MJ Related Pet Peeves

*When people say their favourite song is Thriller. Seriously? LOL.
When people say that Michael's kids are better off now that he's gone.

When they show footage of Michael talking about sharing beds with children but cut out the bit where he says he sleeps on the floor.

When they talk about the trial and roll the video (on loop) of Michael walking into court in pajama pants.

When people take a beautiful picture from a professional photoshoot from 1970 and try to compare it to an awful paparazzi shot taken 39 years later (at a terrible angle, with the freaken flash right up the poor guy's nose) to illustrate how "hideous" he was in the later years.


When you're on youtube watching lovely videos of him and there are more responses from trolls than from fans

When media makes it seem like Michael complained about not having a childhood

When people who know nothing about him try to tell you about him, questioning why you're a fan because he did X,Y and Z
When I wax rhapsodic about Mike and somebody says "But wasn't he gay and a child molester?" and I glare at him/her.
People so don't get it. Not only did MJ topple the Beatles and Elvis, HE OWNED THEM! Literally!
When people do not realise that Michael actually did make some of the greatest music ever...not just sold millions... (thats a rare and very annoying minority)
When they say Thriller's succes is due to Quincy Jones.

When they say "Yeah, he was a good singer but he was a little bit of a pedophile too".

When they don't recognize his sexappeal.
When people (Even some fans) say that he didn't influence many
When people who don't like Michael spend x amount of hours looking through all his videos on youtube to write insults in the comments section just to piss the fans off. Or when they'd routinely and vigorously search and view MJ videos just to complain about having to view the video... :huh:

ie. "I'm so sick and tired of seeing all these videos on Michael Jackson. No one did this stuff when he was alive. He's dead! Get over it!"

I've never been able to understand that logic.

When people accuse you of "worshiping" and viewing Michael as a "perfect God" purely because you have respect for him. Apparently, when you respect and/or defend someone you admire, it must mean that you worship them.
Woah! Don't get me started or else I won't stop! :mello:

I guess the biggest pet peeve is when people judge him without ever really taking anytime to know the MAN himself.. The amount of times I have heard " Oh I read this, Oh I read that " Is countess... Yeah you read shit! :bugeyed
The media is so powerful for making people believe their crap!
Again agrees with everything said on here.

When people accuse you of "worshiping" and viewing Michael as a "perfect God" purely because you have respect for him. Apparently, when you respect and/or defend someone you admire, it must mean that you worship them.

... Totally. .. I call those -- relaxed minds, 'cause they're saying rushed, thoughtless things and are generally prejudicial.
I am a die hard MJ fan

What bothers me is a girl once said to me: "How dare you like that lego, he cant sing, he was ugly and he had a skin disorder, but he could dance a bit"

WTF i hate when people dont know what they talk about...

Then today: Someone said the Beatles are the shit....i was like "why" and HIS ONLY REASON was "they revolutionized music" so i asked again "how" and he said "because they did, they are awesome, they wrote their own songs and have sold millions they are better than MJ, they have more influence" So i was a little pissed, so i simply said "Frank Sinatra revolutionized music too, as did MJ"


no contest

A other thing that bothers me, as like others have said "He's Dead...get over it"
So we are suppose to get over someone when they die? if your grandma died and you were crying to me...would it be nice to say "shes dead, get over her and move on"

I also think Dangerous, HIStory, Botdf, and Invincible were better than Thriller.....Billie jean and beat it arent all of what michael did, and can do.
When some people say that the reason why Michael was found innocent is because the jury was star struck
'The second time around he couldn't pay himself out of a trial'- makes my blood boil in an unknown degree because people without the faintest idea how the 'justice' system works assume many wrong things.

'He was a tragic figure that wasted his talent and showed us that money can't buy happiness.'

^^^Yeah, would be nice of things were so easy. Must be nice to live in that kind of black-and-white world. So neatly organized.
when people go quiet when you mention mj,
like when we went to the dentist last week,the dentist and her assistant asked if we'd been shopping,i had a bag with me i'd just bought a record,mj ofcourse,so i told them i just bought a record,and with much enthusiasm they asked who it was,i said mj and the room went really quiet you could hear a pin drop,i suppose this is better than anyone calling him which i really dispise,but this sudden silence,p****s me off.
The current trend for everyone blaming and accusing Michael for absolutely everything including his own death! Geez, this is so p*******g me off it's not real - yesterday we had claims via a blog that Michael was a 'satanist' - oh Good God, give Michael and us a BREAK!!!!!!

Believe it's SO called jumping on the forthcoming trial bandwagon - AND HOW!!!!!!!
when people go quiet when you mention mj,
like when we went to the dentist last week,the dentist and her assistant asked if we'd been shopping,i had a bag with me i'd just bought a record,mj ofcourse,so i told them i just bought a record,and with much enthusiasm they asked who it was,i said mj and the room went really quiet you could hear a pin drop,i suppose this is better than anyone calling him which i really dispise,but this sudden silence,p****s me off.

Hmm, I wonder why it went silent? That seems really odd
Hmm, I wonder why it went silent? That seems really odd
i know why it is,they don,t like him,which ofcourse you cannot force everyone to like who you like,i don,t like everyone,but to me i think it has alot to do with the 2005 trial,the minute you mention michael jackson they go oh under their breathe or don't say anything at all,
thats the feeling i get anyway.or maybe it's me being paranoid.
Ok, interesting everyone. Yall brought up some great points and i have to agree w/each and everyone of yall!!

Here's mine:

When they talk about the Blanket incident, they always say "dangled". I always yell back at the t.v., "HELD, HELD! HE HELD! NOT DANGLED!!"

UGH - When Paul Mcartney talks about how he gave advice to Michael about buying music rights, then proceeds to mimic Michael's voice, "I'm gonna buy your songs!" Must've heard him do this like 4 different times!

When people wear "the glove" with a 90's or even a 00's MJ outfit. The glove was only 80's & "Billie Jean", am I right?

They keep tryna break the "Thriller" dance record w/the most people.

Or when they say, "Self-proclaimed King of Pop".

Pretty much what all the voice-overs have to say when they talk about Michael's things in the Julien's Auction.
When people will keep insisting that he was weird.

He was the most normal and down to earth celebrity i've ever seen
Michael not thanking me during award acceptance speeches when i helped him write so many songs. :(


when people tell you that there are OTHER artist other than mj that i should listen to! ( i do listen to other artists but i need my mj dose each day)

when whenever they mention june 25th on tv and its like they just HAVE TO show 'that' picture. ew ew ew ew ew and you have to force your brain to push the picture out of your head and you look away from the screen

when they say 'the rise and FALL' of the king of pop.
he didnt fall anywhere.
Some people's childish behavior of always making fun of Michael. They teach kids that bullying people and making fun of people is wrong and then they turn around and do that to Michael. What a bunch of hypocrites!
i know why it is,they don,t like him,which ofcourse you cannot force everyone to like who you like,i don,t like everyone,but to me i think it has alot to do with the 2005 trial,the minute you mention michael jackson they go oh under their breathe or don't say anything at all,
thats the feeling i get anyway.or maybe it's me being paranoid.

I recognise this. The other day I told a group of people on a party that Michael is among the people I most admire (we all shared our most admired lists). They looked at me with wtf-faces and just went silent after that. To my own horror I felt the need to explain that he was a pure soul that could never harm a child. I hate how we have to defend him always and his awesomeness isn't just seen and appreciated by everyone like it should be.
I recognise this. The other day I told a group of people on a party that Michael is among the people I most admire (we all shared our most admired lists). They looked at me with wtf-faces and just went silent after that. To my own horror I felt the need to explain that he was a pure soul that could never harm a child. I hate how we have to defend him always and his awesomeness isn't just seen and appreciated by everyone like it should be.

I totally agree about "the look". It's like you're from a another planet, which only makes me say "YESSSSSSSSS!!!!" even louder. "I admire him, love him, and he was one of the greatest gifts we ever got, but unfortunately suffered greatly for being it"
When some people say that the reason why Michael was found innocent is because the jury was star struck

Are you kidding man? Who ever said that? I remember vividly the day they selected the jury and no black african american was among them. I remember thinking "oh, boy they set him up big time" back then!