My Family Hates Me

Aw, this is so sad. :( I'm sorry you feel this way. Your MJJC family loves you and so does Michael. I'm sure your family does too. If you ever need to talk to somebody, feel free to PM me anytime.

L.O.V.E. to you. I hope everything is ok. :hug:
Hi Emilia, may I ask how old you are? Do you think that your family always felt about you this way? Was it always like this or is that something new?

I felt similarly when I was between 10 and 20 years old, that's a long time. After that things got a lot better between me and my family. But honestly, even looking back- I felt VERY misunderstood and definitely not loved the way I feel I deserved. That happens sometimes.

I later found out that my mom had many difficulties with herself and my parents were simply very busy and very stressed out in that time, just to provide for us kids. But that still doesn't mean that ANY child should ever feel unloved.

You miss Michael a lot, right? (we all do! :() You love him very very much, right? Sometimes in this pain we feel that truly nobody loves us and will ever love us. Sometimes we can become depressed in a way that we need help. Have you tried speaking to your Doctor and asked him if it's possible that you are depressed? There is help available.

I don't want to tell you that your perception is wrong, you have a right to your feelings and only you know what is happening.
I hope you can get to this bottom of this and I send you much, much love in the meantime! :better:
Hu Emilia (that's a very beautiful name, by the way :) ) :hug: Please don't feel sad. We love you here, your posts always make me smile :) Your mother was probably having a bad day. She doesn't treat you like that all the time, does she?

she doesn't really hate me but when my sister & my brother in law comes over & when my sister in law & my brother comes over is like end of the world is like i'm not there they don't care about me :yes:

Maybe it's because your mother doesn't see her other children very often and when they come over she wants to talk to them to know what's happening in their lives? It's normal, don't worry. She will talk to them for some time and then she's be back talking to you! :yes:
Awww hunny :hug: We all love you here. I'm sure your family doesn't hate you, I think we've all had moments where we feel that our family doesn't care about us. My mum can be horrible at times. Have you tried talking to your family about how you feel? We're all here for you so never feel like you are alone :hug:
my family hates me i don't why? :( i did i ever done for them to hate me

is it because i'm slow :cry: is it because i'm different :cry:

i'm telling you cause people in this world don't people who is is slow my mom, my dad, my sister, my brother in law who the one who hurt me today he hurt my arm know is all red :( :cry:

nobody in my family likes me at all who i'm

my mother doesn't care about me at all when my sister & my brother in law & my sister in law & my brother
i'm like cloud that nobody cares

i need love that's all i need but people like to fuck with me i don't understand that
i didn't ask to be in this world to get pick on to get mean at me

i don't feel like i'm part of this family anymore anymore :cry: :cry:

please understand me who i'm :cry:


Hello Emilia,

I understand how you feel. The truth is they don't hate you but they are not happy with their own life. Therefore, they find other people to blame and hurt them. They are very narrow minded and not very smart in life.

The best solution when this kind of problems happens to you is that you move away from them and build your own new life. May I ask how old are you?
I was once almost in the same situation as you and I felt that everyone hates me and I wished that I'd never been born to this world.
However as I grow older and more mature, I learn to be stronger and more independent. I'd move away to another country to study and work. I'm really glad that I have the oportunity to finally draw a pathway for myself.
If you are old enough, and have a Uni degree or good education or work experinces already, try to apply for a job in another city and start a new life and meet new people. If you are still young, try your best to get a good education in another city and ask your family to support you. SOmetimes some institution may enven provide you with scholarship.

I don't know much about your situation but if you ever need to talk to me, just pm me and I give you my msn'. I'm sure many people over here are willing to hear you out and help you as well!
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thank you everybody :hug: :heart: i love to be love :heart:

i wrote song call "Be Love" :heart: i wrote last night with tears in my eyes :( :cry:

i'm 26 years old but June is coming soon so this year i'm truning 27 on june 7 :D

is very hard to find job where i live cause alot people don't what you cause i have learning disablility cause i'm slow in my mind but i'm smart in my heart :heart:

is very hard to find job like me people who is not slow is easy for them people will hire you but they don't what i try over the years & i got no jobs at all :( i love to have job where is close where is easy to get to work but is very hard :(

my brother told me last night i need to get out & met some people & i say i don't thrust people around me cause they don't understand us with people with learning disablilty like me i don't believe in them all i'm asking is to be love all i what is to be love & all i understand is to be slow i can ingroe be slow cause is inside of me i was bron with it doesn't work like magic comes & goes it doesn't it says & everybody wish that people with learing disablilty wish they can be like everybody we can't so i told that life is more hard for us is hard for us & people with learning disablility i think god created us in this world to be love not to be hate & hurt us who we're in this world :yes: that's what i told him :yes:

thanks everybody sending your love to be :heart:

my wish is always love i ways what to be love in this world people thinks that people with learning disabliltys or other kind of disablilty is o.k to pick on us
i been pick on my whole life when i was about 11 & know i'm 26 going on 27 in june so i can't believe can do that is just wrong :( :yes:

there is should be Specail Needs Day that people can spard the love to us :yes: :heart: that's how we understand is to be love & that's how we understand to be & that's how we get happy inside & outside of us.

& i love people wo loves me & understand me cause i'm really people person & i love to give that's who i'm in my heart & people don't see that in me that think is o.k to pick on me :yes:

but i always have hope & dreams to come singer :D

i can't stop dream the same dream over the past years & it never stops :yes:

:yes: :yes: :yes: i don't Love Michael so much then my family cause MJ is not mean like they are MJ is like flower to me he like butterfly in my heart so joy & happness he created in his voice & His voices is like magical like star in the sky, his voice makes me cry & gives me gooesbumps on my skin of light that makes me speechless that's how i love him so much & i never had changces to met in person.
my deep heart of soul that's why i love you so much more then everybody else i know in this world you're true honor to me i insprie you so much that i love to be like you.

& you all know that i love you more too thank you all :D :heart:
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Emilia, your description of your love for Michael is so beautiful. :yes: You obviously have a loving soul and if other people in your life can't see that, it's their loss!

Good luck with your songwriting and singing! I also write and compose, and I'm 26-going on-27 too. :heart:
cool :D :jump:

we are going to be same age wow :)

thanks i hope so come true too me tobecome singer & i make sure all my friends here gets gift of thanks & love when my dream come true :D
Hey hun,
I tried to PM you, but you can't get them. I just wanted to say, YOU are special! Your family may just be frustrated with other issues and taking it out on you. Like everyone else said, we love you, I've read many of your other posts and you have always been so sweet and kind. If you ever need someone to talk to, know that you have people here will be always be more than willing to listen!
Hey hun,
I tried to PM you, but you can't get them. I just wanted to say, YOU are special! Your family may just be frustrated with other issues and taking it out on you. Like everyone else said, we love you, I've read many of your other posts and you have always been so sweet and kind. If you ever need someone to talk to, know that you have people here will be always be more than willing to listen!

thank you :better: :flowers:
Aw, don't feel that way. I'm sure your family loves you, and so does your MJJC family. :hug:
Aww I'm sorry you feel like that Emilia :hug: Like others have posted too I'm sure that your family doesn't hate you, they probably had a bad day and let the frustration come out towards you. Can you talk with them and tell how you felt? Maybe that would help also :)

You are truly such a wonderful person and really your posts always gets me on better mood :) We care about you here in MJJC and you can always talk to us :huggy:
rockstar, I've PM'd you just now. We're here for you, ok? Don't let anybody bring you down, I'm sure things will get better with your family, I'm sure. :better:
Please, try and find some strength in Michael, I don't want to read that you're sad, ok? Lots, lots of love.
thank you the one & tin angel :heart:

:yes: tin angel i got your pm very sweet of you i'll write you back :flowers:
rockstar you are one of the kindest, most loving people I have ever met! May only be online, but I wish it could be in person. I'm so sorry you feel the way you do. Maybe your mum was having an off day, but by all means please tell you carer. I would want nothing more than for you to have somebody you can confide in.

We all love you here, you're a very important person in our community, we all love you. Really, we do! I'm so glad you feel you could tell us this stuff. We are always here to listen. So much love to you. :hug: xxxxxxxx
rockstar you are one of the kindest, most loving people I have ever met! May only be online, but I wish it could be in person. I'm so sorry you feel the way you do. Maybe your mum was having an off day, but by all means please tell you carer. I would want nothing more than for you to have somebody you can confide in.

We all love you here, you're a very important person in our community, we all love you. Really, we do! I'm so glad you feel you could tell us this stuff. We are always here to listen. So much love to you. :hug: xxxxxxxx

thank you that was so sweet of you to say that to me :cry: :flowers:
thank you everybody :hug: :heart: i love to be love :heart:

i wrote song call "Be Love" :heart: i wrote last night with tears in my eyes :( :cry:

i'm 26 years old but June is coming soon so this year i'm truning 27 on june 7 :D

is very hard to find job where i live cause alot people don't what you cause i have learning disablility cause i'm slow in my mind but i'm smart in my heart :heart:

is very hard to find job like me people who is not slow is easy for them people will hire you but they don't what i try over the years & i got no jobs at all :( i love to have job where is close where is easy to get to work but is very hard :(

my brother told me last night i need to get out & met some people & i say i don't thrust people around me cause they don't understand us with people with learning disablilty like me i don't believe in them all i'm asking is to be love all i what is to be love & all i understand is to be slow i can ingroe be slow cause is inside of me i was bron with it doesn't work like magic comes & goes it doesn't it says & everybody wish that people with learing disablilty wish they can be like everybody we can't so i told that life is more hard for us is hard for us & people with learning disablility i think god created us in this world to be love not to be hate & hurt us who we're in this world :yes: that's what i told him :yes:

thanks everybody sending your love to be :heart:

my wish is always love i ways what to be love in this world people thinks that people with learning disabliltys or other kind of disablilty is o.k to pick on us
i been pick on my whole life when i was about 11 & know i'm 26 going on 27 in june so i can't believe can do that is just wrong :( :yes:

there is should be Specail Needs Day that people can spard the love to us :yes: :heart: that's how we understand is to be love & that's how we understand to be & that's how we get happy inside & outside of us.

& i love people wo loves me & understand me cause i'm really people person & i love to give that's who i'm in my heart & people don't see that in me that think is o.k to pick on me :yes:

but i always have hope & dreams to come singer :D

i can't stop dream the same dream over the past years & it never stops :yes:

:yes: :yes: :yes: i don't Love Michael so much then my family cause MJ is not mean like they are MJ is like flower to me he like butterfly in my heart so joy & happness he created in his voice & His voices is like magical like star in the sky, his voice makes me cry & gives me gooesbumps on my skin of light that makes me speechless that's how i love him so much & i never had changces to met in person.
my deep heart of soul that's why i love you so much more then everybody else i know in this world you're true honor to me i insprie you so much that i love to be like you.

& you all know that i love you more too thank you all :D :heart:

yes your welcome you kown it's best to just ingored them, because thats what I do when they called me slow' when I was in school... 'cause thats how ppl feel & they've no respect at all :angel:
Rockstar, don't ever give up writing songs if that's your calling.

I made music my whole life and gave it up when I was 20 because people "got to me" and convinced me I wouldn't be happy living like that. I stopped for almost ten years. Now I am back to writing everything I feel and want to write- and I am only pi**ed because I listened to people and wasted almost 10 years instead of doing what I really love.

Don't ever give up what you love to do!