New Photo Michael in LA Medical Centre 19May

2. This community is in dedication of Michael Jackson. While constructive criticism is appreciated, there will be no outright attacks on Michael Jackson and his children. Here are some examples of what will not be permitted on MJJC:

  • Are Michael jackson's children really half black?
  • Michael Jackson Bleaches His Skin
  • OMG is that Michael Jackson's hair or a wig?
  • Is Michael Jackson Using Drugs
  • Distorted photographs/images of Michael Jackson that are derogatory in nature
  • The Term "J.acko" Will not be used on MJJCommunity
Again, these are just a few examples of what will not be allowed on MJJCommunity. We are all about respect for Michael Jackson and respect for one another. :)

I've cleaned this thread. Read the rules, people! Anymore disrespectful comments will land you an infraction and then mod queue!
People are not allowed to comment if MJ is wearing a wig or not? I'm sorry, but that's such a joke that something like that is not allowed on here.
Eric if you do not like it you are free to contact Gary, the owner of this board. For now, the rules stand. Here's Gary's email:

Please go back on topic about the pictures. Thank you!
Cool jacket :D lol @ the angle of the shots... it looks as if the photographer is sitting on the floor in front of Michael, looking up and taking pics. Not a very flattering angle... he must've wanted to see half way up the poor guy's nose.
I hope you guys are speaking of the photographer
and not MJ in that negative way :(

I have to ask that you do understand these pics are taken at a low angle and at zoom _ Thats why they look distorted CORRECT ???
Much like when MJ puts his face into a lens at his concerts it
distorts the face

certainly MJ's nose and lips didnt change overnight

pick on the photoprapher NOT MJ

I agree with you! The photographers do that on purpose. They try to take a picture of the worst angle to distort it. And then the photographer must have made a great juggling that picture was taken from below.​
Nice bright RED jacket!......hopefully we'll get some more pics, the angle these were taken was just off.
The angles on these pics are terribnle... I know paparazzos sometimes deliberately take such "low-angle" photos just to try and get the 'worst' looking shots. He looks good though.

EXACLTY....I mean, I dont think the photographer is that short to take pics from that angle...and EVERYONE looks awful in such a low angle like that... shitty paparazzi.... :doh:

still he looks great, and i loved the jacket!! maybe he'll be launching a clothing line with a jacket like that, perhaps? would be nice, i'd buy one! :punk:
Yeh baby!!! Mj taking it bck the jacket bck to the 80s!!!!
Go michael!
People are not allowed to comment if MJ is wearing a wig or not? I'm sorry, but that's such a joke that something like that is not allowed on here.

Nope, not a joke at all :no:

We are full on serious about it. Over the years, that is one of the subjects that has gotten out of hand and turned crazy with disrespect. Disrespect for both Michael and between the members of this community.

The tone of discussion here at MJJCommunity, is one that we strive to maintain in a completely diverse and respectful manner. Nobody has to agree with anything that is said here. Nor does anyone have to love the expectations that are set for and by this community... But our standards will be upheld and maintained.

There are plenty of places on the Internet that those types of discussion can take place and those discussion can stay in those places. welcomes fans and friends of Michael Jackson from Nation To Nation ... However, disrespect is not welcomed.
okay... remember how he magicalllly appears to look SERIOUSLY HOT in videos as opposed to pap-pix....


there's ur first clue....!!!

*hint, hint, nudge, nudge, wink, WINK!"
The photographs are odd but he looks good. That's like the mixture of the Beat It/Thriller jacket just with Beat It zippers. :lol: That's his official Thriller 25 jacket. :lol:
Bottom line, the membership speaks on what they approve of and what they don't want. The staff does not come up with these guidelines on our own :)
Eric, this discussion will no longer be entertained. If you have any questions, please send Gary a email. I'm removing all off topic chatter now.
Wow, that jacket is so fine! I like the way Michael is doing his "throwbacks" to the 80s with his clothes, lately. I like how he is reminding people of who he was and still is....the greatest entertainer of all....the one all the youngins wanna be. Go, Michael. Do your thang.
That jacket is SIZZLIN' LOL!

Aww...he looks sleepy to me :wub:
a picture's worth a thousand disputes. MJ is the fountain of youth.

The beat it jacket looks like a cheap version of the one he wore in the past.. MJ's eyes look sad.. :(
I'm sure he is getting some type of treatment there.
Otherwise, why this constant visit to the doctor?
The beat it jacket looks like a cheap version of the one he wore in the past.. MJ's eyes look sad.. :(
I'm sure he is getting some type of treatment there.
Otherwise, why this constant visit to the doctor?

he said he has a special relationship with his dermatologist. and that that is the extent of the visits.

his eyes look so big to me, it's hard to tell if he's sad or tired. but he's under much scrutiny. that would make anyone sad. megawatt bulbs are used on him all the time. nobody else in entertainment gets such harsh high powered camera treatment, or their image wouldn't survive.
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People are not allowed to comment if MJ is wearing a wig or not? I'm sorry, but that's such a joke that something like that is not allowed on here.

I'm glad someone said it. :clapping:

Oh, and on topic: the pictures are horrible.
and them female and male dancers are sure awestruck by what they see, when they see him live.:)
he said he has a special relationship with his dermatologist. and that that is the extent of the visits.

his eyes look so big to me, it's hard to tell if he's sad or tired. but he's under much scrutiny. that would make anyone sad. megawatt bulbs are used on him all the time. nobody else in entertainment gets such harsh high powered camera treatment, or their image wouldn't survive.
Special relationship as in doctor-patient relationship?
I don't believe anything from celeb's PR persons, they are just there to deny bad news, not to tell the truth.
I'm not saying he has skin cancer or what, but I'm very sure he is getting some type of treatment for some serious illness.
Special relationship as in doctor-patient relationship?
I don't believe anything from celeb's PR persons, they are just there to deny bad news, not to tell the truth.
I'm not saying he has skin cancer or what, but I'm very sure he is getting some type of treatment for some serious illness.

no. Michael said that, himself. and he didn't go into details about the relationship. and, our guessing cannot be deemed as truth, either. why do we always assume the worst, without proof? have you seen the vids of him with the dancers? nothing looks wrong there. there has never been a celebrity who hasn't fessed up to the truth if something was wrong. Farrah Fawcett, Patrick Swayze both confessed to something being wrong with them. unless MJ announces something is wrong, we should believe the positive.
Special relationship as in doctor-patient relationship?
I don't believe anything from celeb's PR persons, they are just there to deny bad news, not to tell the truth.
I'm not saying he has skin cancer or what, but I'm very sure he is getting some type of treatment for some serious illness.

I have friends that are doctors that I have special relationships with, that yes, I too visit them at their office...and I am not getting any kind of treatment...

:angel:Things that make you go Mmmm...!