyrights to them.. so dont see wtf she coudl do about it.. but maybe im wrong.. its a comercial not part of her show.

You'd be surprised at what people and networks are able to block from YouTube, it's censorship to its highest degree. Even though a lot of footage falls under the fair use doctrine, it still doesn't stop corporations and greedy individuals from getting them pulled and YouTube is more than happy to oblige regardless of the merits... Reminds me of how Michael's "friend" Bryan Michael Stoller sold a discreetly filmed clip of Michael singing to Liz Taylor over the phone and other clips to all the entertainment shows, and then went out of his way to personally make sure that all of the copies on YouTube were taken down so nobody else could enjoy them without paying him--what a friend.

I don't think she'll ever give him the total respect due!!!!!!! And I can't stand her! I hope she does'nt say anything stupid or negative anout him on her show!

Brace yourself.

She gonna give her opinion on a man she wasn't even friends with! She can be postive all she wants or fair whateva ya call it? Doesn't take back the Jokes and ish she said about him and the sly comments about the allegations.
This is sooooo bitter sweet. Glad I won't be home to tune in. Instead, I'm planning to go to the movies to watch my baby and THAT way whatever time I spend watching him singing "Why Why" will go to his estate and not to Oprah's.

It is just SUCH a trip to me that Oprah is doing this after she and her so-called cousins sat on television together and dogged Michael while he was fighting for his life during the court battle. Then, when he actually loses his life, one of Oprah's so-called cousins, the one that Michael was in love with and had married, was right there at the funeral crying about him being gone. Oprah's cousin is still in love with Michael. She couldn't stop her tears from telling how she truly feels about him. That love is strong, huh, Lisa? Your love for Michael is stronger than your need has ever been to be Oprah's cousin, huh? Michael held you at night and told that he loved you. What that man meant to you will never leave your mind. The thought is too beautiful to let go of. Your tears tell it all and so did your smile when you were with him while he walked the earth.

Why, why is Oprah doing this? Is it hidden respect or hidden regret that she disrespected him as he watched in disbelief? It's so hard to tell what this is and what it's for. One thing is for sure though, from the way that Lisa has been openly shedding tears for Michael, she is no more of a cousin to Oprah than Oprah was a friend to the man that she loved.

Let the cameras roll. It won't matter anyway. Oprah can't hurt Michael anymore or make him feel better. There's no more sand in the hour glass.
I don't think it'll be human nature. hope its another song! and, I aint watchin it on that %#$^ show.
Here in Atlanta she was being interviewed by a woman anchor name Monica. I only caught small part of it, and luckily I did see the part where she talked about the show with MJ tomorrow(thats all I wanted to see).So anyway Monica asked why do this show on MJ Oprah said because my producers told me to.Guess the producers realised MJ means ratings and Oprah needed some, so the suggestion was made. She started talking about the 93 interview and how she was so nervous that is why she asked him if he was nervous, and when he said no she felt better, cause all she had to do was to ask questions.Monica asked if she had known what she knows now if questions would of been different (allegation, drugs etc). Oprah said something about he was kind of percieved as weird back then, cause of skin color change etc, but was a big star and viewed some what as "innocent".

Asked when did she get news about MJ's death, she said she was on vacation and Gail called her and told her that she should watch the news, told her what was on and so on. Then Oprah said something about her and MJ having some kind of hand shake agreement that she would not show interview unless the both of them had mutually agreed to do so (I am not sure if she meant parts that we have not seen).

Anyway I am trying hard not to trash Oprah because some say that we fans always do. I do not know why they blame us the media has been so nasty to MJ it is expected that we would be a little more sensitive.

I really do not watch Oprah, never liked her show. When I realise how much disdain she had for Michael that made me not like or watch her even more. She comes across as self righteous, somewhat fake , proud as if she thinks she is better than MJ cause of his troubles. She claims it is because she was molested right, but I think not. To me Oprah is only trying to please her friends like diane sawyer and the rest of them.
Sadly, even from the commercial promoting tomorrow's show and Oprah's recent interviews you can tell she's going to go on about plastic surgery, allegations (which she still tends to believe despite all the exonerating evidence), etc... I wish she would just rebroadcast the original interview in its entirety without her unnecessary commentary and let it be.

Let s bombard her company telling her we really don`t want to hear her speak- but broadcast the interview. I don`t have any positive expectations when it comes to Oprah talking about Michael now. Sad, but true- when it comes to her, I don`t think she has what it takes.
you mean to tell me all of Michael's hard work will go to Oprah ratings?!