NEW PICS MJ and Kids at Tom's Toys 15.05.09

Actually Lola has been brought up different from michaels kids from the start, lola is so much like her mother she has a strong mind and is quite grown up for her age.

Michaels kids have been more sheltered whether that is a good thing i don't know time will tell. They wiill have to adjust to the real world sometime they arent want going towant to wear masks forever or kept under lock and key.

I think Madonna has been brilliant bringing up her kids she has taught them to be strong and they have adjusted to the real world since they were kids. If madonna had hid her kids the paps would be takeing pics of them, the paps have seen them so they are bored.

Mike doesn't show them so he gives them something to talk about and want to take pics
do any of u have kids? do u know how hard it is to make a 12, 11, and 7 yr old dress in something they DON'T wanna wear? that being said, do u know how hard it is to make them go out and do things they DON'T wanna do?

i hope that answers everyone's little suspicions and stops this garb talk. it's a bit creepy to analyze the clothing of children, number one, and he always said once they say they don't wannawear them [masks] they won't wear them. and they've gone out plenty oftimes w/o it

u see those crowds? u wanna be in that mess? geez
What was the point even posting the pic of Madonna's kid then Paris? I really don't get it. Care to elaborate whoever it was that did?
New Vid...
var entry_id = "10014"; var entry_tags = "blanket,medical building,michael jackson,prince"; var preview = "mjackson051509.jpg"; var x17video_id = "small.mjackson051509.mp4";

This is crazy :no: The poor guy can't even get out of the building!

man i've never seen so many polite people in my life. lol..'Michael pleeease pleeeease Michaaeelll!'
More Pictures...

Toy Store

Medical Building


Micheal looks like he is saying:
Prince, just STOP! If you ask me that question one more time I'm going to
Just joking.. but he does look like Prince had just touched his last nerve..:cheeky:
jeez there are coming more and more pics :woohoo: and he looks so beautiful!!!
i cant wait to him in person!! ooh michael :wub:

Look at his pants

Michael where did your lil' onion (butt) go??:scratch: Maybe it's just the Bring back the lil' onion...

For those of you saying the kids are getting so tall, well I remember reading and article that said Debbie Rowe is about 5'10" and Michael is around that height w/o the boots, so Prince and Paris will be tall, as for Blanket well I don't know.. But he seems to be holding his own in
Anyway.. loving the pics of him and the family out and about around town.. Thanks 2 everyone that posted pictures..
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It's no surprise that people go off topic, sadly they have to find something negative in lovely family pics, thanks for calling things to order hopefully people take the hint.


I forgot to say yesterday that it's always nice to see Michael out and about with his children. The pix of his parents were sweet, too.
There were a couple other faves that I missed posting. Can't believe I missed these cuz on that rare occasion we can actually see EYES in them.



Those eyes should definitely get out more. :)

Thanks to all for the additional footage. :flowers: Tis part madness, part magic, and part love, I think. I don't feel it's ever going to change...unless laws are made where the papz HAVE to keep a certain distance while taking their pix. Sadly, personal space is completely out the window.
He seems very protective, and such a great father.
Mike is lookin' mighty mmmm...mmmmm...MMMMMM!!! LAWD!!!

He is lookin' good in ALL OF the photos!! It's hard to pick a favorite!!

Dog, Mike! Now, why you gotta go and make it hard to choose a favorite?! Huh? Why?!

:lol: :wub:
:dancin::dancin:OMG !!!!! He looks so beautiful !!!! and his eyes......hmmmmm...:wub::wub::wub::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::cheers::cheers:
Yeah he really do look great these days. Can't wait till July.
wow... that's something nice to come back too! finally getting to see his whole face, makes me smile :D :D
Thanks for posting all of the pictures. :heart: :flowers:
I've cleaned this out - it's your responsibility to keep it on track and enjoy the pictures presented. If you can not then I will simply close the thread.
Do I see peach fuzz ? lol.. He looks great, That shirt looks marvelous and no big,I rather see his eyes.The Kids are getting so big ,lol but Why the mask ? Well that's ok,I don't blame them. What's that on Mike's left hand ?Anyone ? Well I hope he found what he was looking for at that Toy Store.
thats a nice little video! thanks for posting!! x
i love the way michael said 'Not Yet', how can you not love him!

he looked really happy as well. :happy: