MJ sighting from May 16, 2008

Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

Yes I agree... of course he could gain some weight however I know he'll always keep fit, it's as simple as that.....
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

Gee he looks so handsome :wub: :wub:
:wub: :wub:

his cap is red, its so cute and i like the bottom of his pants. :D :wub: and his white shoes!!!
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

glad to see him...thanks for posting!

still not getting the green bus comment lol
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

its so sad seeing him being a victim of his own success.
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

I wonder what movie they went to see.
We may never know, but
I bet it was The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian.:dancin:
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

thanks, could someone rip the video and post here as download or on youtube?
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

Waw... legendary video.

Why yes, that was sarcasm :)
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

Thanks for posting :)

What's with the shoes, why different ones? :laugh:
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

Thank you for posting!!! Yay, a MJ sighting. :) Who here loves it when there is a sighting of Michael? I really like that. It shows that he is not this "reclusive" star that the laughable media claims that he is.

As fo TMZ, it is a guilty "pleasure" of mine's to go on there website and watch their trashy show. I have limts though - if they trash MJ, I get angry, if they keep doing stories on those bimbos, I am changing the channel and if they are showing their perverted side, I have a disguted face. LOL. That show is trash. However, I can't fully complain because the video footage of MJ is classic.

its so sad seeing him being a victim of his own success

Well, he isamous and when you are famous, people are going to give the media tidbits if they see a famous person in some place. That is the reality of fame.
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

I wonder what movie they went to see.
We may never know, but
I bet it was The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian.:dancin:

That's probably a pretty good guess *smiles* Nice family movie. :yes:
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

As much as I'm glad to see him, I agree that TMZ are low. How bored can you get :doh:

I'm gonna wait till Michael decides to appear again, without getting stalked :)
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

It's so good to see him, again. Thank you for posting

The pants tough ? H O T.
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Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

OMG A MJ sighting.We wont see him for another 6 months now
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Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

Cool! I am also wearing jeans and that kind of jersey - what a coincidence :D
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

Oh geat !!!!! Cool to see Michael again ! (even it is just 3 seconds *lol*) Love you mIkE !! ...
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

Yay! Good to see him again, it's been ages.
I'm glad the TMZ crew behaved themselves around them...
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

yea I noticed ppl dogging TMZ (as they usually horrible tabloids) but they were polite and didnt even shout out at MJ.
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

yea I noticed ppl dogging TMZ (as they usually horrible tabloids) but they were polite and didnt even shout out at MJ

Well, believe it or not, the cameramen/women or the paps from TMZ seem to be very nice and respectable. However, when you watch the TV show, the people who do the website and the actual tv show, along with that ringleader and ***** Harvey Levin, are so nasty to MJ. I mean, when they do something on MJ, the voiceovers are just disgusting and ignorant. I cannot even begin. I trash them, not necessary the camera people.

I'm glad the TMZ crew behaved themselves around them...

It is good to know that they did. I have tried to download the video footage and it is not coming. I hope someone upload it on a website or youtube.

We wont see him for another 6 months now

That is very true. LOL.
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

Did he watch the IRON MAN, or maybe NIM'S ISLAND... :p
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

I'm glad they kept their distance and didn't harass him like they do Britney Spears.
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

I can't watch the video...it won't load. :(

But cool!!! He went to the movies with his kids! :) Great minds think alike...:lmao: I was supposed to go to the movies with my niece this week because I am visiting my mom, but I've been sick since Wednesday, so I had to cancel all "going out" plans. :( I've just been home and have watched hockey on TV and spent time with my niece inside the house since she's here too. I wonder what movie MJ saw...?

And Michael is wearing JEANS???!!!!!!! :stretcher OMG!!! :wild: FINALLY!!! :lol: I LOOOOVE it when he wears jeans!! They look sooooooo good on him!!! HOT!! WOW!!! *faints* :stretcher :lol:

Thanks for sharing the vid...Could someone put it on YouTube though so that I could watch it? I think I need an "MJ fix"...that woudl help me heal nicely! ;) :lol:
Re: New MJ Sighting (VIDEO Included)

how did they even know it was him you couldn't even see him and who wait around outside just to get a nano second of footage. These ppl need to get a life.
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