MJ Related Pet Peeves

*When you talk about him and some insensitive idiot says "He's dead..."

Yeah. Thanks for the reminder.

i HATE that!! my dp on my phone is Michael and my friend said "hes dead, get over it already". That makes me so sad and angry!
^ I always say "do you guys just stop loving people when they die?"

*When people say it's weird that I love him so much when he's 50...
I've gotten that from my dad when I've still been obsessed with Michael after all these months "But he's dead" Really??? :doh: I guess I can't like artists like Stravinsky or Jim Morrison or Bob Marley either because they're dead too.
^ I always say "do you guys just stop loving people when they die?"

Indeed, some people are really so insensitive. Perhaps it is because they haven't dealt with the pain of death in their own lives, the cruelly innocent little creatures. How fortunate--may that never occur to them, but I have a feeling that it will, and then they'll be able to understand us better.

DanceOfZenab said:
*When people say it's weird that I love him so much when he's 50...

Lol, I get that a lot, in general. In fact, Michael is the most "young-looking" out of all my crushes, lol, so he's the one I get the least amount of crap for as far as age is concerned. However, I do get a lot of crap because of the whole plastic surgery/vitiligo thing, and that's a major pet peeve of mine--what business of theirs is it that he had a nose job? Lots of people do--I know I will, as soon as I get the money. As for his skin--he has a skin condition--how utterly rude and insensitive it is to make fun of that! It's no different than making fun of someone with cancer, or someone who's paralyzed, or someone who has something they can't help. Bunch of hypocritical sociopaths--bleh!
I hate that whenever there's a review of one of Michael's albums the reviewer will the review the person and not the album

People who say that MJ was guilty without any proof or evidence to back up crap arguments. I always say to them ''Oh wow so you have some hardcore evidence to proof that Michael was guilty do you? I'd like to see some of this information that you got access to because you obviously know more than what the F.B.I did'' and i also say to them ''Well since you know 100% that Michael was guilty and you have so much evidence to back up your argument then why didn't you go to court in 2005 to testify?''
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Well since you know 100% that Michael was guilty and you have so much evidence to back up your argument then why didn't you go to court in 2005 to testify?''
^^ lol...so true

Besides everything that has already been mentioned:

When Michael's name is used to promote other celebrities. For example, they put 'Michael Jackson' in almost every article about Justin Bieber. I even started to use Advanced Search to exclude 'JB' from search results when I search for MJ news on Google.

When people say Michael is ugly and they morph pictures of Michael to make him look ugly in them. I've never understood why anyone would want to do this sort of thing at all.

When people makes fun of Michael's hair. They know the person suffered severe burns to the scalp and they still allow themselves to make fun of this. How can people be so mean and disrespectful? And who cares if he wears a wig or not? He is beautiful.
When people who don't know me think I just have a silly crush on him. Those who do know me know that I've been in love with him since 2003...
I hate it when people (mainly celebrities) say how they look past the court cases and all of the controversies - " he was a great artist despite all of that" - why not actually look into them and then not make it seem like you're giving him a pass about it? *bangs head against the wall* :mad:
^ I always say "do you guys just stop loving people when they die?"

*When people say it's weird that I love him so much when he's 50...

omg! i love that answer im saying that next time :)

yeh people have said that to me to its ridiculous how some people think, and its really no ones business who we all individually love anyway :)
When people who don't know me think I just have a silly crush on him. Those who do know me know that I've been in love with him since 2003...
Oh Zenab, that reminds me so much of me. Back in the 80's my mom would say, "Do you really want to cover your bedroom walls with Michael Jackson pictures? I mean, you're probably not even going to like him in a year." And I'd say, ":bugeyed This isn't some teeny fad, mom. It's not like that. I really LOVE him. I always will." She'd roll her eyes, lol. From a parent's perspective I can totally see that now, though. :lol: Teenage girls seem to need to scream and faint over someone and yes, it's usually just a phase. Right now it's Justin Bieber. Before it was the Jonas Brothers, N'Sync, Backstreet Boys, Hanson, New Kids on the Block, on and on and on, lol. But it was never like that for me with Michael and I knew that. So I'd say to my mom, "You just wait then. Twenty years from now I'll still love him! You'll see!" Hehe, WIN! :punk: (Not that it was a contest. How could I have ever not loved Michael? He's like oxygen to me. :heart: :angel: I think my mom finally got that after about 20 years, so you just have to be very, very patient. ;))
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Coming across youtube comments from haters saying things like "well you weren't there, so you can't know he's innocent." Well they weren't there either, so they couldn't possibly say he's guilty :doh: Yeah, I saw a few comments like that the other day. Annoying :doh:
When some people say ''No one will ever know the truth'' about the allegation. People who say that have obviously never done any research because if they did the truth would be right in front of their eyes. Michael was innocent
When people talk bad about mj an my ear starts getting red with anger
Surprisingly, most people I talk to about Michael don't believe for a second that he was guilty. But a pet peeve of mine is when my friends will say mean things about him intentionally just because I'm there. Like they don't mean it they just say it to get a reaction.. not just great friends then :p
Out of all the interviews that Michael has done over the years the Martin Batshit one is the most popular and i really hate that.
When some people will keep insisting that he was gay. Why can't these people except the fact the he wasn't gay? Probably just a bunch of disapointed men who wanted him to be gay so they live out this fantasy in their heads that he was gay

Also while we're on this subject i hate when someone says he was gay and then you tell them he wasn't and they say ''Oh what's wrong with being gay then?'' or ''Are you homophobic''.
When some people will keep insisting that he was gay. Why can't these people except the fact the he wasn't gay? Probably just a bunch of disapointed men who wanted him to be gay so they live out this fantasy in their heads that he was gay

If he was gay, there is nothing wrong with it and I would love him JUST THE SAME but I know, its annoying because it's just another MYTH.
When some people will keep insisting that he was gay. Why can't these people except the fact the he wasn't gay? Probably just a bunch of disapointed men who wanted him to be gay so they live out this fantasy in their heads that he was gay

Also while we're on this subject i hate when someone says he was gay and then you tell them he wasn't and they say ''Oh what's wrong with being gay then?'' or ''Are you homophobic''.

It's like talking to a stonewall you're bumping your head against and of course it won't hurt the wall. ..
When they mention, in a little report on the TV, that Michael had done brilliant music videos and then they only show footage of the Thriller video.
Yeah, we know that Thriller was a great video, but completely ignoring the brilliance of Smooth Criminal or Ghosts is just annoying.

And, if they're talking about his surgeries, they only compare footage of him during the Thriler Era with footage from 2001 - 2009 (excluding TII rehearsals). It's like they're meaning that he was a good looking man during the Thriller Era, then he suddenly got white and ugly (which is not true). They're completely skipping the Bad, Dangerous and HIStory Era. If you compare footage of him step by step, you will notice that he didn't change THAT much. Comparing footage with another one which was shot around 20 years later is just stupid and extremely wrong. No wonder many people think Michael did lots of surgeries.

And, regarding that topic, they never show footage of the TII rehearsals when they're reporting about him. They're always showing the same pictures where he looked partially ugly because of the camera angle and the wig (for example his mugshot from 2003 or some pictures from the Oxford speech). It's like they're saying "Look at him how ugly he got because of the surgeries!"
If they would show footage of the TII rehearsals, almost nobody would say anymore that he was ugly as hell.
For example, I have a friend who only knew those footage of him in the later years which they're showing in the media. Some weeks ago, I showed him footage of the TII rehearsals and he only asked me if this is really shot in 2009 because he couldn't believe that Michael still looked quite good in his later years.
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When you pull out something wether it be a wallet or anything and I ALWAYS ALWAYS get the classic line 'DID you love him' WTF? never really got that one tbh
When people say that Michael's kids are better off now that he's gone.

When they show footage of Michael talking about sharing beds with children but cut out the bit where he says he sleeps on the floor.

When they talk about the trial and roll the video (on loop) of Michael walking into court in pajama pants.

When people take a beautiful picture from a professional photoshoot from 1970 and try to compare it to an awful paparazzi shot taken 39 years later (at a terrible angle, with the freaken flash right up the poor guy's nose) to illustrate how "hideous" he was in the later years.
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When folks have to be reminded he was acquitted in a court of law, and they say so was O.J. Simpson. Makes me boil.