MJ & LMP portrait

I'm drawn to the woman holding the child in the background. I understand Michael designed the layout of this picture, or at least the basics of it. Maybe he thought this represents the child they would someday have, waiting in the wings, so to speak, to be born. Then again, it could represent Debbie Rowe and Prince. If MJ and LMP had broken up by the time the painter got around to this picture, why did he start it? So many questions LOL.
I'm drawn to the woman holding the child in the background. I understand Michael designed the layout of this picture, or at least the basics of it. Maybe he thought this represents the child they would someday have, waiting in the wings, so to speak, to be born. Then again, it could represent Debbie Rowe and Prince. If MJ and LMP had broken up by the time the painter got around to this picture, why did he start it? So many questions LOL.

According to the description at Julien's page

"Jackson gave very specific art direction to Nordhal, including a list of things he'd like to see in the painting. The artist had to put aside completion of this work to finish other commissions for Jackson. When Nordhal returned to completing the painting the pair had seperated"

So apparently he started before they separated but finished it after they broke up - hence Michael never picked up the painting from Nordhal.

You could be right about the kid as the kid they would have in the future. I don't think this would have anything to do with Debbie as the painting was first designed in 1995.
Michael also had a painting done with Debbie Rowe in it in 1991. He had it done before they were even married.... It's quite beautiful too. Debbie is portrayed as an angel with wings.




10. The woman in the white dress: ‘He told me he was seeing this nurse about something and that something magic was going to happen. What was happening was she (Debbie Rowe) was carrying the babies or they were making the deal to do it, so I painted a nurse that looks like an angel.’

^ The dates are contradictory, but there you have it :p

Read more here:


Ahhh, she couldn't lure him into her church and he wouldn't produce her album..........just saying.

Not even the 'Presley' name helped her album sales. Just saying. You either have raw talent or you don't. She was never going to be as succesful in music as her father or Michael because she doesn't have that natural talent that both her dad Elvis and Michael had. Just proves a name can't really take you places.
it is very clear that Nordhal wants some cash !

why does he have to do a painting after 15 years for a seperated couples who got married again and have kids and moved on , this makes no sense at all... again like anything else related to MJ $$$$$
That is absolutely beautiful. That painting is pure magic. Michael had such astounding ideas, and the artist himself has incredible talent. It's a shame that Lisa's on it. She really did not deserve him, or her place on this work of art. She's too immature and unsophisticated to understand either of them. They're best left apart.

I love the idea behind this painting. True romanticism at its best. Of course, Michael had all the makings of a prince: nobility, courage and passion, combined with a spirit strong enough to revolutionize the world. *sigh*
it is very clear that Nordhal wants some cash !

why does he have to do a painting after 15 years for a seperated couples who got married again and have kids and moved on , this makes no sense at all... again like anything else related to MJ $$$$$

Don't be so negative. Why do you think he painted it after Michael's passing? He said he finished it after he finished other 3-4 projects for Michael. Michael's marriage with Lisa didn't last long,so maybe he finished it in 1996-1997?
All i have to say is that painting of lisa looks nothing like her, but with michael its spot on.
I'm drawn to the woman holding the child in the background. I understand Michael designed the layout of this picture, or at least the basics of it. Maybe he thought this represents the child they would someday have, waiting in the wings, so to speak, to be born. Then again, it could represent Debbie Rowe and Prince. If MJ and LMP had broken up by the time the painter got around to this picture, why did he start it? So many questions LOL.

The woman holding the child is standing on a shell. The scallop shell is a symbol of Venus, the Roman goddess of love and fertility. Venus is seen emerging from the sea on a similar shell in Bottecelli's painting "The Birth of Venus".
I know Lisa Marie said Michael's favorite flower was the sunflower. I think his favorite flower was the rose. He certainly wanted a lot of them in this painting.
re: post by PrettyGirlMJ:

Michael also had a painting done with Debbie Rowe in it in 1991. He had it done before they were even married.... It's quite beautiful too. Debbie is portrayed as an angel with wings.


It is wonderful to know that even as far back as 1991, MJ was thinking about or planning on Debbie having his children. It is important for the children to know this. I do think it is possible that this artist is wanting some extra money since MJ died, so I'm not sure how these paintings came about, but MJ is always beautiful. He was such a romantic man.

10. The woman in the white dress: ‘He told me he was seeing this nurse about something and that something magic was going to happen. What was happening was she (Debbie Rowe) was carrying the babies or they were making the deal to do it, so I painted a nurse that looks like an angel.’
it is very clear that Nordhal wants some cash !

why does he have to do a painting after 15 years for a seperated couples who got married again and have kids and moved on , this makes no sense at all... again like anything else related to MJ $$$$$

so what if he gets money for it, not like he stole it from someone, he deserves to get it because of his great talent and work. What now, artist need to make art for free and when they die someone has to sell it for millions?
Michael appreciated Art very much and spent a lot on it too..
and Nordahl painted this in the '90s..
Michael Jackson truly loved great works of art.
If Michael Jackson had continued to live here on Earth,
I believe, in his later years, he would have become a painter.
The world has truly missed out.

Bottecelli's Painting: "The Birth of Venus"
she doesn't want that picture.. she wanted nothing to do with MJ.. she was embarrassed by him. If she had it she would burn it.
You summed it up. And her new husband who she had twins with will probaby help her burn it.
oh come one people, that's too much, don't you think? her husband doesn't have anything to do with the whole situation...