MJ's religious beliefs.

Hmm. Interesting, looks like Michael was going to go back to preaching as a JW again. I always suspected he would do that. Good for him! I'm happy to hear this!:clapping:

I'm sorry to be the one to point this out, but if we're going to be skeptical about Shmuley's claim to know the recent MJ from the man he knew 7 years ago, who has tapes to back up much of what he says, and was indisputably for at least some time MJ's spiritual advisor before they parted ways... where is the skepticism about a secondhand report from a single dinner party conversation 23 years ago? (Do look upthread to see I'm no Shmuley fan).

My reading of the article suggests to me the two never discussed religion again, or more likely never met again. The ministry reference appears to have occurred during that dinner discussion. There's an offhand third-hand quote with no timeframe that has no more credibility than the Islamic conversion rumor.

Something else I don't like about it: the article has been pulled from the the original site. It's only findable now on MJ forums and Christian forums bashing MJ. A Google search on David Pack's website produces no reference to Michael.

Sorry. I'm really not trying to rain on anyone's parade. I do try to practice evenhanded skepticism.
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Sorry. I'm really not trying to rain on anyone's parade. I do try to practice evenhanded skepticism.

You can't really rain on parades by voicing your own skepticism. If you approach all things scientifically, that is just what you are comfy with. Others have a different approach, being comfy with things which jive to them.

If I told you I made the BEST cookies and you say "I will not believe this until I sample them"... that is ok if that's how you wanna live life. But if someone told me this, I would say, "cool, can I have the recipe sometime?" :)

Anyway, I appreciate you need "proof" of every thing. For me, I am comfy contextualizing the plausible into an impressionistic painting of this beautiful man. Some of what we may hear WILL be in the form of stories from those who knew him. I wouldn't want to miss out on those stories because they weren't documented and witnessed in triplicate, taken to a notary, and recognized in unanimous vote by the scientific community! ;)
With love?

It'd be sad if nit picking about links squashes this thread. It's really interesting but soon people won't dare post on it, thinking they cannot back up their thoughts, memories, etc. to some really big standard. Some people might have stories or remember things and not feel like "researching" to be able to present their idea. They just wanna converse casually.

It is probably especially tempting to want specific links when info presented is not what you want to hear about Michael. Someone says he was super devout, you'll want a current hugely supportable link cuz you maybe don't want him to have been that. I feel that is coloring things.

That's what I mean. L.O.V.E.
I'm sorry to be the one to point this out, but if we're going to be skeptical about Shmuley's claim to know the recent MJ from the man he knew 7 years ago, who has tapes to back up much of what he says, and was indisputably for at least some time MJ's spiritual advisor before they parted ways... where is the skepticism about a secondhand report from a single dinner party conversation 23 years ago? (Do look upthread to see I'm no Shmuley fan).

My reading of the article suggests to me the two never discussed religion again, or more likely never met again. The ministry reference appears to have occurred during that dinner discussion. There's an offhand third-hand quote with no timeframe that has no more credibility than the Islamic conversion rumor.

Something else I don't like about it: the article has been pulled from the the original site. It's only findable now on MJ forums and Christian forums bashing MJ. A Google search on David Pack's website produces no reference to Michael.

Sorry. I'm really not trying to rain on anyone's parade. I do try to practice evenhanded skepticism.
Heya. No you didn't rain on my parade but this has been about the 3rd or fourth person who's said something of the like, I guess they must all be lying or "outdated" as you say, nonetheless I have heard more than 2 people claim the same thing and that only serves to back up my thoughts. Its true they might not have heard from MJ recently, but who knows? Maybe some of them such as Pack may have spoken to him recently, who's to say? we weren't there.

Tink-I've never heard of Christian Yoga btw. How different is it from regular yoga?
You can't really rain on parades by voicing your own skepticism. If you approach all things scientifically, that is just what you are comfy with. Others have a different approach, being comfy with things which jive to them.

If I told you I made the BEST cookies and you say "I will not believe this until I sample them"... that is ok if that's how you wanna live life. But if someone told me this, I would say, "cool, can I have the recipe sometime?" :)

Anyway, I appreciate you need "proof" of every thing. For me, I am comfy contextualizing the plausible into an impressionistic painting of this beautiful man. Some of what we may hear WILL be in the form of stories from those who knew him. I wouldn't want to miss out on those stories because they weren't documented and witnessed in triplicate, taken to a notary, and recognized in unanimous vote by the scientific community! ;)

:agree: Ditto. Feels like doing research college papers oftentimes ,where you have to cite the sources you've used and back up what you say with "sources" (annoying MLA format). Ugh! Don't remind me of my english class on an MJ board,lol! :mello:
There are different kinds of forums and threads here. There are several I enjoy posting on. I just gave a definitive statement on the "Dangerous leotard: love it or hate it" thread. I said it was "conclusive proof people had a hard time saying no to Michael's face." :) Can I support that statement? Hell no. Do I want to be challenged to do so? Hell no.

Same with so many threads on opinions, emotions, and speculations on this site. It's great to express yourself freely.

Then there are threads that are about factual matters. Who was the guitar player on "Come Together"? Who are the backing vocals on this amazing new previously unreleased track of the J5/MJ cover of Stevie Wonder's "Buttercup"?

I don't think many on those threads would appreciate a long chain of posts making simple statements of unsupported fact, like "It was Eric Clapton. I love Eric Clapton." "No, it was Jennifer Batten."

What we crave there is someone saying "I've got the album, and the credits say it was a studio musician named...." Or "I THINK it's PROBABLY the J5 brothers and HERE'S WHY: it's their style of harmony. But someone else is saying it's Stevie Wonder's backup vocalists. Can someone check on that?"

And that's what's considered trivia facts.

Taking it up another notch, there's the kind that would be considered major, not trivial, facts, or fact-driven issues. A thread identifying MJ's religious beliefs is like this.
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Whaaa? More info, please?! On him and you? :D

June 1993 Life Magazine page 33. :lmao:


What type of info on Michael do you want??

Info on me? Rather not scare or creep out the rest of the board. :hysterical:
Let's just say my reading habits tend to the dark side. :evil:
Tink-I've never heard of Christian Yoga btw. How different is it from regular yoga?

Well, in most yoga classes, an effort is made to be as inclusive as possible. Most try to not offend or cut people out, but since people know yoga is of eastern origin, teachers will use terms like "namaste" or sometimes "spirit" or "oneness"... basically things which are thought to be generally non-offensive and culturally accessable. Others, like Jivamukti (which I love btw!) believe yoga was designed to be part of a spiritual process and so are more direct in their language. Jivamukti will not try to convert, but they freely use the word 'God,' for instance. Some yoga classes end with the chant "om."

The eastern flavors sometimes are not well received by some Christians who feel there is a subtle conversion taking place. Some Christians may just not be comfortable saying "namaste" or "om"~ no matter how nice the translation. And I think that's ok. People should do what makes them most comfortable.

Still, there is a lot to be said for yoga, no matter a person's belief system. Christian yoga leaves out the eastern terms and instead incorporates bible verses. It assigns meaning to postures in words which trigger images of Jesus, making the yoga postures like a moving Christian prayer of sorts. Sun salutation becomes Son salutation!

Here's a nice article on Christian yoga from Time magazine~


In the article they refer to a priest who is also a certified Kripalu yoga instructor.


There are a few others mentioned in the article, too. I know sometimes churches will offer yoga now. There was even one church who donated the money made from their yoga classes back to their church family in India. They felt that completed the cultural circle of giving/giving back.

I haven't watched any of these videos personally, but have a dear friend who practices Christian yoga. She said sometimes there is resistance in the communities, but overall that the idea was gaining more and more acceptance.

Hope this helps! :)
There are different kinds of forums and threads here.

Taking it up another notch, there's the kind that would be considered major, not trivial, facts, or fact-driven issues. A thread identifying MJ's religious beliefs is like this.

I do understand you value this and I respect that, Bo.

For me and some others, non-sourced anecdotes from obviously well intentioned fans are really welcomed. Here is why... if someone says something really interesting about MJ's religious beliefs, I am going to want to check it out. Like when Klein mentioned Michael's yoga. Had he not mentioned it, I may not have gotten around to google searching. But Klein mentioned it, so I took it upon myself to search around a bit.

Do you see how I mean this, Bo? Some good can come out of letting people brainstorm and just chat, and then the conversation can snowball. "I heard MJ did yoga." Then .... "Oh yeah, I heard that, too!" "Oh so n so saw him at X studio in 20XX..." "That's great, here's an article with his former instructor where he mentions MJ..." and on and on...

That is my reason behind encouraging this style of exploration. I am not trying to minimize your good intentions.
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I do understand you value this and I respect that, Bo.

For me and some others, non-sourced anecdotes from obviously well intentioned fans are really welcomed. Here is why... if someone says something really interesting about MJ's religious beliefs, I am going to want to check it out. Like when Klein mentioned Michael's yoga.

Thanks, Tink.

But of course, the yoga thing was a perfect fit for this thread! It had a source. (Sure we can speculate on Klein's credibility. But it's hard to see a reason for Klein to make that up, so I consider it probably true). That's a cool thing to learn here, I enthusiastically agree. I love yoga.

I'd wanted to make the comment that yoga can be either an exercise alone or an exercise plus religion. But I'm so alone in doing this here it makes me a lightning rod, which feels very unpleasant; I'm so startled at this hostility that keeps me from being able to express MYself.

Klein's yoga comment gave us something to really sink our teeth into, which to me is far more interesting than a simple "MJ was into yoga." Period. No caveats. I'm mystified as to why I'm having trouble conveying the difference between these two. And why I'm an ogre for suggesting we might nudge folks to at least note when such statements are speculation and not supported fact.

I've been active over the years in a few other forums and blogs, that are expressive, creative, imaginative, enriching, inspiring, fun, challenging, infuriating, ... not dry technical things at all. But this one is utterly unique in its culture in my experience... this hostility, as I've met in several threads, for saying "Interesting... is there a link for that?" ("Linky goodness" is how we often describe it. As in "Linky goodness, please!") I'm trying to change my expectations from when I first joined, but I guess I still have a hope I could help grow interest in the added depth and richness this brings to a thread. (Gosh I'm worried this sounds arrogant; that's not what's in my heart, as MJ would say).

Some of the things you described before this post that you said you wanted to encourage seem like they might work better in a freewheeling personal fan forum where fans talk about themselves. (My own posts included for awhile, because at one point we gave up talking about MJ,)

Just a reminder that I"m well aware this isn't my thread. We're just suggesting possible directions we'each would like it to take if we had our druthers. I think a thread like this could stay open indefinitely, so it makes sense to think about it a bit.)
Got links for any of this?


I don't have a link but I do remember Stacey Brown saying he bumped into MJ at the local Kingdom Hall near Neverland. I have it on tape. Stacy said It was Michael, his kids, Reebie, Grace and Katherine.
Got links for any of this?


Hell is the grave and where they speak of hell as a burning place it is symbolism. Hell is not a place of fiery torment. That is actually an idea brought in to Christianity from Greek and Roman ideoligies.

ginvid is right. the hell doctrin is a myth. Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10 says "for the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing...for there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, to which you are going."

the Hebrew word "Sheol" is translated as "Hell" in some versions of the bible. Hell, in the biblical sense is simply the common grave of mankind, where all activity has ceased.
I don't have a link but I do remember Stacey Brown saying he bumped into MJ at the local Kingdom Hall near Neverland. I have it on tape. Stacy said It was Michael, his kids, Reebie, Grace and Katherine.

That sounds pretty good then. Interesting!

Now as for the rabbi urging MJ to return to JWs, my impression was that he was getting nowhere and was very frustrated. He of course is claiming he separated from MJ because of his obstinacy in spiritual matters, or something like that. (Of course, we're pretty skeptical about this last item here).
Yeah, I saw that comma and wasn't sure. Thanks for the smiley; here's one back atcha :)

Technically, the only way to say conclusively that Michael was a Christian was to know whether he believed that Jesus was God. Without a quote from him indicating this, or at least regular attendance to a Christian service, (after his JW stint)QUOTE]

I wouldn't call it a "stint". he was a JW in Gary, IN, all through the J5/Jacksons era on up through the '80s.
Yeah, I saw that comma and wasn't sure. Thanks for the smiley; here's one back atcha :)

Technically, the only way to say conclusively that Michael was a Christian was to know whether he believed that Jesus was God. Without a quote from him indicating this, or at least regular attendance to a Christian service, (after his JW stint)QUOTE]

I wouldn't call it a "stint". he was a JW in Gary, IN, all through the J5/Jacksons era on up through the '80s.

That's entirely fair; "era" would have been a better word. Thanks.
Welll there's that article from David Pack

"I know Michael loved Jesus with all his heart. Quincy had told me about his work sharing his faith with others, often door-to-door, because he’d been raised a devout Jehovah’s Witness. Later in life he told people he was a non-denominational Christian. Still more recently, reports circulated that he’d converted to Islam. But the Michael I knew had seriously contemplated giving up music to spend full-time in Christian ministry."



That last sentence screams Jehovah's Witness...
ginvid is right. the hell doctrin is a myth. Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10 says "for the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing...for there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, to which you are going."

the Hebrew word "Sheol" is translated as "Hell" in some versions of the bible. Hell, in the biblical sense is simply the common grave of mankind, where all activity has ceased.

I wonder how it happened that thousands of Christian Bible scholars, many highly educated, managed to completely overlook this information. Do you not think it's due to the ambiguity that leads to conflicting interpretations?
I wonder how it happened that thousands of Christian Bible scholars, many highly educated, managed to completely overlook this information. Do you not think it's due to the ambiguity that leads to conflicting interpretations?

Plato. There's a book called "The History of Hell" by Georges Minois. On page 50 he says, "of all classical greek philosophers, the one who has had the greatest influence on traditional views of Hell is Plato."

If you do some research on this i'm sure you'll be very surprised at what you find (and I know you will cause you seem to be a smart fella :)
If anyone has evidence of MJ, post-JWs, referring to Jesus as God, or necessary for salvation, do give a link.

Maybe I missunderstood what you're asking for but here are some quotes from Michael about God and Jesus. Now if this is not what you asked for then just ignore this =)

"...Look, we don’t have control over the grounds, they can shake. We don’t have control over the seas, they can have tsunamis. We don’t have control over the skies, there are storms. We’re all in God’s hands. I think that man has to take that into consideration."
Michael Jackson in his 2007 Ebony Magazine interview

"No one can quite say what the creative process is. Because I have nothing to do with it of course. It's created in space. It's God's work, not mine."
Ebony/Jet 2007 interview

I wrote "Will You Be There?" at my house, "Never Land" in California....I didn't think about it hard. Thats why its hard to take credit for the songs that I write, because I just always feel that it's done from above. I feel fortunate for being that instrument through which music flows. I'm just the source through which it comes. I can't take credit for it because it's Gods work. He's just using me as the messenger....
Ebony/Jet 2002 interview

"I will never stop helping and loving people the way Jesus said to. He said "Continue to love. Always love. Remember children. Imitate the children." Not childish, but childlike."
2003 60 Minutes TV interview with Ed Bradley

"Caring. And reading the Bible, learning about God, Jesus, love. He said, 'Bring on the children', 'Imitate the children', 'Be like the children' and 'Take care of others.' Take care of old people. And we were raised with those values. Those are very important values and my family and I we were raised with those values and they continue strong in us today."
2005 At Large with Geraldo Rivera TV Interview

"I try to be kind and generous and to give to people and to do what I think God wants me to do. Sometimes I pray and say "where do you want me to go next, God? What do you want me to do from here?" I’ve always been very spiritual in that way. It’s nothing new."
2005 At Large with Geraldo Rivera TV Interview

"In the Gospels, we read, "And the Lord God made man from the dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul." That breath of life to me is the music of life and it permeates every fiber of creation."
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Ebony/Jet 2002 interview

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]"We would work on a track and then we’d meet at his house, play what we worked on, and he would say, ‘Smelly, let it talk to you.’ I’d go, ‘OK.’ He’d say, ‘If the song needs something, it’ll tell you. Let it talk to you.’ I’ve learned to do that. The key to being a wonderful writer is not to write. You just get out of the way. Leave room for God to walk in the room. And when I write something that I know is right, I get on my knees and say thank you. Thank you, Jehovah!"
Michael talking about working with Quincy Jones and how God was behind his creativity, from the Ebony magazine 2007 interview

"I gain strength from God. I believe in Jehovah, God, very much. And I gain strength from the fact that I know that I am innocent. None of these stories are true. They are totally fabricated. It's very sad and it's very, very painful. I pray a lot and that's how I deal with it. I'm a strong person. I'm a warrior, and I know what is inside of me. I'm a fighter, but it's very painful and at the end of the day, I'm still human, you know? I'm still a human being, so it does hurt very, very, very much."
Michael Jackson in his interview with the Rev. Jesse Jackson during the 2005 child molestation trial

"Know, in the end, I'll be vindicated, I pray, because I know the truth. I am an innocent person and I believe in God and love God."
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Michael Jackson speaking to Rev. Jesse Jackson during his 2005 child molestation trial on what he wants his fans to know.[/FONT]

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Maybe I miss understood what you're asking for but here are some quates from Michael about God and Jesus. Now if this is not what you asked for then just ignore this =)

"...Look, we don’t have control over the grounds, they can shake. We don’t have control over the seas, they can have tsunamis. We don’t have control over the skies, there are storms. We’re all in God’s hands. I think that man has to take that into consideration."
Michael Jackson in his 2007 Ebony Magazine interview

"No one can quite say what the creative process is. Because I have nothing to do with it of course. It's created in space. It's God's work, not mine."
Ebony/Jet 2007 interview

I wrote "Will You Be There?" at my house, "Never Land" in California....I didn't think about it hard. Thats why its hard to take credit for the songs that I write, because I just always feel that it's done from above. I feel fortunate for being that instrument through which music flows. I'm just the source through which it comes. I can't take credit for it because it's Gods work. He's just using me as the messenger....
Ebony/Jet 2002 interview

"I will never stop helping and loving people the way Jesus said to. He said "Continue to love. Always love. Remember children. Imitate the children." Not childish, but childlike."
2003 60 Minutes TV interview with Ed Bradley

"Caring. And reading the Bible, learning about God, Jesus, love. He said, 'Bring on the children', 'Imitate the children', 'Be like the children' and 'Take care of others.' Take care of old people. And we were raised with those values. Those are very important values and my family and I we were raised with those values and they continue strong in us today."
2005 At Large with Geraldo Rivera TV Interview

"I try to be kind and generous and to give to people and to do what I think God wants me to do. Sometimes I pray and say "where do you want me to go next, God? What do you want me to do from here?" I’ve always been very spiritual in that way. It’s nothing new."
2005 At Large with Geraldo Rivera TV Interview

"In the Gospels, we read, "And the Lord God made man from the dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul." That breath of life to me is the music of life and it permeates every fiber of creation."
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Ebony/Jet 2002 interview
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]

"We would work on a track and then we’d meet at his house, play what we worked on, and he would say, ‘Smelly, let it talk to you.’ I’d go, ‘OK.’ He’d say, ‘If the song needs something, it’ll tell you. Let it talk to you.’ I’ve learned to do that. The key to being a wonderful writer is not to write. You just get out of the way. Leave room for God to walk in the room. And when I write something that I know is right, I get on my knees and say thank you. Thank you, Jehovah!"
Michael talking about working with Quincy Jones and how God was behind his creativity, from the Ebony magazine 2007 interview

"I gain strength from God. I believe in Jehovah, God, very much. And I gain strength from the fact that I know that I am innocent. None of these stories are true. They are totally fabricated. It's very sad and it's very, very painful. I pray a lot and that's how I deal with it. I'm a strong person. I'm a warrior, and I know what is inside of me. I'm a fighter, but it's very painful and at the end of the day, I'm still human, you know? I'm still a human being, so it does hurt very, very, very much."
Michael Jackson in his interview with the Rev. Jesse Jackson during the 2005 child molestation trial

"Know, in the end, I'll be vindicated, I pray, because I know the truth. I am an innocent person and I believe in God and love God."
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Michael Jackson speaking to Rev. Jesse Jackson during his 2005 child molestation trial on what he wants his fans to know.[/FONT]

[/FONT][FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]


thank you for compiling all the quotes Indra.
That last sentence screams Jehovah's Witness...

It could be but I just thought I'd say that As a Lutheran, many many many people devote their lives to Christian ministry. That means all sorts of things-traveling and doing charity work, etc etc.....There are missionaries from my church in Africa, Mexico, China, and other countries right now as we speak. So he could very well have meant that as a non-denominational Christian as well. Christian ministry is a major part of *all* denominations.
Maybe I missunderstood what you're asking for but here are some quotes from Michael about God and Jesus. Now if this is not what you asked for then just ignore this =)

Thanks, Indra... that's a great compilation of quotes. They definitely show beyond doubt that Michael was deeply religious, a strong monotheist. He unquestionably saw Jesus as a role model for how humans should behave ethically.

I was asking more specifically for quotes stating that he believed in the DIVINITY of Jesus, or that belief in Jesus is required for salvation. These would confirm him as a Christian; until then his QUOTES only confirm that he's a devout monotheist who viewed Jesus as a great prophet who should be emulated.

Now some might consider attendance at churches, having children christened, and other things strong suggestions of Christianity, and that's not unreasonable, so we're collecting those factoids as well.
If anyone does have any questions about JW's then please do let me know. I was raised JW so I have first hand experience of the religion!
Thanks, Indra... that's a great compilation of quotes. They definitely show beyond doubt that Michael was deeply religious, a strong monotheist. He unquestionably saw Jesus as a role model for how humans should behave ethically.

I was asking more specifically for quotes stating that he believed in the DIVINITY of Jesus, or that belief in Jesus is required for salvation. These would confirm him as a Christian; until then his QUOTES only confirm that he's a devout monotheist who viewed Jesus as a great prophet who should be emulated.

Now some might consider attendance at churches, having children christened, and other things strong suggestions of Christianity, and that's not unreasonable, so we're collecting those factoids as well.

Well, I mean everyone have different opinion on this because there are a lot of christian ways out there and all believe their way is THE way, but if Michael really believed in in the divinity of Jesus I would say we will never be sure of. What's in a persons heart, even if they say they have that faith, only God know. Some will say it and not have it and some don't say it and still have it.

I think we can see that if Michael was indeed close to any religion, or had any religion, that it is the Christian faith. Then what within that is hard to tell I guess....
I don't have a link but I do remember Stacey Brown saying he bumped into MJ at the local Kingdom Hall near Neverland. I have it on tape. Stacy said It was Michael, his kids, Reebie, Grace and Katherine.
Yeah, I remembe that segment on the "Abram's Report" as clear as day. It was during the 2005 trial, when MJ was regularly attending local kingdom hall meetings with his children without masks.
He bumped into Stacy Brown and asked if a bible in the library room belonged to him. (Cute):wub:
Yeah, I saw that comma and wasn't sure. Thanks for the smiley; here's one back atcha :)

Technically, the only way to say conclusively that Michael was a Christian was to know whether he believed that Jesus was God. Without a quote from him indicating this, or at least regular attendance to a Christian service, (after his JW stint)QUOTE]

I wouldn't call it a "stint". he was a JW in Gary, IN, all through the J5/Jacksons era on up through the '80s.
No, Michael didn't believe that Jesus is God. In fact I say so because Jehovahs Witness also do not believe that Jesus is God, they believe he is instead God's son. He is a god but not God. I'm pretty sure MJ believed this as he still regarded himself a JW in his later years, i.e.,

TVG: How did you avoid self-destruction?
MJ: I think religion entered in?
TVG: Are you still a Jehovah's Witness?
MJ: Yeah. I've done, you know, we call it pioneering. We do 90 hours a month. I don't do as much now because I'm busy. You go door to door. I wear a fat suit, pop-bottle glasses, mustache, buck teeth, and, like, an Afro wig. And I knock on the door and say we're Jehovah's Witnesses.

Source: TV Guide interview 2001

And after his so-called "stint", he still attended meetings throughout the year, especially the yearly Christ memorial held by Jehovahs Witnesses held sometime around April(Nisan 14 on the jewish calendar).
I know this because I know people that were there when he attended the special service. They aren't fans and have nothing to gain, therefore wouldn't lie.

Bo G- This source thing is really killing me! lol.
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What's in a persons heart, even if they say they have that faith, only God know. Some will say it and not have it and some don't say it and still have it.

That's beautiful!

Thanks so, so much for posting those wonderful quotes! :)

"I try to be kind and generous and to give to people and to do what I think God wants me to do. Sometimes I pray and say "where do you want me to go next, God? What do you want me to do from here?" I’ve always been very spiritual in that way. It’s nothing new."
2005 At Large with Geraldo Rivera TV Interview

I love this one so much.