Ne-Yo covered Lady in My Life for his new album

The cool thing is, if you are genuinely interested in music, when you grow a little, you learn about so many great and wonderful artists in music history

it's cool to listen to how other artists and bands are playing the song out their own way. Some suck and some don't.

Same thing with transcriptions in the classical music world; some are great, others not so much.
no offense meant but when will these covers end?
Started with Rihanna in 07 hiding Wanna be starting sg in her Please dont stop the music...then T25...poor Billie Jean and Beat it covers...heard better...then comes the HMH "duett" (strictly signing it is not a duett....Akon feat MJ) - it should be the other way around and now NeYo covering this masterpiece...there is no way anyone can sing with all the emotion MJ did..then why bother???

I am just longing for that pure and simple MJ messing around just drop out a pure simple album..
Look wannabe, I'm not interested in arguing with your 5 dollar ass today. I've been here before with you (remember MJNO?). All I'm saying is you DON'T have to be a five-star, "world class" (whatever that means) superstar in order to cover a Michael Jackson song. Because every couple of months a young star like Usher, or Justin Timberlake, or Chris Brown, or Ne-Yo pays homage to MJ with a song or a performance, and a thread like this one get's started. And the usual ensures: half of fans bitch, complain, & lose their marbles and the other half is mature enough to know that they're just harmless tribute's to the King of Pop.
Guess which category you fit into?
I'm going to respect the MJJC forum rules and end this so-called argument. Because if this continues, I'm gonna hurt more than just your feelings, and somebody's gonna get banned.


I love you, man. I just do. Keep on throwing the knowledge. :)

Look, I am getting Ne-Yo's latest cd because the dude is talented. I respect people that respect the master known as MJ. You know what I mean? The man said himself that every CD that he does, he will do a tribute to Michael. That is someone that has more that respect and love for MJ. That is a person that GETS MJ. It is sad that people who are fans of MJ have no respect for the up and coming icons and do not respect the fact that MJ has always given props to the people after him. That is what an true artist does, they give back. I love what Ne-Yo is doing and it is not really about MJ, it is about the fact that the song, LIML, is a great song and should be covered. I am gonna be real, I would angry if people never cover MJ's songs, play his songs on the radio or even admit that they will always to an MJ tribute in their music. That to me, would hurt. We as fans should be happy that MJ is still getiing his props after everything he has been through.

When the laughable media likes to erase MJ's achievements and impacts, it is always good to know that the musicians who are "hot" today reminds people what MJ is truly about. MJ did so much for people and he should get his props. I do not mind cover songs. As long as the person do not murder the song, then it is all good. MJ did plenty of cover songs and I liked them all. Also, I didn't know that "A Child's Heart" was a Stevie song! That is awesome! MJ really made it his own.

Marie stated a great point about young people and music. When I was a teenager, I listened to real musicians, but I was mostly into what was "hot" and not into what was GOOD or GREAT. I didn't really appericated what I call "real music" until I got older and started really listening to the songs from the 1960s-1990s and really understood what they were about.

So, yeah, that is my two cents.
I love you, man. I just do. Keep on throwing the knowledge. :)

Look, I am getting Ne-Yo's latest cd because the dude is talented. I respect people that respect the master known as MJ. You know what I mean? The man said himself that every CD that he does, he will do a tribute to Michael. That is someone that has more that respect and love for MJ. That is a person that GETS MJ. It is sad that people who are fans of MJ have no respect for the up and coming icons and do not respect the fact that MJ has always given props to the people after him. That is what an true artist does, they give back. I love what Ne-Yo is doing and it is not really about MJ, it is about the fact that the song, LIML, is a great song and should be covered. I am gonna be real, I would angry if people never cover MJ's songs, play his songs on the radio or even admit that they will always to an MJ tribute in their music. That to me, would hurt. We as fans should be happy that MJ is still getiing his props after everything he has been through.

When the laughable media likes to erase MJ's achievements and impacts, it is always good to know that the musicians who are "hot" today reminds people what MJ is truly about. MJ did so much for people and he should get his props. I do not mind cover songs. As long as the person do not murder the song, then it is all good. MJ did plenty of cover songs and I liked them all. Also, I didn't know that "A Child's Heart" was a Stevie song! That is awesome! MJ really made it his own.

Marie stated a great point about young people and music. When I was a teenager, I listened to real musicians, but I was mostly into what was "hot" and not into what was GOOD or GREAT. I didn't really appericated what I call "real music" until I got older and started really listening to the songs from the 1960s-1990s and really understood what they were about.

So, yeah, that is my two cents.

I love you, man. I just do. Keep on throwing the knowledge. :)

Look, I am getting Ne-Yo's latest cd because the dude is talented. I respect people that respect the master known as MJ. You know what I mean? The man said himself that every CD that he does, he will do a tribute to Michael. That is someone that has more that respect and love for MJ. That is a person that GETS MJ. It is sad that people who are fans of MJ have no respect for the up and coming icons and do not respect the fact that MJ has always given props to the people after him. That is what an true artist does, they give back. I love what Ne-Yo is doing and it is not really about MJ, it is about the fact that the song, LIML, is a great song and should be covered. I am gonna be real, I would angry if people never cover MJ's songs, play his songs on the radio or even admit that they will always to an MJ tribute in their music. That to me, would hurt. We as fans should be happy that MJ is still getiing his props after everything he has been through.

When the laughable media likes to erase MJ's achievements and impacts, it is always good to know that the musicians who are "hot" today reminds people what MJ is truly about. MJ did so much for people and he should get his props. I do not mind cover songs. As long as the person do not murder the song, then it is all good. MJ did plenty of cover songs and I liked them all. Also, I didn't know that "A Child's Heart" was a Stevie song! That is awesome! MJ really made it his own.

Marie stated a great point about young people and music. When I was a teenager, I listened to real musicians, but I was mostly into what was "hot" and not into what was GOOD or GREAT. I didn't really appericated what I call "real music" until I got older and started really listening to the songs from the 1960s-1990s and really understood what they were about.

So, yeah, that is my two cents.

Thanks Bee.
At least you get where I'm coming from.
Can you imagine if NO ONE covered a Michael Jackson song or performance?
If say, for the next 25-30 years, no one in the music biz hinted at, sampled, or even mentioned MJ's music or trademarks. People just completely ignored him, his legacy, and treated him as if he were a has-been and a pariah?
If everything Michael Jackson somehow became extinct.
That's a scary thought.
You see, the problem here is that MJ fans wanna have it both ways. They start trippin' when no one gives Jackson his props, and then do EXACTLY the same when someone does give him props. That doesn't make any sense at all. I could understand if Ne-Yo came out and said, "I'm the new Michael Jackson, and I'm gonna be better than he ever was!"
I'd wig out too, if that happened. But he didn't. All he did was cover a damn song.

Thanks for the props, fans.

You see, the problem here is that MJ fans wanna have it both ways. They start trippin' when no one gives Jackson his props, and then do EXACTLY the same when someone does give him props. That doesn't make any sense at all.

I feel you on that. Some fans can't be happy for anything anymore. It is just a song. MJ never said it was his song. He just sang the song on Thriller, a cd everyone has.

Great post.
I agree Bee. What would be sad is if artist did NOT sing nothing from MIchael's old cds. I do not see many artist doing this for Prince or Madonna compare to the way the artist contribute to Michael.
^ supposed to come out on August 5th.

I do not see many artist doing this for Prince or Madonna compare to the way the artist contribute to Michael.
well, not in the mainstream anyway. Prince has quite a huge influence on underground soul and hip-hop artists/musicians around the world.

but i agree with you both, this is a great thing for Michael even though it may not come from 'supertalents' or whatever - no harm done at all.
Just listening to the Neyo BET version now. It doesnt touch Michaels own version by a long shot, I adore Lady in my Life BUT, Neyo, since his rise to fame has really impressed me. Out of the all the other MJ imitators out there, I rate him above them all.

Its pretty cool that hes doing a Michael track on his new album, Im not bugged by it at all.
I was gonna ask the same question. I guess he ultimately decided on another song. Too bad tho, I was looking forward to listening to it.
I Think its a very good thing that NEYO is doing the Lady in My life. Its a Complimant to Michael...and for ppl. on this trade that say that in the future the kids wont know its Michael's song...well we'll just have to tell them that its Michael's Originally...

So are you saying that yall didnt think "Come together" was Michaels song when you heard him sing it?
HE DID A COVER on the Beatles... so i guess the kids in the future will just have to research who the ORIGINAL Singer for "The Lady In My Life" Is.....

Tnx for this Topic...:cheeky:
i really liked neyos live version of the song. it was nice to hear the song played with live instruments
I Think its a very good thing that NEYO is doing the Lady in My life. Its a Complimant to Michael...and for ppl. on this trade that say that in the future the kids wont know its Michael's song...well we'll just have to tell them that its Michael's Originally...

So are you saying that yall didnt think "Come together" was Michaels song when you heard him sing it?
HE DID A COVER on the Beatles... so i guess the kids in the future will just have to research who the ORIGINAL Singer for "The Lady In My Life" Is.....

Tnx for this Topic...:cheeky:

I never thought "Come Together" was Michael's song.
i really liked neyos live version of the song. it was nice to hear the song played with live instruments

i really liked it also. no it's not michael but i do think he did a really nice job with the song, espcially being live. and i do think it's more of a compliment to michael than anything :yes:
but there's a difference in singing a cover live and putting one on your album
Yeah "Lady in My Life" isn't on there but "Nobody" is.
wait...I'm too lazy to go back and read all of this (tee hee)
So LIML is NOT on Neyo's album????

Tell me it isn't so!!!!!!!!!! :clapping:
i really liked neyos live version of the song. it was nice to hear the song played with live instruments
ditto. he could have at least tried something so 'daaring' in his industry and put on that live version amongst the tracklist.
i can see that NE-YO is really a fan. his version is ok altho i am so missing mike's smooth vocals. but u know what everyone? i've hearing MJ covers from different artists. sometimes i get excited bec. of some "freshness" done on the tracks BUT i am not really happy. It somehow gives a feeling that MJ is out of the circulation. *sighs* when will he be back????
'Come together' is Michael's song, but I like the Beatles' version more.
i can see that NE-YO is really a fan. his version is ok altho i am so missing mike's smooth vocals. but u know what everyone? i've hearing MJ covers from different artists. sometimes i get excited bec. of some "freshness" done on the tracks BUT i am not really happy. It somehow gives a feeling that MJ is out of the circulation. *sighs* when will he be back????

Wouldn't people reintroducing MJ's songs be putting MJ back into circulation?
not everyone (i am referring to the younger generation who are not MJ fans) know those remakes/covers are MJ songs. some do not have acknowledgement of the original artist! i may be wrong but i don't think there was a mention that dangerous (reworked by kardinall offishall feat. akon)was mike's song. to think that mj is one of the composers of the song!