Ne yo on Jo Whiley (BBC Radio1) talking about Mike.

he says the samething n every interiew lol, i love neyo but most of his tracks sound the same anyway so i cudnt careless if his tracks make it or not lol
When does Michael plan to release an album? At 60? Ewww no thanx, 50 is bad (*cough old*) enough! I know that sounds horrible and may come across offensive to some people but I don't mean to be rude ( I love Michael but...) I'm just being honest and straight forward here.

There is NO point releasing an album at 52, 54, it's too old IMO.
When does Michael plan to release an album? At 60? Ewww no thanx, 50 is bad (*cough old*) enough! I know that sounds horrible and may come across offensive to some people but I don't mean to be rude ( I love Michael but...) I'm just being honest and straight forward here.

There is NO point releasing an album at 52, 54, it's too old IMO.

Mick Jagger turns 65 tomorrow and he's still releasing albums:D
When does Michael plan to release an album? At 60? Ewww no thanx, 50 is bad (*cough old*) enough! I know that sounds horrible and may come across offensive to some people but I don't mean to be rude ( I love Michael but...) I'm just being honest and straight forward here.

There is NO point releasing an album at 52, 54, it's too old IMO.

:lol: I can see it, lol... I don't see a problem with it. He wouldn't be the first, lol.
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When does Michael plan to release an album? At 60? Ewww no thanx, 50 is bad (*cough old*) enough! I know that sounds horrible and may come across offensive to some people but I don't mean to be rude ( I love Michael but...) I'm just being honest and straight forward here.

There is NO point releasing an album at 52, 54, it's too old IMO.
How can you put an age on making music lol. Its not football/soccer or something were there will be an obviously loss of ability with age. Obv he wont be able to dance as well if at all with age but why would his age stop him from making great music. Why leave it to all these inexperience young people like Britney Solijah Boy who just keep producing crap that gets boring within minutes
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Where did i say i KNEW for a fact ANYTHING? I said MAYBE. I was offering up other options. geez. And I'm putting u on the spot like that cuz u put ME on the spot like that, saying some mess about my 'insecurities' if I was insulting Neyo or something which i wasn't. I'm stating what everyone else has stated already, that he might not know what's going on. Ignorant and silly???? How was what I said ignorant and silly? What's ignorant and silly about MJ MIGHT NOT liking (hence "MIGHT NOT" ) some of his stuff and MIGHT NOT end up using it? Come on now, I did NOT say anything remotely insulting or ignorant about Neyo at all. And I've always praised his songwriting abilities. Come on now. I've never said I KNEW anything or that anything that I think MIGHT happen is fact. Yeeeesh.

Yes there's an equal possibility that Mj MIGHT LIKE his stuff. My whole point in this is saying that nothing is confirmation of MJ's album coming this year or not. That was my whooole point.

Listen, I said what I had to say. I quoted your posts because I disagreed with your posts. You assumed that I put you on the spot and I already told you that I did not DO THAT. If I were to do that, would have put your name out there. You claimed that I always "put you out there". Always means all of the time and that is NOT TRUE. Please, watch your wording.

Saying that MJ might not like his (Ne-Yo) stuff is ignorant and silly and why because you do not know what MJ would like or would not like with the stuff or SONGS Ne-Yo would e-mail to MJ. So, I find that ignorant and silly. You are just an MJ fan, you do not know what MJ might or might not like regarding the songs that Ne-Yo would send him. You make it seem that what Ne-Yo would send to him is not good enough for MJ to use, at least that is how you are implying it, and I said what I had to say about it - it was ignorant and silly coming from you or anyone. Now, if you do not like that, I do not really care.

Right, you said that you do not know anything for a fact but you are implying and assuming what MJ would and would not like from Ne-Yo. Yeeeesh! :smilerolleyes:

Well, my whole point is that I think it would be best to let Ne-Yo say what he has to say and leave it at that. Yes, we do not know when the CD is going to come out but we do know what Ne-Yo said. He said that he is/was submitting songs to Michael. He said that he will meet with MJ soon to discuss how the CD is going to sound like. You didn't have to assume or imply anything beyond that because it makes you look like a hater of Ne-Yo instead of a so called "fan" that you claim to be.
When does Michael plan to release an album? At 60? Ewww no thanx, 50 is bad (*cough old*) enough! I know that sounds horrible and may come across offensive to some people but I don't mean to be rude ( I love Michael but...) I'm just being honest and straight forward here.

There is NO point releasing an album at 52, 54, it's too old IMO.

Firstly, nothing wrong with making music for eternity, especially when it's a passion - it would be hard to refrain from making music for someone like MJ.

and second, 50 is not old and anyway Mike is a rare exception to conceding to 'old' age - he is thin, he doesn't look 50, if he keeps dancin (which i'm sure he does) he is still fit, and he will always be a kid at heart which always keeps the mind young.
Ewww no thanx, 50 is bad (*cough old*) enough! I know that sounds horrible and may come across offensive to some people but I don't mean to be rude ( I love Michael but...) I'm just being honest and straight forward here.

There is NO point releasing an album at 52, 54, it's too old IMO

So, do you say the same thing for Prince, Madonna, The Rolling Stones, Paul McCartney, Tina Turner, Cher, The Who, Phil Collins, Reba McKintire, George Straight, Lionel Richie, etc.?

I mean, really. Having a career is the music business is basically lifelong and there really is no age to retire from. You can retire at 30 or 80. It doesn't matter.

And to be honest, I see 50 as old as well, but there are many people who look really young for 50 years old and MJ to one of them. He is thin, he has no stomach gut, he is a child at heart and that ALWAYS makes you young and he has young children. If MJ still has it, and we all know that he does, then he can do music for as long as he wants to. MJ could have retired after Thriller because he was so rich, he can live on the sales of that CD alone. That CD was his life insurance, his social security, his 401 K, his pensions, etc. etc. However, he kept on making music. Why? Because he loves it and it is not just work for him, it is fun for him as well. He is blessed, like a lot of people are, to have a career that he LOVES and still wants to do when he is reaching a major milestone in his life. 50 is truly the new 30 and there are people on this board that are under 50, well, a lot of them, and the way the age of 50 looks to us is truly something that we can look forward to when we reach that age.. At the end of the day, age is just a number.
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When does Michael plan to release an album? At 60? Ewww no thanx, 50 is bad (*cough old*) enough! I know that sounds horrible and may come across offensive to some people but I don't mean to be rude ( I love Michael but...) I'm just being honest and straight forward here.

There is NO point releasing an album at 52, 54, it's too old IMO.

I don't agree with that. Paul McCartney has released 2 albums already since his 60th birthday and he is already planning to release another next year! Artists should never just stop making music because they are old. Slowing down..yes but quitting altogether, thats just stupid. Look at Madonna...she still had success and she's almost 50. Many other artists too like Rolling Stones, The Police, etc. Age doesn't matter anymore. I think Michael can still do this.
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Yeah that's why he dedicates least two tracks to him on every album. :lol: :listeningtomusic:

Yep and i was laughing when one source claimed that he makes one song dedicated to MJ every album.

I'm like "uhhhh MORE than ONE song" :lol:

I love it though. "Come clooooos-seeeeeeerrr..."
Maybey if we take ne-Yo's word for it: he says: I can't say soon!
so he's right because michael says: Sooner! :D (just a litlle joke i just made up because of the long waiting and stuff srry:))
Yep and i was laughing when one source claimed that he makes one song dedicated to MJ every album.

I'm like "uhhhh MORE than ONE song" :lol:

I love it though. "Come clooooos-seeeeeeerrr..."

Yeah, lol. I heard a song from his IN MY WORDS album that I swore sounded like "Rock With You", I kept hearing it twice. :lol:

I haven't played the album since then tho, lol.
"I can't say soon"... Well, that's really convenient for all impatiently waiting.
Neyo says he 'dedicates' at least 2 songs to Michael on each album because thats the only way he could get away with copying Michael to a larger extent without it being labeled 'copying.' lol!!

I can't hate though, I'de probably do the same.. Except I would dedicate around 15 songs.. HA HA!! Not really, but there would be some that would have a strong MJ flavor..
Neyo says he 'dedicates' at least 2 songs to Michael on each album because thats the only way he could get away with copying Michael to a larger extent without it being labeled 'copying.' lol!!

I can't hate though, I'de probably do the same.. Except I would dedicate around 15 songs.. HA HA!! Not really, but there would be some that would have a strong MJ flavor..

If you did that, you'll be Jason Malachi. :)

:lol: Least Ne-Yo only does 2. :)
^ I was just playin'.. lol!!

I mean I think all us MJ fans would have an MJ INFLUENCE, some larger than others, and in different ways.. BUT!! NOT straight up copy..

The same way U can see James Brown in Mike.. Us fans would see Mike in Us..

But not COPY.. ripp off!
50 isn't old. Give me a break. Michael's in his vocal prime. I don't know how many times I've said that, but it's true. He can still dance, stop trippin. He hasn't abused his body or his voice. He's in better shape then most 20 year olds I see walking around the street these days. And if you're still creative, which Michael obviously is, then as long as that lasts, you should always make music, or whatever art form you're in. Michael's best work may be still in him. In fact, I'd hardly be surprised if it was. Someone like him, he never stops thinking or imagining. His mind is constantly going, constantly thinking up new things, new songs, new ways to do something, etc... Don't sell him short just because society and the music industry tells you anything passed 19 is old or unworthy of your attention.

Besides, like people said, Michael is young at heart. He isn't jaded and bitter like most people his age. And he won't act it either.
Poor Ne-Yo... Some of you are ripping into him harshly because of this interview? lol...

The fact of the matter is (some others have mentioned it) that Ne-Yo is a writer for Michael, he's not the Quincy Jones of the new album, he is contributing to the album the best way Michael knows he can contribute.

So yeah, take his word lightly and claim Ne-Yo has been shown the back door. It's just hard taking Michael's word for stuff like this, such as business matters. By this time in his life he'd have a few homes overseas, a few MJ theme parks, a movie studio, he'd be directing Disney like films or starring in them himself and he would have adopted the 2 kids from every continent like he said (okay fine, thats not business but you get the point, lol).
Michael's had a lot of hurdles interupt his planes in life. He doesn't ever announce things with the intent of not following through. People are just saying that Ne-Yo doesn't know anything, obviously, he doesn't know anything. The album will come when Michael is finished and only he know's when he'll be finished.
I'm not gonna hold NeYo responsible for something I don't even think he knows. And it is not his fault that interviewers keep asking him about MJ. Everybody in the industry wants to know what Michael is doing and when he is gonna do it and if they find out that you have been with him or talked to him, they are gonna pick your brain to no end.

Poor NeYo....give him a break.

I still think that we will see this album in stores before the end of this year.
Oh who cares about him, we know the album ain't coming out until 2122. :)
if Sony is still alive and not been taken over and lynched by the Chinese, can you imagine how many MJ compilations would have been released by then