MJ sighting from May 16, 2008

Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

He was wearing a tennis shoe and a bedroom slipper if I'm not mistaken. :laugh:

Ahhh Mike, always coming up with things to get us talking lol :smilerolleyes: :cute:

OR he could be wearing a slipper on his foot that he may have injured....
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

mike would drown in his clothes if he were to wear his old stuff like bad or history tour outfit. lol... no way he would fill them like he did before. lol (p.s. I'm not talking about his package as little girls on here tend to.. I mean in general.)
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Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

Nice video, It's always nice to see the MJ & the kids out and about. Michael is way too thin though. Gaining a good 15 lbs wouldn't hurt.
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

mike would drown in his clothes if he were to wear his old stuff like bad or history tour outfit. lol... no way he would fill them like he did before. lol (p.s. I'm not talking about his package as little girls on here tend to.. I mean in general.)

And lol @ the bolded. :p
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Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

:rofl: @ the shoes discussion...
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

damn green bus! lol

:rofl: Yeah, me too!!

So good to see a fresh vid clip of MJ again. And I don't care what he's wearing. :wub:
(It's pure MJ presence though, when we have a few pages discussing his shoes or something LOL!!)
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Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

mike would drown in his clothes if he were to wear his old stuff like bad or history tour outfit. lol... no way he would fill them like he did before. lol (p.s. I'm not talking about his package as little girls on here tend to.. I mean in general.)

Covers eyes and ears and oh yeah.............mouth. :blush:
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

From the picture that I have seen, it looks like MJ is wearing slippers. I didn't see any tennis shoes.

Anyway, at least he is wearing something on his feet. LOL. I still cannot download the footage at all. So, if anyone has some time, try to upload the video on youtube or some other website. I do not feel like watching the footage on the tv show that is 90% more likely to trash to poor guy than just report the deal. BTW, I never read the comments from the people on tmz.com. I have read enough when a rapper was in trouble with the law and I am not shocked that the comments were as racist as they can get. Calling those rappers "monkeys" and the like. Just disgusting.

Regarding MJ's frame: he was always skinny. However, I sorta agree, Mike could gain 20 lbs and have a muffin top. LOL.
The only important thing is too see Michael and his children are ok.... I love his shoes!! LOL
I like him when dress like this... so simple and with not much care about fashion.... !! ^^ How cute he is...
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Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

He aint that skinny guys... ive seen him in worse condition lol He has gained atleast 20 pounds since the trial. Sure he might benefit from an additional 10-15 pounds but pfft...its his own decision. If he feels good then its up to him. And..in response to his outfit; We are Michael Jackson fans, I've seen wayy more bizarre. Michael likes to cause a stir and I dont blame him. Its his style, its kinda funny lol
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

it looks like he's wearing a soft boot on his right foot...maybe it's injured but c'mon...the light facing mj makes it look like the shoes are two diff colours? some of y'all.....
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

7 pages talking about a 20 sec long (short) video of MJ leaving a house.

Michaelmania sure is back!! :lol:
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

Regarding MJ's frame: he was always skinny. However, I sorta agree, Mike could gain 20 lbs and have a muffin top. LOL.

Guy have love handles, not muffin tops... don't ya know?

No muffin top for MJ... love handles maybe.
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

Thanks for the video :) it really brings on the smile's. I hope he hasn't hurt his foot because thats definitely a grey slipper on his foot.
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

NORM CLARK: Sighting (goes along with the TMZ video

Michael Jackson, watching "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian" with his three children at Brenden Theaters (Palms) on Friday.

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Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

Michael looks fine. He's not too skinny. Some people would complain if he gained any weight, lol. I always notice that people who themselves need to lose a few pounds start getting on skinny people's cases about needing to gain weight, lol. I think Michael looks very healthy and strong. He's always been super thin, so what's the problem? He's just naturally slight.
I don't think people are saying Michael is too thin just because they want to complain or because they are fat themselves lol . They are saying so b/c they are concerned. I happen to think Michael is too thin. His leg is the same size as my arm lol, I don't think he looks very healthy but then again looks can be decieving . I just hope he's taking good care of himself and is doing well.
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Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

feels so good to see him; thank you very much for posting!!! :yes: i love his style :)
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

Guy have love handles, not muffin tops... don't ya know?

No muffin top for MJ... love handles maybe.

Hmmm, I could have sworn that he had a muffin top before..... Maybe that was how the pic was taken back in 2001 (Virgin Megastore). Now, love handles - I never recall Mj having love handles. However, I wouldn't mind MJ with nice, thick thighs! LOL. Purrrr.

Anyway -

NORM CLARK: Sighting (goes along with the TMZ video

Michael Jackson, watching "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian" with his three children at Brenden Theaters (Palms) on Friday.

Thanks for posting, StarTrader. You are on the roll. Wow, so Norm is kinda nice to Mike on this and someone did say that MJ was with the children watching that movie. That was a good guess. The first one was actually pretty good. I wouldn't mind seeing the second one.

I just hope he's taking good care of himself and is doing well.

I hear you. And he is eating because he says that he is not a eater. His legs do seem really thin for a guy but he legs were that thin some 25 years ago when he was doing Thriller. But you gotta admit, Mike has a nice frame for his age.
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

norm wasn't being neither nice nor mean to mike...he simply stated he was watching a movie at the palms theater....
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

I thought he was too thin during "Thriller" too. I think Michael's face is too thin these days, but I will admit that he has a nice frame. It's just that I prefer my Michael with a little more meat on his bones (i.e. History Era) lol.
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

I don't think people are saying Michael is too thin just because they want to complain or because they are fat themselves lol . They are saying so b/c they are concerned. I happen to think Michael is too thin. His leg is the same size as my arm lol, I don't think he looks very healthy but then again looks can be decieving . I just hope he's taking good care of himself and is doing well.

I know, I was sort of just kidding. I know it's just concern. But Michael's just a skinny boy, lol. He's always been that way. He looks very good to me.
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

I would rather talk about his package over his shoes! :D

But anyway, it never siezes to amaze me how much the media focuses on every little move this guy makes. But in the case of TMZ, which I believe is such a lame show, they are desperately looking for content. That show makes some of the most ridiculous reports about celebs I have ever seen. Sometimes I look at the show thinking they are gonna say something worthwhile about some celeb of interest to me, and they all they say is that the person couldn't get into the club! For God sake, that is not newsworthy or report worthy. I mean one guy did a little report on Aretha Franklin and all he said was that she wore a gown that had yards and yards of fabric everywhere. What? I just think the show is really desperate for content. They really don't do any interviewing. All they do is buy footage from paparazzi photogs and build a story around them. That is all they do.
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

I thought he was too thin during "Thriller" too. I think Michael's face is too thin these days, but I will admit that he has a nice frame. It's just that I prefer my Michael with a little more meat on his bones (i.e. History Era) lol.

I hear ya. I agree with what you are saying. I do not mind some fat on Mike.

But anyway, it never siezes to amaze me how much the media focuses on every little move this guy makes. But in the case of TMZ, which I believe is such a lame show, they are desperately looking for content. That show makes some of the most ridiculous reports about celebs I have ever seen. Sometimes I look at the show thinking they are gonna say something worthwhile about some celeb of interest to me, and they all they say is that the person couldn't get into the club! For God sake, that is not newsworthy or report worthy. I mean one guy did a little report on Aretha Franklin and all he said was that she wore a gown that had yards and yards of fabric everywhere. What? I just think the show is really desperate for content. They really don't do any interviewing. All they do is buy footage from paparazzi photogs and build a story around them. That is all they do

You are so right about that show. I am really trying my hardest to stop watching that show but I can't. I have a lot of sense, but I tend to watch that show, a show that I really hate. Yeah, they make a big deal out of nothing and I wonder those young people who work on that show and website - do they spend their time watching footage that some pap give them all day and psycho-analyized what these celebrities do? I mean, do they visit their family or hang out with friends? I mean, give me a break. They never report anything with substance and they hate on other shows that do that with Extra or AH. Saying that the network of those shows "tell them what to say" which I do not believe. Yeah, i remember that "report" that one guy with the blonde, spiky hair who is a pervert did on Artheta. Just pathetic. On top of that, that guy has a nasty mind! Goodness. The TMZ show is based on what the paps give them and they create a story around it. Just patheic and low. I mean, it is just silly.
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

Do we know what Michael was watching in the cinema? I'd say Iron Man or Speed Racer