MJ & LMP portrait

Lisa wrote her name, not Michael, they were just autographing it.

LMAO So, she did it by herself? :lol: I guess MJ was not very much impressed with that kind of sense of humor, because they got divorced in 3 months after they visited this Zoo. :smilerolleyes:
MJ and LMP portarait really looks very romantic but.....

Here is a note MJ left after visiting Zoo with LMP one day:


Gosh, this note does not sound romatic to me :lol:

:lol could mj's signature be any bigger, mike u were a dag
love is magical;3162824 said:
Gotta love his sense of humor. :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:

I LOVE THIS MAN... :wub::wub::wub:

No doubt, if one day Mike wanted to pee on his fans, many would consider it to be a “blessing”. :smilerolleyes: He never would, just saying… . :)
If ever got something like that from my boyfriend/husband I would leave him immidiately. Lisa still was chasing him for many years. What a shame to chase guys.

Really? You would divorce your husband for a little joke like that? Gosh, don't you think you're being a bit too sensitive? :mello: If my boyfriend/husband did that I would lmao, it's funny! :lol:
Really? You would divorce your husband for a little joke like that? Gosh, don't you think you're being a bit too sensitive? :mello: If my boyfriend/husband did that I would lmao, it's funny! :lol:

First of all it was proven that this joke does not belong to MJ. So, MJ is fine, thanks God.. But because it was LMP idea, it makes a lot of sense to me.:) They got divorced in 3 months after this Zoo visit, so obviously it was not a right time for this joke because their relationships were in trouble. If LMP felt comfortable with this, fine. People finally get what are agree with.

If it was my boyfriend/husband and our relationships were not stable ( a lot of misunderstanding and hurting feelings), he would not see me for a looong, long time, maybe never after that kind of "note".
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Asedora;3163117 said:
No doubt, if one day Mike wanted to pee on his fans, many would consider it to be a “blessing”. :smilerolleyes: He never would, just saying… . :)

Are you actually kidding? Maybe you should lighten up? If it was Michael that wrote that then it's obviously a joke. I'm not even going to answer the part about him peeing on his fans. WTF?

Personally I'd find it hilarious!
By the way , The timeline of MJ and LMP is copmletely false,,,, LMP was hanging with every Jackson to get MJ attention,,,after Paris was born MJ and Lisa never EVER met .
she nevr saw his kids only Prince once during History tour.

one phone call ,one month before her interview with Diane Sawyer and after Bashit interview,... and it was 2003 .....and it is the only phone call in the decade since1998 ..also , it is the same one she discussed with Oprah but she said it was 2005, to show MJ's fans that she supported him during the trial ( she is trying to fool us , cuz she regrets sying to Larry King during the trial that she is indifferent and she does not care) , but the fact is it was 2003 ,,becuase she herself made a mistke (as usual) and said that she told MJ " IF this goes to court" and MJ was silent most of the phone call after this stupid suggstion !

before is death she bragged over and over about this one phonecall..no other phone call was mentioned and she could not made up new one, she only changed the date!

after 1998,,she was hanging with the Jacksons yes,,,there are many many pics of her with the Jacksons " Janet once",,,Joe"once" Jackie"once" then visiting Kathreine and Rebbei but not MJ otherwise we would see pics like the ones we saw with the other Jacksons !
IN 1999-2000 . in the Rabbi tapes MJ said the fact the she tried hard but he closed his heart and his mind forever...(he said for months ,,,not years,, as she claimed now...and her songs contradict what she told Oprah and this false timeline)

i'm not mad at her and i can't blame her for trying hard again ....but telling lies when he was alive then tellin more lies after his death is something stupid !

she claimed that she left becuase he was an addict... and "the suspicious timing" phrase she used over and over and over again ,even after his death, is disgusting,,, she even do not tust him with kids alone in a room!!

she never belived that he was innocent , this is why she did not have kids with him!
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I agree.. LMP is not very truthful. I don't believe she talked to him in 2005 either. She's lying and all I ask for is that she keeps her promise to never mention MJ again.
You guys, this thread has gone way off in to left field. Can we just try a little harder to stay on topic? Please!

Thanks :flowers:
None of us were there in their lives personally to know if they spoke or not later on. Lisa has lied over the years...and she finally admitted dating him after the divorce on Oprah a few months back.

We just don't know.
I love that portrait and I love Lisa. I understand why Michael loved her so much..
a close up - click to see full size
Michael..:love:..Its to bad that he fell in love with someone that ended up hurting him...poor baby. Lisa....why oh why did you hurt him..was he that hard to love?? The answer is NO!!
Michael..:love:..Its to bad that he fell in love with someone that ended up hurting him...poor baby. Lisa....why oh why did you hurt him..was he that hard to love?? The answer is NO!!


You really think Michael didn't hurt Lisa?!

You really think Michael didn't hurt Lisa?!
To be totally honest...I rarely post in this thread....I have to be honest with you,,,I am one of those folks that think that Michael could do no wrong...so as to whether or not he hurt Lisa....I don't really know...and if you really knew me you would know that I would say no Michael did not hurt Lisa just for that fact....as I already stated...I think Michael could do no wrong. Maybe he did..but I would always stick up for him anyway, sorry that is just the way it is as far as Michael goes....:)
To be totally honest...I rarely post in this thread....I have to be honest with you,,,I am one of those folks that think that Michael could do no wrong...so as to whether or not he hurt Lisa....I don't really know...and if you really knew me you would know that I would say no Michael did not hurt Lisa just for that fact....as I already stated...I think Michael could do no wrong. Maybe he did..but I would always stick up for him anyway, sorry that is just the way it is as far as Michael goes....:)

Michael did many things wrong imo. He was a human being and no one is perfect. But I am not judging him about anything because people are free to make their own choices and we should respect that as long as they are not against the law. Actually I don't really care what he did. All I know I love his music, and Lisa.
Michael did many things wrong imo. He was a human being and no one is perfect. But I am not judging him about anything because people are free to make their own choices and we should respect that as long as they are not against the law. Actually I don't really care what he did. All I know I love his music, and Lisa.
thats ok you are free to feel the way you want..:hug: