New OFFICIAL MJ single - Hold My Hand (update pg.1)

Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

Do you think they will release a video on monday, too? I think they will. :)
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

I support this song! I hope there will be more MJ vocals in it..;)
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

Do you think they will release a video on monday, too? I think they will. :)

it depends if they have it... i'm actually wondering the same if they got some video to promote? maybe studio footages ? we'll see:) wondering how Akon's gonna help to promote this album? what do you's think about it? maybe they will hire E Cas to make some special appearance with Akon ;) ;)

I support this song! I hope there will be more MJ vocals in it..;)

so do i! there will be,Akon said that :)
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

Do you think they will release a video on monday, too? I think they will. :)

I hope you're right! Keeping my fingers crossed but not getting my hopes up :)
Re: Why HMH as First Single and Not Another Day?

Waiting..... :timer:


Michael... :cry:
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

It's officially HMH. It's ok, I liked the song even if it wasnt a 100% MJ song. If it has more Michael in it, I wont complain.
I think it would have been a smarter commercial move to release an unknown song first though. Why this one that everyone already has on their MP3 player? (or is it just me?? lol)
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

So Hold My Hand will be playing on the radio starting this monday?
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

I am glad this is the first single, it is a very good choice.
I like the leaked version, I am curious how much the new one will add to my original feeling.
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

It's officially HMH. It's ok, I liked the song even if it wasnt a 100% MJ song. If it has more Michael in it, I wont complain.
I think it would have been a smarter commercial move to release an unknown song first though. Why this one that everyone already has on their MP3 player? (or is it just me?? lol)

The general public isn't familiar with this song at all. And the album has to be marketed to the masses not just MJ fans to be successful.
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

After the Breaking News mess, I'm actually now more excited for Hold My Hand... :3
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

Honestly I don't like Hold My Hand, it's a good song's soo far from Michael's genious.

Listening B.N., watching the artwork cover, reading the news from MJ family, Sony and friends...I ask to myself.....if they want a future for Michael, why they trip on the past?
They're killing Michael one more time....

I think!
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

Michael Jackson Song Akon Came Back to Finish

by TMZ Staff

It's Harvey ... I've just heard Michael Jackson's first single, "Hold My Hand" -- not the one that leaked a few years ago, but the one Sony is about to release. First of all, it's great -- slower than a lot of MJ's songs.

Our sources say Akon recently came back to the studio to lay down more vocals and really put the finishing touches on it. It sounds more produced than the "Breaking News" song that was put online this week.

It's a classic, Akon-type song and it seems like Michael takes on Akon's style. His voice fluctuates like Akon's and there's a similar tonal quality.

As for "Breaking News," I just heard the finished version. It's more produced than the one Sony put online and sounds more classic MJ.

:clap:This is going to be a huge album.:clap:
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

^ Just read that, Harvey is pumped for this new album eh. He's making personal posts that's rare for TMZ. I literally can't wait to hear both the new Breaking News and Hold My Hand :) So excited!!
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

Michael Jackson Song Akon Came Back to Finish

by TMZ Staff

It's Harvey ... I've just heard Michael Jackson's first single, "Hold My Hand" -- not the one that leaked a few years ago, but the one Sony is about to release. First of all, it's great -- slower than a lot of MJ's songs.

Our sources say Akon recently came back to the studio to lay down more vocals and really put the finishing touches on it. It sounds more produced than the "Breaking News" song that was put online this week.

It's a classic, Akon-type song and it seems like Michael takes on Akon's style. His voice fluctuates like Akon's and there's a similar tonal quality.

As for "Breaking News," I just heard the finished version. It's more produced than the one Sony put online and sounds more classic MJ.

:clap:This is going to be a huge album.:clap:

LOL @ add more vocals, I was hoping he would remove his vocals. lmao
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

Our sources say Akon recently came back to the studio to lay down more vocals and really put the finishing touches on it. It sounds more produced than the "Breaking News" song that was put online this week.

It's a classic, Akon-type song and it seems like Michael takes on Akon's style. His voice fluctuates like Akon's and there's a similar tonal quality.

Oy oy oy oy sounds... interesting
oh wait is TMZ lol
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

Doubts about the album, not the single

I'm very concerned, like most of us, about the Cascio-tracks. But what I hope we can all agree on, that no matter wether we will buy the album or not (personally I'm going back an forth on that), we should rally around the the real and genuine undeniable MJ-singles that gets released, starting with "Hold My Hand." That's why I will download the single on Monday and see if I can pick up a physical copy in different record stores. I will probably do the same for other singles, if they are clearly MJ.
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand


Hold My Hand single will be available for purchase on iTunes store from Monday 15th.

Be prepared for a mass download day of HMH. :punk:
Let's have Michael @ #1, where he deserves to be.
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

That would be great if the song went to #1.
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

Cannot wait :wild:
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

:bounce: :bounce: I LOVE the new version! Sounds great, and SO perfect for the Christmas season! LOVE IT!
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

At the moment, all I am certain of is that if fans want to get Hold My Hand to number one in various countries around the world, promotion needs to be done. It doesn't matter what everyone's opinions are of the other tracks on the album, but we KNOW Hold My Hand is one of Michael's creation. It would be a real shame if his first release doesn't manage to hit the top.

Seeing as the single is being released monday I was hoping for Sony to have already put adverts on tv (I'm in the UK and haven't seen any). Tonight in the UK, X Factor will be (think American Idol)-gets probably the most viewers all week and seeing as some of the most popular boy bands are releasing their singles on the same week as Michael (and their albums in the same week as Michaels) I would have thought the breaks of this programme would be the ideal time for Sony to promote the single. So if Sony haven't got their act together the fans have to play an even larger role.

We need to start promotion early, I know we've had various threads in the past with how to communicate with various media outlets asking them to play different songs. If we could create a sticky thread with all these details so fans could scroll down and find their regional radio stations contact details as well as any national radio stations. We need to be on the ball for Monday morning.
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

I'm so glad that Hold My Hand is the first single. I love that song.