MJ Related Pet Peeves

When the media says that the Motown 25 performance of Billie Jean was MJ greatest perfomance ever. It's a great performance but his greatest? I don't think so. Infact when you compare the Motown 25 performances of Billie Jean to his later performances you can see that his Motown 25 performance was one his his weakest.

An iconic performance yes but his greatest? No

Oh and by the way i love seeing celebrities go on and on about how great the moonwalk was on Motown 25. Imagine if they saw a Moonwalk from the Dangerous tour? They'd be rushed into hospital due to the shock of the epic awesomeness lol

I know. Motown 25 was iconic but overrated.

* Nowadays, everyone claims MJ wanted to work with them. And guess what? Now that he's not here, nobody is here to contradict them.
this is a good thread. when people don't acknowledge the autonomous power of MJ's songwriting, throughout his career, and his sonic knowledge. then they up and feature anybody, prominently, who had anything to do with a Michael Jackson song, right up to Hold My Hand. so they knew, but wouldn't admit. the writer of Hold My Hand wasf eatured prominently in an ad for a seminar on 'How I Wrote That Song', an ad featured in a MJ hating mag. other songwriters of other songs were featured in the sides of the ad photo. and their songs got much radio airplay. HMH hardly got any. a song from Invincible got its beat lifted, and the lifter got their song played a lot on radio. Invincible was trashed in critiques. This is proof that Invincible was and still is a hot seller. signs of envy of Michael, never cease. and never did cease.
When the media says that the Motown 25 performance of Billie Jean was MJ greatest perfomance ever. It's a great performance but his greatest? I don't think so. Infact when you compare the Motown 25 performances of Billie Jean to his later performances you can see that his Motown 25 performance was one his his weakest.

An iconic performance yes but his greatest? No

Oh and by the way i love seeing celebrities go on and on about how great the moonwalk was on Motown 25. Imagine if they saw a Moonwalk from the Dangerous tour? They'd be rushed into hospital due to the shock of the epic awesomeness lol
I agree on all the things you said here. Also, many Billie Jean performances during the HIStory tour are better than the Motown 25.
* When people who do not know what it's like to be in the fan community and be blessed enough to have Michael's love say... "He doesn't actually mean it when he says I love you.."

I pity them.
Michael himself said his performance of Billie Jean on the Motown 25th could've been much better, he, for instance, didn't like the way he did the spin, and that he should've frozen for longer. ..
When some people say ''Thriller was the only good thing he ever did and it was all because of Quincy Jones''

These people make it sound like Quincy was doing all the work and Michael was just sitting there going ''Derrrrrr make an album for me Quincy''

*When people say his best music was from the 80s. They need to listen to Dangerous. Seriously.
What's funny is that i've actually heard the media say this

''Allthough the Dangerous album sold well it was seen as a dissapointment to his fans''

Was the media talking to the wrong group of fans or something?! Dangeous is a fan favourite! Then again the media probably only spoke to the casual fans, you know the ones who are all Thriller this and Thriller that. They didn't talk to the die hard fans
When reporters etc mention his "ever changing appearance" and call it "grotesque". That makes me angry, I see nothing grotesque thankyou very much!
When people online say that MJ was ugly. I always say to them ''Ok upload a picture of yourself so everyone can judge the way you look''
*When people place Elvis and The Beatles above him in terms of influence and sales.
People who haven't researched the allegations, refuse to do it and still talk like they know everything about the topic.
How anybody and everybody with a few hit songs is called the "next Michael Jackson".

I never ever hear someone called the next Elvis or the next Beatles. Their benchmark and uniqueness obviously can't be reached. But Michael's can not only be matched but be leaped over. Very very annoying!!!!!!!
How anybody and everybody with a few hit songs is called the "next Michael Jackson".

I never ever hear someone called the next Elvis or the next Beatles. Their benchmark and uniqueness obviously can't be reached. But Michael's can not only be matched but be leaped over. Very very annoying!!!!!!!

Of course someone can top Michael Jackson. Haven't you forgot that he's just simply a song and dance man while Elvis Presley and The Beatles were serious songwriters and musicians. Yes i'm being extreamly sarcastic right now
Of course someone can top Michael Jackson. Haven't you forgot that he's just simply a song and dance man while Elvis Presley and The Beatles were serious songwriters and musicians. Yes i'm being extreamly sarcastic right now

Yep...and while we're on the subject of the Beatles...let's not forget MJ underhandedly bought the Beatles catalogue right from under McCartney's nose. It was just wrong for him to purchase something McCartney was too cheap to buy himself--after McCartney was offered the opportunity TWICE.

Folks act like MJ did something criminal buying that catalogue. Instead of just being smart, especially smarter than McCartney.
Michael made sure McCartney and Ono were not interested in buying the catalog before he bought it.

I don't care they compare him with the Beatles, they're a band, MJ is a solo act. It's 4 brains against 1, it's almost flattering.
What annoys me is the Elvis comparison.

When some people say ''Thriller was the only good thing he ever did and it was all because of Quincy Jones''

These people make it sound like Quincy was doing all the work and Michael was just sitting there going ''Derrrrrr make an album for me Quincy''

true :D

The media and it's blood stained hands.

yes :mello:
Another Pet peeve of mine is when someone makes fun of the Pepsi incident. I'd like to see they're heads get caught on fire, then they wouldn't be making such a big joke out of it
How anybody and everybody with a few hit songs is called the "next Michael Jackson".

Similarly, how any new act with a successful track is the "next King of Pop." I've lost track of how many one-hit wonders were bestowed with that title, never to be heard from on the charts again.
When some people say ''Thriller was the only good thing he ever did and it was all because of Quincy Jones''

These people make it sound like Quincy was doing all the work and Michael was just sitting there going ''Derrrrrr make an album for me Quincy''

The Quincy "made Michael" thing is indeed one of the biggest jaw droppers of all. I didn't even realize so many people actually believed that until after MJ died.
The way they're undermining Jackson's feelings at almost every chance they get (like he weren't human), when they gobsmackingly react when someone speaks about Jackson as a person, like, 'Wow, we didn't know he was one..' When they're also undermining Jackson's strength, and they're painting this lurid portrait of an unstable, weak, weird freak. .... Too harmful for words, that's not even annoying, but harmful and false. It's people (?) like those and the unique, mad circumstances in his life that forced him to .. appear different. When he only yearned to love and help out his neighbor, and be loved as well. ..
I hate that whenever we defend him people will always diss-miss our arguments and call us ''blind, deluded fans''
Another Pet peeve of mine is when someone makes fun of the Pepsi incident. I'd like to see they're heads get caught on fire, then they wouldn't be making such a big joke out of it

...and then putting the fire out by spinning and then touching their heads and not crying and actually walking.

*When people think he's stupid...
All of the above... and more:
My pet peeves:
When they call us hysterical/crazy fans.
When they take Michael Jackson's achievements so lightly (like everyone can become a next Michael Jackson King Of Pop).
When they talk negative and hide behind our back (his fans our disappointed and his fans that).
When they always tag molestation to his name (He was acquitted for Christ sake).
Always failed to mention his humanitarian work (over hundreds of millions in donation)
Too much report of his private life, lacking on reporting his musical achievements post Thriller.
He was stuck in thriller
Surprised when people around the world continue honoring tributes to Michael
Wondering why young children love Michael
Reports within hours when Michael died: "From rich to rags", "Michael is loosing Beetles catalogs"
And much more....
Needless to say, media annoys me...
All of the above... and more:
My pet peeves:
When they call us hysterical/crazy fans.

Yes, I totally agree on this, but one of my fav pet peeves are precisely so called fans who do really stupid, wild, hysterical things "for the love of Michael", so that Michael and all of us get hurt.

I can't understand fans looking for every single detail about the personal life of MJ3, or wishing sweet Paris will be the next Disney golden girl.

I can't understand fans who have no problems to pay for cigarretes, drinks and parties, but not to buy a legal CD or DVD or book.

Fans who say they love Michael so much, that they name their little dog "Ja***" after Michael.

How stupid is that? :angry:
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People (Even some fans) who think it's ok to call Michael J*cko.
*When you talk about him and some insensitive idiot says "He's dead..."

Yeah. Thanks for the reminder.
Similarly, how any new act with a successful track is the "next King of Pop." I've lost track of how many one-hit wonders were bestowed with that title, never to be heard from on the charts again.

I know right? i hate that...the media has to realize that no matter how hard they try to push a new singer into that spot, it'll never work. Just like J Lo was sayin that they were looking to find the 'next MJ' on American Idol lol There is only one King of Pop, there is only one Michael Jackson and there won't be another...ever.
Uh, can I just say, "ALL OF THE ABOVE"? :agree:

The latest dramaturgical effect is that many documentaries start now with the 911 call, I think I've seen 2 or 3 like that, not just the American and English ones. Apparently everybody thinks that how a documentary needs to start. Gloomy music, dundundun, 911 call.
:cry: Oh God, I know. That was what I was going to write until I saw your post. I realized last year that we'll have to be tortured with nearly every documentary beginning with the 911 call, the ambulance and the helicopter for the rest of our lives. :mello:

Also when they make hidden snide comments, even when they're supposedly saying something positive about Michael.