New Photo Michael in LA Medical Centre 19May

Well, the pics themselves are awful, of course. But that's because of the weird angle. Overall, I think Michael looks okay, his arms look ripped. But that paparazzi should have his license revoked. Or maybe he's just a small guy who isn't able to take pics from a higher angle ;)
I never understand why michael always chooses to wear lipstick, at the announcement of the tour in london he wasnt wearing any lipstick and he looked the best and coolest i think iv seen him look since the Bad era, he honestly looked friggin cool and about 30yrold on that announcement and more natural with just his normal lip colour i wonder why he feels he needs to wear bright red lipstick. I hope he doesnt wear lipstick on his shows, i wana see the cool bad era look with long hair but tied back, him all in black wih buckles
Im fairly certain he had lipstick on at the announcement at 02, if you look at the photos looks like he had more on when he got on the bus to when he was talking. I agree however that he would look better without it
im so glad that hes not wearing his glasses.
he has so beautiful eyes. get rid of the glasses michael ^_^
Some of you You guys depress Me

wha wha wha
"Michael has to change his lips, his hair and clothes
just for me _ he HAS to change or I will be sooo
depressed _ (sheesh) People STOP IT

Except the man for who he is and as he is _
quit trying to change him to fit some mold YOU want
to put him in _That is sooo RUDE and OBNOXIOUS :smilerolleyes:
he is not your KEN doll

Just my humble opinion
Some of you You guys depress Me

wha wha wha
"Michael has to change his lips, his hair and clothes
just for me _ he HAS to change or I will be sooo
depressed _ (sheesh) People STOP IT

Except the man for who he is and as he is _
quit trying to change him to fit some mold YOU want
to put him in _That is sooo RUDE and OBNOXIOUS :smilerolleyes:
he is not your KEN doll

Just my humble opinion

Your humble opinion is common sense that all should have in here! :yes::clapping:
Some of you You guys depress Me

wha wha wha
"Michael has to change his lips, his hair and clothes
just for me _ he HAS to change or I will be sooo
depressed _ (sheesh) People STOP IT

Except the man for who he is and as he is _
quit trying to change him to fit some mold YOU want
to put him in _That is sooo RUDE and OBNOXIOUS :smilerolleyes:
he is not your KEN doll

Just my humble opinion
qbee i feel the same,we go for years not hearing any news or having any pictures.
in the space of a few months we have had numerous pictures and videos and ofcourse a concert being announced,and all some people can do is constantly moan and analyze everything michael does, i,m don,t mean everyone on this forum,but for goodness sake why can,t we just enjoy michaels success.

OMG that is the best pic out of all of them. i dont know why, but this pic reminds me of the "speed demon" video lol. i just saw it and immediately thought "speed demon!" ;) does it makes sense? lol
Some of you You guys depress Me

wha wha wha
"Michael has to change his lips, his hair and clothes
just for me _ he HAS to change or I will be sooo
depressed _ (sheesh) People STOP IT

Except the man for who he is and as he is _
quit trying to change him to fit some mold YOU want
to put him in _That is sooo RUDE and OBNOXIOUS :smilerolleyes:
he is not your KEN doll

Just my humble opinion

qbee i feel the same,we go for years not hearing any news or having any pictures.
in the space of a few months we have had numerous pictures and videos and ofcourse a concert being announced,and all some people can do is constantly moan and analyze everything michael does, i,m don,t mean everyone on this forum,but for goodness sake why can,t we just enjoy michaels success.

so true!
Thanks Qbee and
One has to wonder why this thread has the intelligence level on MJJC spiraling downward.

Respect each other RESPECT MICHAEL. Closed.
I'm glad someone said it. :clapping:

Oh, and on topic: the pictures are horrible.

If you don't like our forum rules then by all means file a complaint with Gary or simply find a site that better suits your needs.
Ok this thread is cleaned. If it even remotely travels down a disrespectful trail I will close it for good.
OMG people, show some respect... It's an MJ dedicated forum for god's sake. :doh:

And MJ doesn't transform overnight, they've been taking these snapshots since the early nineties, and they never give a truthfull viewing of Mike.
With that said, try taking my picture.. I wish I'd look as good as MJ by the time I'm 50!! :cheeky:

o/t I'm about to become a dad for the first time anytime soon now :D:punk:
I agree the pictures are bad
but its not MJ _ it is the photographer
that distorted them _ he was looking
fine 3 day ago - with excellent pics
he would look fine on these if they
were focused and taken correctly

the photographer Sucks :cheeky:
The photographers always take the worst angle on purpose so that the image comes out bad. Not for nothing is all coldly planned. They love doing that. This was not the photographic essay, Michael was caught by surprise by photographers who appear in front of anything and its logical that the photos leave bad. The most important thing is that Michael is well and happy with this new phase, beautiful as ever with his contagious smile, it is clear in the photos and is what matters to us.​
who cares anyway.. im just happy to see michael outside without glasses or sth. and im glad that he seems to be all right!
jeez if bad photoshoots or not -.-
The photographs are odd but he looks good.
That's like the mixture of the Beat It/Thriller jacket just with Beat It zippers. :lol:
That's his official Thriller 25 jacket. :lol:

LOL! :lol:

Thanks so much for the pics. :flowers:
I love Michael in red he looks amazing! :wub: :wub: :wub:

As someone who has been on this board for a looooong time, I have to agree with these standards. They are not rules, but standards. It is similar to belonging to a club that is upper scale and has class. If that bothers anyone, they should leave because I quite enjoy it here. Besides, these are not the only subjects that are discussed, but they are the ones that create havoc! Really great insiders and other great people, like you and me, have left this board because of some of these fights and insults. So, why worry about it? If you want to rip apart Michael, go make your own board; you do not belong here. These are not Hitler-esque rules, but rather made to keep the board pleasant.

Also, remember that you are only being asked to refrain from talking about these specific inane things. My goodness, who cares? Nothing serious is being banned and you aren't "banned' for having an opinion. I have never once, not once, been 'warned' or banned for being gay or for sharing my honest opinions in the correct place; not on the news board. Use your brains people! Let the man entertain us!!!! I am personally in heaven right now. Jump on the cloud and join us up here, or run back to the dark Earth where you belong.


Nope, not a joke at all :no:

We are full on serious about it. Over the years, that is one of the subjects that has gotten out of hand and turned crazy with disrespect. Disrespect for both Michael and between the members of this community.

The tone of discussion here at MJJCommunity, is one that we strive to maintain in a completely diverse and respectful manner. Nobody has to agree with anything that is said here. Nor does anyone have to love the expectations that are set for and by this community... But our standards will be upheld and maintained.

There are plenty of places on the Internet that those types of discussion can take place and those discussion can stay in those places. welcomes fans and friends of Michael Jackson from Nation To Nation ... However, disrespect is not welcomed.
the photographer was an asshole!! why would you get pictures like that? idiot!
Thankies for the pics anyway. It's always nice to have new pics of Michael though they could be taken better.
How the heck do you even position yourself to get photos like that? Was the guy on the floor on his back? Was he lying on some stairs? lol Had to be awkward for that photog.
Stupid photographer.

Good to see Mike in the jacket. I really hope he puts some weight on himeself. I've read that he dont want to.
How the heck do you even position yourself to get photos like that? Was the guy on the floor on his back? Was he lying on some stairs? lol Had to be awkward for that photog.

That's what I was trying to figure out. LOL!

I mean, was the person taking those pictures, laying flat on their back, with the camera pointing up.

And I'm totally surprised that we haven't seen any OTHER pictures. Usually there are a bunch of different pictures, from different angles, and different photogs. And also no video yet. I'm sort of shocked!