MJ to be buried soon

EM, I think I'd rather be in denial too, havent given much thought to a burial but since checking this thread its made me cry for the first time in a few days!

:cry: ditto...it's so....final. goodbye michael...playing around in the other threads and being goofy, i can pretend that's its not real....but then i read stuff like this....and i realize just who we're talking about...
*Hugs* all round... we're in for a tough time - again :(
:cry: ditto...it's so....final. goodbye michael...playing around in the other threads and being goofy, i can pretend that's its not real....but then i read stuff like this....and i realize just who we're talking about...

Exactly, Im busily taking part in the other threads and even news of the investigation, but its almost like a distraction from the actuality of what has happened. Why oh why did this happen.
The delay has been almost obscene, but the finality of it still hurts. :cry:
I so much feel like you, and all of you...
There are things that I don't allow myself to think about or look at... that remind me that "this is it"...
On one hand, it was horrible to keep him without burial for that long, but God... burial... I don't know... I can't wrap my mind around it. It hurts so much... After reading this thread the feeling 'please pinch my arm and tell me this is just a nightmare' is stronger than ever...
Yeah, I wish this was done in the first few days...now it'll be the same thing all over again. But I think at least this time it will be private? Don't suppose this will be televised like the memorial?
there better be 24 hour security at his resting place. not talking about regular security at the gate falling a sleep.
forest lawn is a beautiful place though. it is surrounded by the beauty of nature. I was pretty shocked at how beautiful the area was.
I wish Michael is buried at undisclosed location if possible. It is not good to risk someone trying something with his body. Fans or haters both.
Can't believe we're talking about this guys. :cry: It hurts. I can't imagine what it's like for his children and family.
It's time he was buried though. Oh God it feels so awful to say that :cry:
First off, group hug :better:
I know it hurts, but we have each other to support :) hang in there everyone!

As much as I love Michael I feel sorry for the others buried at Forest Lawn. Michael is so big and Iconic that it makes everyone else buried there almost irrelevant. This is why I wanted him buried at Neverland.

I agree. I wanted him to be burried at Neverland not only because I thought that'd be the best place, but also because there'd be so many fans that are planning on paying respects to him. I'm not sure how a cemetary would be able handle that because other people are burried there too. i don't know :scratch:
I can't take this...watching his videos....I can't imagine he is gone! damn I thought I was getting over this.....
Man, this is getting so hard right now I can't think. :cry: I wish we were all together in person to support each other.
This is just heartbreaking. He really is gone.I can't believe it. It's been over a month and I'm still in denial, thinking he's somewhere enjoying himself with his beautiful children. He's not dead! God, I cried so hard the other night. I haven't cried this much since 2002 when my grandmother passed away.

His burial will make it final. I just wish they would have put him to rest a month ago. My sweet Michael. I'll miss you forever. It's bringing up all the emotions. I just hope his children are going to be happy and healthy, that's all that matters.
may you finally rest in peace, Michael :(
we miss you.
I want michael to be laid to rest finally but the thought of him just laying there forever and ever is heartbreaking, this bloody hurts so much and it should never have happened :cry: i want this year to be over
Sometimes I have moments where I find myself wondering if I'm in a coma or something. Like in a everlasting dream, and I can't wake up... but just waiting to be woken up by someone or something, this is so terrible. But I know it's not a dream, but I'm in such denial at times... :( It doesn't seem real, and I don't care how long it has been.

Wounds are still fresh! Don't know how long it's going to feel like this.
I want michael to be laid to rest finally but the thought of him just laying there forever and ever is heartbreaking, this bloody hurts so much and it should never have happened :cry: i want this year to be over

i know thats why i wanted him to stay at forest green (not burried) 4ever. the thought of him being burried and his body just rotting away upsets me more than anything *crying* i know hes gone but i want his physcial body to still be here. i know its daft but it kills me inside
i know thats why i wanted him to stay at forest green (not burried) 4ever. the thought of him being burried and his body just rotting away upsets me more than anything *crying* i know hes gone but i want his physcial body to still be here. i know its daft but it kills me inside

It's not daft. I was wanting that too... Just the idea of him being buried just makes it all final and real. I don't want it to be real just not yet. But I have to think that his physical body is not really him, he's already moved on... I don't know. Don't like the idea of Michael in the ground. The cemetery.
This is the last thing I thought I was going to hear this year or at all.

This makes it too real, I feel ill. :(

I cant take it any longer.
I miss you more Michael :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: