New MJ sighting @ UFC in Las Vegas (pics added in post #1)

Re: New MJ sighting!

with all due respect datsy :flowers: i dont think this is a matter of agreeing and disagreeing. this is about a FACT.
i think ppl are tripping a bit over what u said cuz its pretty obvious that its him. thats all. some fans can recognize every inch of his face and body. they can tell whether its him or not very easily

of course ur entitled to believe its not him as much as u want
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Re: New MJ sighting!

He might be in to UFC. Or maybe he was just curious about it. He does that, where he'll go to see something even if he doesn't know anything about it, lol. But there's nothing wrong with being in to it either. I'm all in to combat sports, lol.

i remember when he was in bahrain he went to see a car race for the very first time and he met a bahraini singer there :D
Re: New MJ sighting!

so is this true that MJ is release single in june is true that's cool i can get it for my bday Yeah :clap:

so does anybody knows the date for the release single for canada thanks :yes:
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Re: New MJ sighting!

Yeah that's Mike alright. ;) I bet it was the temperature. Come on now, you know his skin is fragile to handle the heat in there.
Re: New MJ sighting!

He might be in to UFC. Or maybe he was just curious about it. He does that, where he'll go to see something even if he doesn't know anything about it, lol. But there's nothing wrong with being in to it either. I'm all in to combat sports, lol.

If he were to ever come here he would see there is a whole thread (or maybe more) on this board devoted to such events. Of course he would be curious about why many of his fans are attracted to it and would want to know about it. Now I think he is not such a hermit that he wouldn't have already been very aware however.

And as to whether or not it seems typical of him, my dad was the gentlest and kindest person I've ever known and every Friday night when I was a kid, much to my mother's chagrin, he would watch boxing on TV. It always seemed like such an inconsistency to me but there it was.
Re: New MJ sighting!

Yeah, and combat sports aren't enjoyable just for the blood and guts of the thing. There is a very technical skill and athletic talent involved in it. Of course being a dancer, Michael is probably facsinated with their coordination and way of movement. Fighting is largely based on coordination. The more coordinated fighter, the faster fighter and the fighter with better timing will usually win. Those are all elements which also apply to dancing or a dancer. It's the same reason I'm sure why Michael studied judo and incorporates elements of that fighting form in to his style as a dancer.
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Re: New MJ sighting!

lol ok, that has to be him. Lets face it around here if a man shows up in glasses, a hat and half his face covered you better hope it's Michael Jackson otherwise you in a load of trouble :yes:

Lets stop the bickering now. Respect sometimes means not replying to a post you don't agree with.
Re: New MJ sighting!


Well. to be honest It's seems him... but... who knows... I mean, we can see only a little piece of skin.. all the rest is cover.. everyone can try to imitate him... is really so little pic.. is hard to recognize if someone would dress to seems 'like' him... for joke...

Anyway... I think it's him . is more sure that it's him than other possibility... too much similar things... LOL

And Michael often have Tyson's tribute or things like that.. I think he's interest in this sport... he likes watching and study things... thanks for the pics.. I hope there will be new pics in better quality..
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Re: New MJ sighting @ UFC in Las Vegas (pic added)

i don't know i just like to see Michael in such disguise.
It's like he's back to his old self. :p
he's always curious and like to study things so him going to such event isn't surprising.
anyway, i hope he's not into this kind of sports. :D
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Re: New MJ sighting @ UFC in Las Vegas (pic added)

i dunno about that tiny pic, but click on the blog from which the info came from and there;s a proper pic on there.
Re: New MJ sighting @ UFC in Las Vegas (pic added)

i dunno about that tiny pic, but click on the blog from which the info came from and there;s a proper pic on there.

you dont mean the pic of mj with robin leach do you?

thats only pic i'm seeing.
Re: New MJ sighting @ UFC in Las Vegas (pic added)

man... MJ took a big chance..

if anyone noticed him there, durring a PPV.. He would have been hounded for going out like that more than probably ever.. as far as when he's trying NOT to be seen..

Its not like going into a store covered up.. he not only went to a public event all covered up.. It was being taped and aired on PPV..

he must have REALLY wanted to see it.. I mean, he could have ordered the PPV u know.. but NO!!! he wanted to BE there..

MIKE!!! I love ya
Re: New MJ sighting!

Point blank, we really do not know for a fact if MJ went there or not. What we do know is that MJ has been in outings with and without disguises. We do know that MJ has seen boxing matches before. I mean, how did he became friends with Sugar Ray Leonard and Mike Tyson? If MJ is into this UFC nonsense what is the big deal? Maybe he likes it, good for him. Just because some of you people are not into that kind of entertainment, does not mean that MJ is not into that entertainment. Maybe he watches at home with his sons and buddies (I doubt his daughter watches that stuff because MJ said that he is a "girly girl" but you never know). Maybe he likes that kind of stuff. If you do not like it, then you do not like it. My brother is a HUGE fan of WWE and I believe UFC and I HATE IT with passion. However, my brother likes that kind of entertainment. Like MJ be. Let him do whatever the heck he wants to do. He is having fun are you people doing the same?

As for Robin Leech, I think it is low to bash him just because he couldn't prove to some of you guys that MJ was there or not. I do not like a certain poster's paranoria regarding what Robin Leech is saying. It is not like the guy was trashing MJ. The man just posted a sighting that he got for sources that he felt were reliable. That is all he was doing. He has no issue with MJ, he has no intention of trashing Mike, he is just simply telling readers about a sighting that he believed was MJ. He was not trying to take over the news that MJ was at a birthday party the same day. It takes a few hours to get from L.A. to Vegas. If you look at the map of the USA, you would realized that L.A. and Vegas are a bit close. Let's not start things that we can't control.

BTW, I adore MJOutsider (and still do) when he was a member during the MJJF days and he is reliable and I believe he is more than just a fan of Mike's. I believe that he knows him personally. He is right about MJ going out more than it is reported because I have talked to some people who have actually confirmed that to me on a few occansions when MJ was younger and throughout his adulthood. Just because it was not reported or that there were no pictures does not mean that MJ was not at those places. People might have very well seen him and told the media about it and sometimes that is not reported. It is safe to say that we have to just leave it as it is and move on. At the end of the day, when you really think about it, it is how you see MJ: whether you idol worship him, put him on this insane pedastel or if you are like, and see him as a human being. If you can see him go to events, then you believed Robin Leech. If you can't see him do things like that, then you do not believe Robin Leech. As for the second part of what MJOutsider has stated, he was not there personally, he could have watched it on tv. He is just giving you his observation, not the actual truth.

As for the picture that one of you guys posted - thanks for posting. That is typical Michael, in disguise and enjoying the show. Good for him. I know he enjoyed himself. :)
Very well put!
Re: New MJ sighting @ UFC in Las Vegas (pic added)

whats wrong with UFC??? Why is it such a shock for him to get into something like that? I know nothing about it but is it like wrestling or something? What's so bad about it?
Re: New MJ sighting @ UFC in Las Vegas (pic added)

Oh Mike, we know it's you!!!!

He's so silly :p
Re: New MJ sighting @ UFC in Las Vegas (pic added)

It's violent, that's all. But so is boxing, and Michael's been to boxing matches before. People always trip when Michael incorporates violence in to his life or career. Like when "Smooth Criminal" came out, some people lost their minds over the "violence" in the film, lol.
Re: New MJ sighting @ UFC in Las Vegas (pic added)

yall might think i'm crazy but I think it LOOKS like Michael...

his posture

his forhead

the type of glasses

the way the glasses sit on the face and how it's held up by the nose

the skin

call me crazy, maybe I examined too many MJ pics.. drawed him too often.. But what we see, LOOKS like Michael.. and I'm not just talking about the clothing style of when he's trying to hide himself..
Re: New MJ sighting @ UFC in Las Vegas (pic added)

^ no you are not crazy.. i thought the same thing too.
Re: New MJ sighting @ UFC in Las Vegas (pic added)

MJ @ UFC ?! Never pictured him as a fan of that...
Either way, nice to know he's been out lately.
Re: New MJ sighting @ UFC in Las Vegas (pic added)

maybe hes seen EVERYTHING in vegas and that was the only thing for him left to see lol
Re: New MJ sighting @ UFC in Las Vegas (pic added)

^^ Sorta makes more sense, at least for me :lol:
Re: New MJ sighting @ UFC in Las Vegas (pic added)

I looked at some youtube vids and it looks like martial arts boxing to me. What the big deal. LOL
Re: New MJ sighting @ UFC in Las Vegas (pic added)

It is marital arts mixed with boxing. No big deal, lol. Like I said, they were just lucky Michael didn't decide to take part. You know they all woulda' run for the hills when his skinny little butt stepped in the cage.
Re: New MJ sighting @ UFC in Las Vegas (pic added)

It is marital arts mixed with boxing. No big deal, lol. Like I said, they were just lucky Michael didn't decide to take part. You know they all woulda' run for the hills when his skinny little butt stepped in the cage.

That's a fuuuunny thought :lol:
Re: New MJ sighting @ UFC in Las Vegas (pic added)

I think it is him, too KOPV. I really do and I am happy that MJ is doing what he wants to do. I cannot stand any kind of fighting, but if MJ likes that stuff, all power to him. And let it be violent. Not everything is pretty, serene and rosy. Some things are bloody, distrubing and violent. Now, the issue is are you into that stuff or not? I hate violence, blood and guts. LOL. Maybe MJ likes that stuff.