Ne-Yo covered Lady in My Life for his new album

And besides didn't some of y'all say you think MJ doing things with young artists was gonna get him ATTENTION with the young folks? Well this is the same thing. So I guess who's calling the pot kettle black?

Hold my hand? :)
It's great that Michael is working with younger artists to gain more popularity with the younger folks, but the thing is that he most of the time doesn't get any credit at all for it. Most of the kids nowadays don't even know it's a MJ song, they just think that the covered version is the original version and when you try to make clear to them that it's actually a MJ song, they most of the time just blindy say ''Oh, well I like the covered version better'' without even listening to the original, because they think Michael is a ''freak''.
True, most of the kids on my school thought Fall Out Boy wrote ''Beat It''.
When ''Wanna Be Starting Something 08'' came out, people were like '' MICHAEL JACKSON STOLE RIHANNA'S MAMASEMAMASAMAMACOOSA'', like what the hell is going on ...

Hold on here. The Kids at your school never heard of Michael Jackson's version of Beat It? Have they been living under a rock all these years?
Hold on here. The Kids at your school never heard of Michael Jackson's version of Beat It? Have they been living under a rock all these years?
I was thinking the same thing. I send them the original version and they were like ''Who is this?'' and when I told them it was Michael Jackson they were like''
Wauw .. he sings really pretty''

DAAAAAAMN, I seriously had to count till 10 inside of my head before I explode and gave them a long speech about CULTURE.
Damn, those donuts of yours is TOO tempting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omfg who has not heard beat it. :unsure::( I am freaking out for them right now.

..and they thgouht FOBs' "Beat It' was really theirs?? OMFGA :mello:
I REALLY like Ne-yo performance at the BET awards and that song Closer...
I was thinking the same thing. I send them the original version and they were like ''Who is this?'' and when I told them it was Michael Jackson they were like''
Wauw .. he sings really pretty''

DAAAAAAMN, I seriously had to count till 10 inside of my head before I explode and gave them a long speech about CULTURE.

Yeah thats really sad...that would NEVER happen here in Canada. I'd say atleast 95% of all kids are familiar with Michael Jackson and his music. Even my 3 year old cousin knows Michael Jackson sings Beat It...Oh well you cant blame these little kids, they are just ill-informed about anything in music older than 5 years. An average educated teenager would know Michael Jackson sings Beat It...its considered common knowledge.
True, most of the kids on my school thought Fall Out Boy wrote ''Beat It''.
When ''Wanna Be Starting Something 08'' came out, people were like '' MICHAEL JACKSON STOLE RIHANNA'S MAMASEMAMASAMAMACOOSA'', like what the hell is going on ...

Looooooooooool hahahahahahahahahahaha wow there on another planet at you school lol
I remember people blasting Mikes remixes on speakers during lunch and break, and everyone was cussing Rhianna saying she killed Mikes song lol

if they didn't know of Beat It in the first place then they're a lost cause.

This also reminds me of one boy who sang "shes out of my life" at a talent show we had LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhaha thats all I will say lolololol never, ever, EVER again lol

I only came across one girl she was like 15 and she said she never heard of "Rock with you" we all stopped and looked at each other when she said it and we had these expressions like "wtf" lol But I kinda understood but still...........
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Dang, kids today really have no clue, man. :doh: Hopefully they'll get the picture when they get older.
But if you think about it unless you go and look up his music your not really going to hear it. I remember there were songs I thought were originals but then I learnt they were covers.
I knew all the obv MJ songs when I was younger and the only reason I knew about most of his songs is b/c I decided to go look them up one day cant even remember why but I did otherwise I would probably be like those other teens (not as severe but still) like I definatley would of thought that Lady in my Life was Neyos b/c thats one I never heard (or can remember hearing) growing up
^ Yup..

Kids know what they're taught.. The radio cencors out many MJ songs.. Especially 2005 and before... After the trial ended Mike is heard more often now.. But that GAP sure as hell made an impact negitivally.
Yeah thats the problem KOPV his stuff just doesnt get played. So why would younger people who dont know of him have any interest in him. Same way I dont have an major interest in other older artists, stevie wonder or James brown etc, not that I dont like their music I do but I only know what I can remember hearing growing up and thats not alot. But I dont have any interests to go look them up. Maybe b/c they dont get enough attention.
Although stevies in concert I wouldnt mind going lol
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I don't see anything wrong with Ne-Yo covering MJ's song.......He's a great artist and he sang it pretty well at the BET awards....
I think we, as fans, shouldnt forget what an inspiration MJ is to other artists, who themselves are also fans. If they wish to pay MJ a tribute by covering his song, we should applaud it -because I don't think Ne-Yo ruined the song at all.....He did it pretty well....
And It's not a competition about who does it better than who. I don't think Ne-yo was trying to top MJ - He was just covering the song...and so we should also just look at it as a cover song and not a competition.

You're right, Ne-Yo did not ruin the song. I enjoyed his performance of the song on the BET awards or whatever show it was they had, but I think that's where it should have ended. I really have no interest in hearing him cover it on his new album unless he is going to do something totally different with it like Chris Cornell did with "Billie Jean".
But if you think about it unless you go and look up his music your not really going to hear it. I remember there were songs I thought were originals but then I learnt they were covers.
I knew all the obv MJ songs when I was younger and the only reason I knew about most of his songs is b/c I decided to go look them up one day cant even remember why but I did otherwise I would probably be like those other teens (not as severe but still) like I definatley would of thought that Lady in my Life was Neyos b/c thats one I never heard (or can remember hearing) growing up

That IS true.
Yeah thats the problem KOPV his stuff just doesnt get played. So why would younger people who dont know of him have any interest in him. Same way I dont have an major interest in other older artists, stevie wonder or James brown etc, not that I dont like their music I do but I only know what I can remember hearing growing up and thats not alot. But I dont have any interests to go look them up. Maybe b/c they dont get enough attention.
Although stevies in concert I wouldnt mind going lol

I'm quite the opposite. If I was a teen in this day and age, I'd be looking up MJ in a heartbeat and most likely Marvin, James and Stevie would've followed shortly afterwards. I could never relate to newer styles of music and artists no matter how many times I'm force fed with them.
I'm quite the opposite. If I was a teen in this day and age, I'd be looking up MJ in a heartbeat and most likely Marvin, James and Stevie would've followed shortly afterwards. I could never relate to newer styles of music and artists no matter how many times I'm force fed with them.
Oh yeah lol thats why I looked up MJ b/c I dont like todays music lol oh yeah. Yeah I get you but I guess I'm a bit lazy to look them up b/c it took me a while to hear most of MJs songs and I havent even heard most the J5 stuff still. But I will look some other artist up at some point I tried Prince but I dont like his sound at all I dont like his voice.
The thing is I dont even listen to music that muchm and I can barely tell you any recent songs or recent artists b/c I dont even bother to listen to them that much b/c the music today sound sooooo similar and they all sing about crap and blah blah blah blah. Thats why I dont like Timberlands stuff God make a new sounding beat already
I'm quite the opposite. If I was a teen in this day and age, I'd be looking up MJ in a heartbeat and most likely Marvin, James and Stevie would've followed shortly afterwards. I could never relate to newer styles of music and artists no matter how many times I'm force fed with them.
But then again thats all you would be use to so you probably wouldnt be thinking bout the oldies that much if you think about it. At my age I can still remember hearing so,e of them so there is some interest but for peps even younger than me, I doubt they'll be interested unless b/c they wont hear enough about them

(why I quoted twice is beyond me, please pretend I didnt and that its all one msg lol)
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man, we don't know about what we'd do if we were in a different age, or from a different decade.. lol!

Ur surroundings effect even the type of music your into.. Who knows, what you would be into..

Ur clothing style would be different, the type of foods you would like, music, movies, EVERYTHING... loL!
Oh yeah lol thats why I looked up MJ b/c I dont like todays music lol oh yeah. Yeah I get you but I guess I'm a bit lazy to look them up b/c it took me a while to hear most of MJs songs and I havent even heard most the J5 stuff still. But I will look some other artist up at some point I tried Prince but I dont like his sound at all I dont like his voice.
The thing is I dont even listen to music that muchm and I can barely tell you any recent songs or recent artists b/c I dont even bother to listen to them that much b/c the music today sound sooooo similar and they all sing about crap and blah blah blah blah. Thats why I dont like Timberlands stuff God make a new sounding beat already

:lol: A lot of the Motown stuff I think you'll love.
But then again thats all you would be use to so you probably wouldnt be thinking bout the oldies that much if you think about it. At my age I can still remember hearing so,e of them so there is some interest but for peps even younger than me, I doubt they'll be interested unless b/c they wont hear enough about them

(why I quoted twice is beyond me, please pretend I didnt and that its all one msg lol)

:giggle: It's all good but yeah, adults my age are just starting to hear older stuff. I've been listening to decades-old music since five. I sometimes feel like I'm fifty-something in a twenty-something-year-old body. :lol:
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Oh ok could you name me like top 5 artist you think I should look up, and I'll get on it by next year knowing me no but seriously like top 5 and I'll start looking

1.) Marvin
2.) Stevie
3.) Supremes/Diana Ross
4.) Martha Reeves/Vandellas
5.) Gladys Knight/Pips

Start with them. Or better yet go to the "Sounds of Motown" thread at the non-MJ music board (it should be in page 2, 3 or whatever) and listen to the songs that have been posted straight from YouTube. :)
1.) Marvin
2.) Stevie
3.) Supremes/Diana Ross
4.) Martha Reeves/Vandellas
5.) Gladys Knight/Pips

Start with them. Or better yet go to the "Sounds of Motown" thread at the non-MJ music board (it should be in page 2, 3 or whatever) and listen to the songs that have been posted straight from YouTube. :)
OK thanks! Oh yeah I'll start with them first I love them lol, even though I havent heard them in ages lol.
NeYO is gonna do what he normally does and sing it as lite as he usually does. I just don't hear any depth in dude and no matter what age I was I don't hear too many acts today taking that next step because the copycat syndrome is in full effect in the industry.
I love it when artists do covers of Michael Jackson songs. Because then the world loves it and I get the right to go around bragging how if it wasn't for Michael Jackson that song would never exist. I do it all the time for "The Good Life" by Kanye West and "Dont Stop The Music" by Rihanna and so forth. Everytime a modern day artist covers or samples a MJ only proves to the world just how influential and talented Michael Jackson must be. Don't be fooled into thinking the kids forget about Michael and just like the new one. I know many of my friends who as of a result of the modern covers & samples go back and study Michael Jackson because its soo obvious that all modern music has branched off from Mike. I would say Michael is the backbone of the entire hip-hop era currently. Popular artists like Justin Timberlake, Usher, Ne-Yo, Black Eyed Peas, Chris Brown, and so forth all are obsessed with Michael and the world sees this! Michael is slowly morphing into an Elvis like figure and as a result people are showing him respect. Thats why surprisingly alot of male teenagers aren't afraid to say they listen to Michael...he is widely considered a legend in music.

So to all artists thinking about covering or sampling a Michael Jackson song...go for it. The more, the better, because in the end its only helping Michael achieve greater success and recognition.
*sings* Lay back in my tenderness... Let's make this a night we won't forget

This song can't get any cuter! :wub:

So, today a friend actually brought up Ne-Yo. Anyway, just out of curiosity today, I showed him the Ne-Yo cover on YouTube. He's a sucker for old and new r&b, so I figured he would know. Had no clue it was an MJ song. Point is, contradicting to what I said earlier, I believe there's a majority that won't realize it's an MJ song, but does it really matter in the end? Not really.
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I know I've never gotten in to any artist by hearing another artist cover their work, lol. I get in to them by seeing them directly or hearing them, that's always been the way with me.

But again, I'm not worried or anything like that. If someone actually thinks Ne-Yo's version is better, then I'll assume one of two things. One, they haven't heard the original or two, they're deaf. Because it'd have to be one of those things, otherwise you're just pathetically lacking in your ability to determine talent.

I know Ne-yo and the other wanna be's aren't imitating or covering Michael to show how great Michael is and how much they suck by comparison, but unfortunately for them, that's the result it's having. They aren't doing themselves any favors. And I know that isn't their intent. So I'm not really inclined to thank them, I'm more inclined to laugh.
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Personally I love it when other artists cover Michael's songs. It's more proof of how much of an influence he has on music.

And I think Ne-Yo's version was decent. It's Lady in My Life with a Ne-Yo flavor. A cover isn't suppose to sound exactly like the original. If it did what would be the point of the cover in the first place? Covers are suppose to be the song with that artist's flavor and interpretation. I don't think Ne-Yo covered the song with the intent to out-do Michael. He just wanted to pay tribute to him......or at the very least he just really liked the song.