Ne yo on Jo Whiley (BBC Radio1) talking about Mike.

Mike ain't releasing a new album until he's ready. That's about it. They couldn't force him to release an album when he was in his element throughout the 80's and 90's and nothing has changed since then. All the predictions will come and go. The bottom line is: It ain't comin' out until MIKE says so.

...and you're right --- it's obvious Mike ain't feelin' NE-YO's stuff---that's why he's still "reviewing" it. And rightfully so.

Actually Mike was forced to get Thriller out at a certain deadline. He almost didn't make it and had to recut the whole album in like a week or so. I am looking for a surprise during Motown's 50th anniversary.
guess who is playing mind games? :)
Record companies announce their Xmas new releases prior to the end of Sept. If there is no release date for MJ's new album in the next 2 weeks it is not going to be released in 08. Wait till March 09 to hope for a summer 09 release...then for Sep09 for an Xmas 09 release.
You don't have as much energy at 20 compare to when you are 4. Try to move around like a 4 year old. You'll be dead tired after 3 minutes.
I acually right now ( i'm saying this to hurt any of u guys, this is just my opion)
I have feeling like thre wont be an album @ all.
I love neyo and all, but i think hes been all talk.. and no action.

I hope your wrong will turn into right..