Name 1 thing you'd love on MJ's new album!

I would love to have the album self titled 'Michael Jackson' with good party/dance tracks similiar to Off the wall/thriller period but with todays sound. Thats the Michael everyone loves. Thats the way it should be.
I'd love for Michael to write and produce the whole album himself, and keep the guest appearances to a minimum. The problem with his last album wasn't that the music was bad, but because it was overproduced. He should try something different this time, to avoid having the same thing happen again.
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I'd prefer if there were no more songs about privacy, like Tabloid Junkie and Privacy. I think that theme's sort of exhausted, unless he does it in a whole new way, even though Tabloid Junkie is one of my favourites.

And plenty of dance songs with a good beat, that's what MJ does really well.
Dang one thing? I have lists. LOL!!

Well, for starters, I have thought about these people working with Mike on his new CD and I am a bit worried. I have tried to accept and respect MJ working with Akon and but their songs are just terrible. Will is great for BEP and Fergie. He is too limited for Mike, imo. Yes, he did "Ordinary People" for John Legend, but what if he can't do that for Mike? What if he is not veristile enough? You got Akon - he can't really sing (no offense to ANYONE who is a fan of Akon), his music is so disrespectful towards women, I really think he is not verstile at all. I rewally want MJ to bring Quincy and Teddy back. All of these producers - for what? Mike doesn't really need their help. Q brings the best out of MJ and Teddy makes really good music. I think Pharrell and Kanye should join in because they are out of the box with their music as well.

I would add more, but I gotta go. Good thread.
I don't think Quincy really does much production anymore. Last time he was kinda active was early 90s with his own records like Juke Joint. I don't know about Teddy. Jam & Lewis would be good. They produced Chaka Khan's last album Funk This, and it's great. But they're probably busy as they're getting ready to do a show in Vegas with The Time.
Michael's actually only done 2 or 3 songs about the media. I don't understand where this notion that he always is complaining about them comes from.
:blink: michael's done a lot more than that....even if it's not so much about the MEDIA, he's got a lot about being picked on:
-Privacy (my personal fav :D)
-They Don't Care About Us
-Tabloid Junkie
-Leave Me Alone (it was more so the VIDEO that highlighted this, not the song)
-Ghosts (lets not forget the actual MEANING to this song once we take away the awesome short film!! lol)
-Money ( think his whole point is to say that people are treating him the way they do for money....duh lol)
-This Time Around
-Why you wanna trip on me

i feel like i'm missing a couple..but either way....there's quite a i agree with ilsa. though i love these songs...he's vented, he's gotten his anger out...i doubt he'll come out with more songs like that .. seeing as he's takin time out and won't be exploding with anger (though i couldn't blame him)...but it's true..the theme is just worn out by now.

however, what i'd like to see on his new album is a BONUS CD WITH A NICE SELECTION OF UNRELEASED SONGS!! the ultimate collection box set, some of my favorite songs were the unreleased songs that were added to the collection...i'd love it if he did this..and i think it would welcom a lot of people back to the 'old michael'
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I said about the media, he's only had a couple specifically about that. And what's more, Michael should write about how he feels. You may call it complaining, but all it is is his emotion. And if he feels angry, or sad or whatever (not saying he does, but if) then he should write about it if he want's to. There's no such thing as the old Michael or the new, he's the same person whose been through a lot. And if people ever payed attention to his music and what he says in his lyrics, they would notice that almost all of his songs, even when covered with an up tempo composition, have had dark or edgy themes.
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I said about the media, he's only had a couple specifically about that. And what's more, Michael should write about how he feels. You may call it complaining, but all it is is his emotion. And if he feels angry, or sad or whatever (not saying he does, but if) then he should write about it if he want's to. There's no such thing as the old Michael or the new, he's the same person whose been through a lot. And if people ever payed attention to his music and what he says in his lyrics, they would notice that almost all of his songs, even when covered with an up tempo composition, have had dark or edgy themes.

erm...most of the songs i listed WERE about the media....just because he doesn't use the WORD media or tabloid....they are about the media (aka...nosey people gettin in his business and making his life crap) i think the only song i mentioned that isn't MEDIA D.S. ..
-Money (media doing anything for his money)
-They don't care about us...all the people that's attacked him...including the media!

..blah...i'm tired and crabby ... so i'm not gonna finish the list lol... anywho.. i'm sure you get my point...

as far as there not being any such thing as an 'old mike'....tell that to 99% of my friends who ONLY LIKE OLD MIKE! (hehe that rhymed!...and granted most of them that say that dont' even know his later stuff lol) .. but um..there definitely is a difference between off the wall and dangerous...i'm sorry..but there is! hence why we each have our own favorite album.... hence how michael has managed to flow with the times and hence how he's gotten so big and versitile..... Little Susie is nothing like Beat It...again, i'm sorry..but it just isn't...not to mention OLLLDD in ABC and 2-4-6-8 and I'll Be There.... you can't tell me that those songs sound the same as Scream or Morphine.

George Strait, a good ol' country singer, has a few songs about "making love"...such as this song called "Oh, What a Perfect Day"...which simply, and modestly gives the IDEA of "making love"...

then you get a rap artist talking about "bending you over, touch your toes, smack that" and other very colorful crap......

now...if people look at these songs..they'd realise the lyrics talk about the same thing, and they both have the theme of sex, just has a more up tempo toon....i know this is a dramatic analogy...but my point is.... THE SONGS ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!! ...just like michael's songs (though they could all still be dark and edgy..which even that i disagree with) ARE STILL TOTALLY there IS such thing as old michael and new michael
I can't just pick one thing, but these are the things i'm hoping for with the new album.....

1)Write more songs by himself
2)Don't overproduce
3)Get back to using real instruments
4)Have a killer dance track! (It's been a while since he's had one of those)
5)Make good songs with good melodies

Above all else, quality over quantity (See Invincible and then do the opposite lol, no i'm j/k! I love a lot of songs on that album but it was way too long).
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erm...most of the songs i listed WERE about the media....just because he doesn't use the WORD media or tabloid....they are about the media (aka...nosey people gettin in his business and making his life crap) i think the only song i mentioned that isn't MEDIA D.S. ..
-Money (media doing anything for his money)
-They don't care about us...all the people that's attacked him...including the media!

..blah...i'm tired and crabby ... so i'm not gonna finish the list lol... anywho.. i'm sure you get my point...

as far as there not being any such thing as an 'old mike'....tell that to 99% of my friends who ONLY LIKE OLD MIKE! (hehe that rhymed!...and granted most of them that say that dont' even know his later stuff lol) .. but um..there definitely is a difference between off the wall and dangerous...i'm sorry..but there is! hence why we each have our own favorite album.... hence how michael has managed to flow with the times and hence how he's gotten so big and versitile..... Little Susie is nothing like Beat It...again, i'm sorry..but it just isn't...not to mention OLLLDD in ABC and 2-4-6-8 and I'll Be There.... you can't tell me that those songs sound the same as Scream or Morphine.

George Strait, a good ol' country singer, has a few songs about "making love"...such as this song called "Oh, What a Perfect Day"...which simply, and modestly gives the IDEA of "making love"...

then you get a rap artist talking about "bending you over, touch your toes, smack that" and other very colorful crap......

now...if people look at these songs..they'd realise the lyrics talk about the same thing, and they both have the theme of sex, just has a more up tempo toon....i know this is a dramatic analogy...but my point is.... THE SONGS ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!! ...just like michael's songs (though they could all still be dark and edgy..which even that i disagree with) ARE STILL TOTALLY there IS such thing as old michael and new michael

Actually, no. Most of the songs you listed COULD be related to the media, or anyone else who has made Michael suffer, which includes numerous individuals who have no actual relation to the media. "Money", since you used it as an example, could be about the people that have extorted Michael using false claims, it could be about his family even. "This Time Around", that could be about the same thing. "They Don't Care About Us", that's related to several things, including society in general. You only assume those songs are directed at the media. It's up to interpritation. It's the same as people who complain about Michael talking too much about his childhood when he's only written one song on the subject.

And yes, Michael is the same person. If you ever actually listen to his music, he often writes about being angry, or frustrated, or feeling used or alone, all the way back to when he actually started writing his own music. His songs from when he was a child don't count, he simply sang what he was told to. He's the same person inside. Those 99% of the people you talk to only percieve Michael to be different, probably based on their shallow focus on his physical appearance. Just because they don't know about his later work doesn't mean he's a different person. How the heck does that even relate? They changed, he didn't. He's always written about his life experiences, from "Billie Jean", "WBSS" to "Dirty Diana" or "Leave Me Alone" to "Who Is It", "Will You Be There", "Heal The World", etc... It's always been a reflection of his life, whether litteral or figuritave or simply a reflection of his ideals and values.

Michael is the same person he was when he was in his 20s and earlier, he's just been through a whole heap of sometimes really tragic stuff. And of course that's given him things to write about, and like any true artist should, he's allowed his work to grow. But there is no "old Mike"/"New Mike". He's the same person inside, just with a lot more experiences. He's never been some goody-two-shoes and thank God, he isn't afraid to do what he want's and just repeat "OTW" over and over again. And anyone who views him as a different person is simply stuck on their own image of what they always wanted him to be, not who he is. It's nothing but their dream. And it's a ridiculous thing to say.
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I would love if the right songs are included on the album. MJ and the producers have a history of not including the better songs on the album.

I want him Just to talk for a bit...i know its an album but i want him to would be really nice if we could hear his voice on a Cd...instead of waiting for him to have an interview or give a public speech!!! That would be Sooo Awsome!!!
^ or maybe recite one of his poems or something, that would be cool.
I would love the new Cd to be similiar to the dangerous album it would be great if it were to happen.
I'd love for Michael to write and produce the whole album himself, and keep the guest appearances to a minimum. The problem with his last album wasn't that the music was bad, but because it was overproduced. He should try something different this time, to avoid having the same thing happen again.

In a sense, I agree with you on that. Mike doesn't need all of these producers to help him make the CD. MJ is too talented for that. He can used the help of a few, but he should just do most of the work himself.

I wouldn't mind if MJ speaks in his CD. He can talk about whatever is on his mind. I would like it, if he wants to, let his children sing, if they can sing. And interludes wouldn't hurt, either.
1)Write more songs by himself
2)Don't overproduce
3)Get back to using real instruments
4)Have a killer dance track! (It's been a while since he's had one of those)
5)Make good songs with good melodies

Above all else, quality over quantity (See Invincible and then do the opposite lol, no i'm j/k! I love a lot of songs on that album but it was way too long).

On point. I agree with what you stated.

I want a really hot song. Like really hot. More than Break of Dawn...perhaps a bit of Janet's "Would You Mind' vibe


I am feeling you on that. LOL. Now, THAT would be unexpected!
I want him Just to talk for a bit...i know its an album but i want him to would be really nice if we could hear his voice on a Cd...instead of waiting for him to have an interview or give a public speech!!! That would be Sooo Awsome!!!

^ or maybe recite one of his poems or something, that would be cool.
similar to how Janet does it on her albums? Might be nice.
I would love to just see afford to attract more than just the fans like me who will by anything he does on new material. I mean just a little more with the general public becuase I know their will be a fan to buy the new album.
I feel that he should be different like he's been his whole solo career.Basically what he will put his heart into not just a album to say fans i came out with an album but what you would actually more likley to see him perform.
I would like him to do just a little of fast music so i can dance even though in my oppinion Michael Jackson is writting music that requiers him not to dance and thats fine.