New Photo Michael in LA Medical Centre 19May

I have friends that are doctors that I have special relationships with, that yes, I too visit them at their office...and I am not getting any kind of treatment...

:angel:Things that make you go Mmmm...!

Use some observation, he does not look well!
Just last week, he was looking so good but now this.
no. Michael said that, himself. and he didn't go into details about the relationship. and, our guessing cannot be deemed as truth, either. why do we always assume the worst, without proof? have you seen the vids of him with the dancers? nothing looks wrong there. there has never been a celebrity who hasn't fessed up to the truth if something was wrong. Farrah Fawcett, Patrick Swayze both confessed to something being wrong with them. unless MJ announces something is wrong, we should believe the positive.
MJ always keep it to himself. Even if he is not well, he is not going to tell others!!!!! let alone the whole world. He has vitiligo and he didn't let the world know it until he was forced to do so!!! He keep things to himself.
MJ always keep it to himself. Even if he is not well, he is not going to tell others!!!!! let alone the whole world. He has vitiligo and he didn't let the world know it until he was forced to do so!!! He keep things to himself.

he didn't have to tell Oprah that he had vitiligo. it was his choice. he doesn't keep things to himself. he could have decided not to do the interview. he knew Oprah would ask all kinds of questions. he Chose to answer her. have you heard MJ's lyrics? his sayings. Nobody tells him what to do. Nobody. if he chooses to, he could retire, and then none of us would have to needlessly worry over him. this is our time to enjoy the This Is It. Positive thinking can only help.
He just looks like a man who works really hard. And he was working that hard through his entire life. It is just natural that he looks tired some time. It is his right to do so. You better prepare for that, cause he hasn't less work to do for the 9 following months.
He has vitiligo and he didn't let the world know it until he was forced to do so!!! He keep things to himself.

And because of that a lot of people have misconceptions about why he changed and rumors became fact to a lot of the general public.
He just looks like a man who works really hard. And he was working that hard through his entire life. It is just natural that he looks tired some time. It is his right to do so. You better prepare for that, cause he hasn't less work to do for the 9 following months.

Best post in this thread! :clapping::clapping:
And because of that a lot of people have misconceptions about why he changed and rumors became fact to a lot of the general public.

people choose to feel the way they feel, and see what they choose to see. we are all equal, yet some of us see that there isn't a problem, and others see otherwise. that's the way of the world with everybody.
it's no different than one person thinking Angelina Jolie is hot, and another thinking she is not.

that's just the way of the world. and neither Angelina nor Michael aren't going around worrying about it. why should they?

how could any of us go around worrying about vastly different views coming from different people?
looks like the pap used one of those fish-eye lens... or something like that..

yeah.:yes: check out the guard in one of those photos. he looks like he's falling asleep. how come no one is saying anything about that? how many pics have been taken of people who ended up with red eye, because of the light?'s really not rocket science. it happens.
and they try to do it deliberately with MJ, all the time. and the fact is, he comes out looking perty, and better than other celebs that they would try that on. but they don't try that on other celebs. rarely, ever. unless that celeb did something that the press doesn't like. and believe me, on the rare occasion that they would do that to another celeb they didn't like, that celeb came out looking horrible in pics. it's nothing new. it's old as dirt. but because MJ is the biggest star in the world, there's suddenly much attention to this practice as if it were new.
People are not allowed to comment if MJ is wearing a wig or not? I'm sorry, but that's such a joke that something like that is not allowed on here.
after being a michael jackson fan for over 20yrs personelly i don,t care if he is wearing a wig or not,i don,t think it needs to be mentioned,just think back a little to when michael had 3 degree burns to his head,it is just very disrespectful in my opinion,and i hate it when people comment on stuff like that,michael is happy healthy,and enjoying himself,so there is no need for these kind of remarks.
Michael looks very good :D i'm so glad he's showing his face more often :wub: he really has a beautiful face. thanks for the pics.. i'll be going to school on a high (again) :D!
For some reason those pics made me feel uncomfortable. His arm up like that...and he looks sad :(
Oh well thanks for posting.
AWWWWW! He looks amazing :wub:
Can't belive that I'm so lucky that I'll be seen him LIVE in Concert
in 48 days ;)

Good to see michael without the mask , the jacket looks like a womans jacket.

And stop worrying about his looks. The man is 50 guys. We fans hate when the media allways compare mikes album sales with thriller, right? We hate that they slaughtered Invincible and called it a flop, yet it sold 8million+. He always has to top himself, right?

Now some here compare Michael to what he looked like before. He isn't 30 anymore people. People always change, Just like he doesn't have to top himself when it comes to album sales, why should he top himself from what he looked like before.

we can all agree that people look different in different angles, different day, hairstyle, not to mention lighting. Yesterday I felt good about my looks, today I feel like shit because I overslept, so I threw a hat on and hoodie. Why should it be any different to mike?

michael will change, he always has. There will be a day when michael gets 60-70 years of age (hopefully longer) and he will not look like what he does now.

So why not enjoy that he is healthy, happy, and very succesful at the moment.
I think what happened here is that because of the lens and the light every single detail was exagerrated. You wouldn't get that in real life when seeing it with your own eyes.
I think what happened here is that because of the lens and the light every single detail was exagerrated. You wouldn't get that in real life when seeing it with your own eyes.

Exactly... michael looks surprisingly good in real life:yes:


I love Michael's jacket. He's wearing very good quality clothes, with a good cut and fit on a regular basis these day, which he hasn't done since the around 1991.