NEW PICS MJ and Kids at Tom's Toys 15.05.09

What is the difference between this

And this


I was discussing this with a friend....but why are his children still wearing masks...they are getting older and older, and sooner or later they probably would want to be without...but then again...i find it hard to believe michael would refuse his children to decide that for their own.
I was discussing this with a friend....but why are his children still wearing masks...they are getting older and older, and sooner or later they probably would want to be without...but then again...i find it hard to believe michael would refuse his children to decide that for their own.

thats why I posted the picture of Madonnas Lurdes -_-
Prince I is a young man... as well as Lurdes is a young lady...
Damn , I hate the paparazzi .. I feel really sad for the Jackson Family
the difference between Madonna's kid and paris is : one is spoilt, the other.. not!!
I mean the fashion style... and age..

Some young girls dress like Lourdes and some young girls dress like Paris. So what's your point.

Lourdes is, after all, a reflection of her mother. No surprise there. Michael on the other hand is OLD SCHOOL. No surprise there either. I mean, his children wear a school uniform and they are home-schooled. And his son's wear sport jackets while toy shopping. You can't get more old school then that.

As a parent myself, I applaud MJ for the way he is raising his children. Everyone who has come in contact with those children have basically said the same thing, that is: that MJ's children are very articulate, funny and smart. In my opinion, that's way more important than what they wear.
There is only a year age difference between them. (Lourdes is 12, Paris 11).

As for fashion sense, Lourdes seems to have a very sophisticated sense of style, Paris is dressed more casually.

Hope that answered your question.

Not only age..., the point is more complex, but... we should know what it is...:smilerolleyes:
Not only age..., the point is more complex, but... we should know what it is...:smilerolleyes:

What could be so COMPLEX about what a 11/12 year old is or is not wearing. LOL!

They are still children with different taste and with parents who obviously have different taste.

Aside from the fact, does anybody really expect Lourdes to dress in a way that does not reflect her mother?
MJ's children dress more like everyday people.
They dont dress like celebs' kids.
So what?
why should we care what they have on?

Atleast Paris has enough brains in her head not to dress like the other kids her age. Sad to say it but a lot of kids her age are adopting the looks of Britney (still yet) and incredibly sad Amy Whinehouse. Lordus is a different person she dresses the way she feels is right for her. Paris dresses the way she feels comfortable. Michael might also have a say in what she puts on her back. Not wanting his little girl to grow up to fast and get the wrong sence of style. As for his boys... they are Dashing,handsome young men and they take after their father.

Paris is a beautiful girl who doesnt have to dress like all the others to prove it.

As for the masks. When they get old enough and put their foot down Michael will let them wander about without them. But til then its up to "Big Papa" and what he says goes.
I think it's not our place to talk about what MJ's kids wear, and be comparing them to other celebrity kids. If we start doing that, then we're no better than the paps:chichi:

Michael does a great job with his kids, and I'm happy if Paris concentrates on more important things than following all the latest fashion trends.. Just my opinion.
What could be so COMPLEX about what a 11/12 year old is or is not wearing. LOL!

They are still children with different taste and with parents who obviously have different taste.

Aside from the fact, does anybody really expect Lourdes to dress in a way that does not reflect her mother?

yeah! i didn't see you wrote that:bugeyedsrry
Way I see it the difference is there was what one maybe two taking a photo of Madonna's kid in a clam situation and about a hundred taking pics of Michael's kids in a crazy situation.

Two things to point out

1 - Don't be attacking people for having the money and ability to follow Michael around the world. It isn't your place to judge anyone.

2 - Michael is the only one who can protect his children and he will do so as he feels necessary. It isn't anyone else's place to judge his way of finding that shread of protection for them.

Next...why are clothes so important?
2 - Michael is the only one who can protect his children and he will do so as he feels necessary. It isn't anyone else's place to judge his way of finding that shread of protection for them.

:mello:dude i wish more people could understand it. I don't know what would I do if i were in his place...

reminds me jennifer lopez "Miles In these Shoes":doh:
Thats an awesome thing!! I think MJ is doing a great job!!
He sure is. He raise them to be polite, well-read, well-mannered, articulate, smart and know how to have fun. I think that's far more important than to have her have make up on and dress complicated trendy clothes.
The clothes don't matter much to me...the masks alittle though...i was wondering what other fans think about this? Me and a good friend were talking about this and his girlfriend was kinda like ' what the hell, why are these kids of this age still wearing them' ...i can see alittle where she's coming from...then again i say we can't judge others like that. I simply don't believe that Mike would not let his kids take them off in public.

I remember an interview where MJ said if his kids would ever let him know that they wanted to step in his shoes...he'd ask them if they would be ready for the negatives and positives about being in the entertainment-world, to think about both of them and then see if it's worth it.....which i thought was very good of him.
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i was wondering what other fans think about this?

This is how I look at the mask. Even though there are a few pictures online of the children without their mask, if the children are out with "a bunch of other children," or other adults without Michael, nobody would probably pay them any attention.

Some of us, who have studied the unmasked pictures, from head to toe, might recognize the children without MJ, but the general public probably wouldn't give it a second thought.
Am liking this bit of hair thing at the front, looks natural like back in the day :D dangerous era etc thats his real hair ennit? gosh he dont look 50 at all :cheers:fair play to him



gosh wheres that ass gone?? :bugeyed

i would totally be fed up with all the cameras in me face! u can tell its peeing him off :agree: