MJ sighting from May 16, 2008

Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

^^ The ones who know we are eagerly awaiting THAT nano secon. :)
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

He is soooo damn sexy, no matter what he wears or whether he's visible or covered up!! :lol: You GO BABY!!! :wub: :wub: :wub:
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

Is he really wearing 2 different shoes? I think its the same pair. And even though you cant see MJs face (which is the point of how is wearing his hat), MJ has gone out wearing his hat this way many times before.
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Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

Nice to see MJ out and about with the kids, even if we don't actually 'see' him in this footage. That darn green bus possibly blocked out footage of Prince, 'cause i only saw Paris and Blanket coming out the door. And if TMZ did'nt point it out, I would never have noticed the two differing shoes he's wearing!lol
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

Michael looks good, cute. He's so skinny, haha. But he looks very healthy. TMZ suck with that comment "at least his kids don't have to wear masks", blah, blah. Didn't Michael say that whenever they wanted to stop, they could? And low and behold, that's what happened. They were never forced, dang.
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

Michael looks good, cute. He's so skinny, haha. But he looks very healthy. TMZ suck with that comment "at least his kids don't have to wear masks", blah, blah. Didn't Michael say that whenever they wanted to stop, they could? And low and behold, that's what happened. They were never forced, dang.


But TMZ and others in the media always wanna say crap!
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

Thanks for posting. :flowers:
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)



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Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo very much!!! wow!!
I wish I could dl it!! can anyone plz upload it for dl??
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

wow glad 2 see him n public..kinda lol...lmao 2 them shoes
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

Did he watch the IRON MAN, or maybe NIM'S ISLAND... :p

My bet is on Speed Racer, the theater they were at has it playing on IMAX right now I do believe.

(Mike: "Eh, Speed Racer is good, but it ain't no Speeeeed Demon! :punk:"
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Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

so nice to see Michael out and about with the kids
and Love the jeans :wub:- thats the first thing I noticed
I still dont see 2 different shoes
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

It's nice to see you Michael // When will we see you again?????

Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

Awww thanks so much for posting this! :woohoo: Glad to see him at last!
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

I really hate TMZ and I feel guilty even giving anything made by them extra views, but I couldn't help but watch the video, even if it is just for a few seconds. MJ looks great in those jeans! like some of you have said already, at least TMZ showed him a little respect and didn't shout out to him.
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

Wow...at first I wasn't sure but then I saw the children :lol:

Whyyyyyy does he wear 2 different shoes? I mean.....come on? :lmao:
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

we talkin bout shoes now? lol i think they're slippers.


don't know why..
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

yay im so happy we got to see him after so many months. i hope they enjoyed themselves in the theatre :D hes the best father in the world :wub:
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

I don't see any differene in the shoes either. I was beginning to wonder what the hell everyone is looking at it. Maybe you want to see a differene I don't see any.
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

I really hate TMZ and I feel guilty even giving anything made by them extra views, but I couldn't help but watch the video, even if it is just for a few seconds. MJ looks great in those jeans! like some of you have said already, at least TMZ showed him a little respect and didn't shout out to him.

Yeah, TMZ is garbage. That's why I'm hesitant to enable anything they do. Normally I wouldn't even care to criticize some stupid shot of him walking to his car, but I just don't want to attribute to any of that site's hits usually. They called him creepy even in description, and of course 90% of the comments last time I checked were from the typical low life, presumptuous, judgmental, delusions of grandeur having cocks.
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

Are you guys color blind? Left feet Grey shoe, right white shoe. It seems like a grey slipper. maybe he's hurt his feet again. dance practice?
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

No not blind. Every here of shadows, lighting etc. People see what they want to see. Couldn't care less whether he is or isn't regardless.
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

The side of MJ that is in the shade is casting a darker shadow on his shoes. They are both the same. One is in the light and the other is in the shade, so they look like 2 different colours.
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Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

can't believe i'm joining this argument but trousers don't go over heeled shoes like that
they are both slippers.
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

can't believe i'm joining this argument but trousers don't go over heeled shoes like that
they are both slippers.

I know. Its sad isn't it. Just to add my two cents....I think it is a sock and a slipper.
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

I know. Its sad isn't it. Just to add my two cents....I think it is a sock and a slipper.

Hmm, the TMZ video I see is crisp and clear, right foot looks like a white sock because it appears loose/floppy when he steps out of the doorway (or else a white slipper/casual shoe of some sort). Left foot is definitely a tannish grey and appears to be one of those suede house slippers.

And I can't believe I'm commenting on this either.:doh::cheeky:
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Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

I know. Its sad isn't it. Just to add my two cents....I think it is a sock and a slipper.

Yeah, what you said lol. Looks like a sock and a slipper.

But who cares, he's risen from the dead! :p