My Family Hates Me

Rockstar, don't ever give up writing songs if that's your calling.

I made music my whole life and gave it up when I was 20 because people "got to me" and convinced me I wouldn't be happy living like that. I stopped for almost ten years. Now I am back to writing everything I feel and want to write- and I am only pi**ed because I listened to people and wasted almost 10 years instead of doing what I really love.

Don't ever give up what you love to do!

thank you for telling me that :cheeky:

no way i'm giving up for my song writting people i know & also my auntes they love my songs i write :yes: one my aunte bday was last weekend i give her some of my songs cause i don't have much money so i did that from my heart :heart::cheeky:

no way i'll caring on my passion of loving music & writting songs i'll never stop til i say so i'll stop :cheeky::cheeky::doh:
but my dad tells me & my mother tells me that i'm raceing my time writting songs i just igore them :giggle: :cheeky::smilerolleyes:

my sister is more funny she calls them peoms :toofunny: :doh: but there are not peoms :no: they're songs but i do write peoms too :yes: :giggle:

but i can't stop dreaming about MJ with my dream cometure to be singer i can't stop repeacting my dream :no: :lol:
& i still hear MJ voices & i still see him in my dream of cometrue to be singer & he was there :wild::clapping::cheeky::wub:


emilia aka Queen of Pop (p.s that's what i most call myself that :lol:)
Welcome to the club rockstar... I feel you :(

Thats how I also feel... My parents never show me their love or never educated me...Its like Im screaming out and no one cares at me. I See you. I feel you. And I know how you feel.. My big brother is like a strange to me. He is never there for me when I need it. I have another brother who I only like.. But sometimes.. he is also not there for me when I need it, but... he is just a hard type of a guy.. and very misunderstood... :(
I still feel lonely. Like no one understand me. I got a wierd family. I was born in a wrong family. I never got love from my parents and big brother.....Im actually the lonelist people in the world.. I never spend time with some friends every day.. Im just at home everytime..

Many love to you rockstar :heart: :heart:
I'm sure your family love you Emilia, I guess they just take you for granted, I know how you feel, I've been there.(even wrote a song about it !! :))
You need to remember your family here love you :)
L.O.V.E Ryan :)
You know with times I've learned couple of things.

First, your family didn't choose you, and you didn't choose your family, so if you feel very bad with them, no one has the right to tell you to continue to be with them or love them, sorry for who this may offense. I haven't spoken to my dad for 5 years and to my mom since Michael left, and altough sometimes I wish I would have another kind of relation with them and have a normal family, this is not possible, so better put my energy somewhere else, with friends I've chosen for example. It's sad yes, but it's just better for me.

Second, There is a possibility that your mom or family had a bad time in life and have many issus they haven't cured or even tried to. This can cause an unability to show emotions and all that comes with love and respect to someone else. This is a bareer they have to put to preserve themselves from many things.
Sometimes they love people, but they don't have the abiity to show it, so instead of giving compliments for example, they'll just push you harder and harder for you to succeed, even if it's not what you want. They just don't have it.

Just look in your family history, what problems you can have, or your relatives, try to put a little understanding in it, many people didn't have an easy life. You'll have to deal with it, and yes it's going to affect you for all your life, cause it's the way you've been raised with the tools they had to give you, you may miss some tools in your life, but you'll always find people who like you somewhere and understands where you're coming from.

And like some here said, I think you can always count on this forum and MJ fans in general to support you.

They're good at supporting people I think ;)

Good luck and don't worry, being judged and not loved the 'right' way is tough, really tough, but if it hurts you that much, you always have the choice of who you want to keep in your life.

Take care.
I am with Stacey on this!! Rockstar, you are one very kind, sensitive, funny person. You are that special little flower that grows wild in the field - you know, the one that you come across once in your lifetime that you look at and say "Wow. What a beautiful little flower this is!" That's what you are sweetie!! Don't ever forget that!
Second, There is a possibility that your mom or family had a bad time in life and have many issus they haven't cured or even tried to. This can cause an unability to show emotions and all that comes with love and respect to someone else. This is a bareer they have to put to preserve themselves from many things.
Sometimes they love people, but they don't have the abiity to show it, so instead of giving compliments for example, they'll just push you harder and harder for you to succeed, even if it's not what you want. They just don't have it.

Just look in your family history, what problems you can have, or your relatives, try to put a little understanding in it, many people didn't have an easy life. You'll have to deal with it, and yes it's going to affect you for all your life, cause it's the way you've been raised with the tools they had to give you, you may miss some tools in your life, but you'll always find people who like you somewhere and understands where you're coming from.

Yeah but its not her fault that they are like that ;(
I think the rule of thumb here as in all relationships is - You cannot control others, but you can control your reaction to if someone makes you feel bad by insulting you, you can turn around and change the way you react to it. It will lessen your stress level.
thank you everybody your words touch me & touch my soul & touch my heart of tears :cry:
the words you all say to me you all like brothers & sisters to me i love thhe words you all tell me
cause you really love me who i'm that's what i need :cry:

thank you all :flowers: alots of love :heart: from my heart to all of you :heart thank you again

Your family doesn't hate you sweetie
i am the one who doesn't have love at all
my family used to beat the heck outta me ever since i was a little kid
i've never got a real family till i saw that man he totally changed my life
he gave me the love i've never knew
all what you have to do is just search for love you'll find it believe me
Jesus loves you
Your family doesn't hate you sweetie
i am the one who doesn't have love at all
my family used to beat the heck outta me ever since i was a little kid
i've never got a real family till i saw that man he totally changed my life
he gave me the love i've never knew
all what you have to do is just search for love you'll find it believe me
Jesus loves you

i'm so sorry to hear that :better: that happen to you God Bless you in your heart of soul of wings of angels watch over you :angel:

thank you for those words of kindness of sweet of you :wub:god bless you to everybody in here :D :angel::angel::better::wub:
You and your family any better today hun ??
I think if it gets that bad you should try talking to them about it. They may not realize how badly they are treating you

:hug: Ryan
You and your family any better today hun ??
I think if it gets that bad you should try talking to them about it. They may not realize how badly they are treating you

:hug: Ryan

hi Ryan :waving:

they told me on saturday sorry to me & i told them sorry back too :yes::cheeky: so everything is o.k know

i think everybody in my family feeling stress out cause my sister & her husband they don't have much money so i think they're stress of that :yes:
but everybody in my family is jealuse over me cause i get what ever i what
& i always baby me cause i'm slow & i always in hostoy (sorry my spelling is not good) so everybody put stress on me :yes::doh:
will my mother & my father they did it again they blam blam blam on me again ooh :mat:
can they just leave me alone

my father is like dog this time of this year he was like dog telling me i should get outside cause is nice & wream out but i'm not feeling well again

he thinks that when i get sick he tells me go outside ooh no :no: everything doesn't work like that
my father is the pain in ass in this family when he drinks too much on his day off :lol: :thinking:

buy i'm going out very very soon & i'll be happy :D
Can't be easy for him then hun :)
My dads the same he gets VERY stressed out at work and he often takes it out on us at home, and it does upset us but we understand he is just stressed and needs to vent it all out :)

yeah my father is hard worker & that's who he is & he grow up in poor place so know he lives here for past years is different for him & when he drinks so much ooh god is like we're all in hell i hate when place drink like that makes me angry :yes: :mat:

today i was watching Janet on Oprah ooh my god why she is going through i just what to run up to her & give her the biggest hugs that i can put my love to her how she is going through :yes: :cry:
Awww I wanna give her a big kiss :lol: Im a big fan of her music and shes so beautiful, shes older than my mother and I still find her attractive !! :lol: That whole family is just blessed with good looks :) I need to see that Oprah episode but it won't air here in the UK, I'll have to go to youtube to watch it :yes:

Awww I wanna give her a big kiss :lol: Im a big fan of her music and shes so beautiful, shes older than my mother and I still find her attractive !! :lol: That whole family is just blessed with good looks :) I need to see that Oprah episode but it won't air here in the UK, I'll have to go to youtube to watch it :yes:



go to Janet Jackson websites :yes: or wait til she post it on facebook :yes: :D

i like Janet i wish i look pretty like her :yes: :( & too i have wright problems like her too don't the eatting problem :no: :lol:

i love too meet her someday cause i write about three songs about her :D :yes:
Emilia being preety and thin is nothing, from what I can tell you are very beautiful on the inside, and thats what counts :)...
Meeting MJ used to be my dream, but now that he has passed I think its Janet I would love to meet :)
