MJ & LMP portrait

Michael also had a painting done with Debbie Rowe in it in 1991. He had it done before they were even married.... It's quite beautiful too. Debbie is portrayed as an angel with wings.




10. The woman in the white dress: ‘He told me he was seeing this nurse about something and that something magic was going to happen. What was happening was she (Debbie Rowe) was carrying the babies or they were making the deal to do it, so I painted a nurse that looks like an angel.’

^ The dates are contradictory, but there you have it :p

Read more here:

Look on the wall:


Michael was romantic. And that is exactly how I always saw Michael. What a man!
Sometimes we don't know what we had until it is gone is so very very true!!

Open and obvious devotion from
any sort of man is always pleasant
to any sort of woman.
- Rudyard Kipling
This is so sweet Michael is the best...Look beyond LMP words she was talking out of hurt she really loved Michael.
I definitely believe MJ and Lisa's love for eachother was real, after that blogpost from Lisa Marie after MJ's passing, why would she lie about that? She said their love was very real. Other peolpe confirmed that as well. I am still puzzled though why Lisa talked negative about their love when on Diane Sawyer later on though....i didn't get that one bit.
I definitely believe MJ and Lisa's love for eachother was real, after that blogpost from Lisa Marie after MJ's passing, why would she lie about that? She said their love was very real. Other peolpe confirmed that as well. I am still puzzled though why Lisa talked negative about their love when on Diane Sawyer later on though....i didn't get that one bit.

I dont get it either. I think she was trying to get back at him about something but i dont know what it was.
I dont get it either. I think she was trying to get back at him about something but i dont know what it was.
well, Michael said in the Schmuley talks that Lisa wanted him to take her back, promising him children and getting very close with his mother etc. But he didn't take her back. I think she was angry at him and offended by his decision, so that was her revenge.
re: post by PrettyGirlMJ:

Michael also had a painting done with Debbie Rowe in it in 1991. He had it done before they were even married.... It's quite beautiful too. Debbie is portrayed as an angel with wings.


It is wonderful to know that even as far back as 1991, MJ was thinking about or planning on Debbie having his children. It is important for the children to know this. I do think it is possible that this artist is wanting some extra money since MJ died, so I'm not sure how these paintings came about, but MJ is always beautiful. He was such a romantic man.

10. The woman in the white dress: ‘He told me he was seeing this nurse about something and that something magic was going to happen. What was happening was she (Debbie Rowe) was carrying the babies or they were making the deal to do it, so I painted a nurse that looks like an angel.’

IMO the artist is just saying it's Debbie Rowe in the hindsight. I don't believe MJ was planning anything with Debbie in 1991. Why would he? I think at the time he still believed in romantic love and that he would have a normal marriage with someone. If he was soooooo in love with Debbie since 1991 all he had to do was to marry her and stay married to her. He didn't marry her in 1991, instead he went on to marry LMP in 1994. Then when he married Debbie it looked anything but a romantic relationship. So, no I don't think that's Debbie in the painting, in my opinion it's only the artist interpreting her into it in the hindsight. The reason why the artist's comments and timelines are confusing (as some of you noted) because he is not truthful IMO.
she doesn't want that picture.. she wanted nothing to do with MJ.. she was embarrassed by him. If she had it she would burn it.

Yeh I partly agree with that, watching recent interviews with her she does seem embarrassed about the whole thing and appears that she wants to forget it ever happened but at the same time I think deep down she did really care about him and his welfare and wanted the world to stop thinking of him as a weirdo.
I also believe Michael & Lisa truly loved each other...I think what drove them apart was all the constant press on them, questioning every little thing about their marriage. I bet if they could have gotten away just for a little bit, they probably could have worked it out.

IMHO I think that marriage was legit, and more about love, then compared to Michael & Debbie.
this painting was made just last year !!this show that the painter wanted some cash as the fans interested in this story,,,, and since the story is 15 years old and both parties moved on with their lives and since there is no true confirmation if Mj wanted it or not this makes this painting has no real value !
Michael also had a painting done with Debbie Rowe in it in 1991. He had it done before they were even married.... It's quite beautiful too. Debbie is portrayed as an angel with wings.




10. The woman in the white dress: ‘He told me he was seeing this nurse about something and that something magic was going to happen. What was happening was she (Debbie Rowe) was carrying the babies or they were making the deal to do it, so I painted a nurse that looks like an angel.’


Michael seems to be very proud of this pic...Teddy Riely said the same story the painter said about MJ and Debbie in 1991, the song RTT was mainly about Debbie !
Michael seems to be very proud of this pic...Teddy Riely said the same story the painter said about MJ and Debbie in 1991, the song RTT was mainly about Debbie !

Yeah, Teddy said the same thing too. He went even deeper saying Michael loved Debbie and knew her for a long time.

I don't know. The timeline is weird, but anyway.
Maybe michael did always love debbie, i think when mj started dating lisa marie his love for got deeper as the realtionship grew. I get a feeling he didnt realise at just how many things he had in common with her untill they became more serious.
well, Michael said in the Schmuley talks that Lisa wanted him to take her back, promising him children and getting very close with his mother etc. But he didn't take her back. I think she was angry at him and offended by his decision, so that was her revenge.

excuse my bad English please, but... what does "take her back" mean? :unsure:
Marry her again or get back with her. :)

OMG, you are right!!!!
hahahahahaa!!! :toofunny:

I was reading that as "take-her-back" and thought it was some slang or the like! It was take HER back, like again :doh:

I seems he took her back , when he wanted.

I´ve seen pictures of them in South Africa after the divorce, and I´ve read a story about them in a restaurant where they used the same spoon to eat with and seemed to be in love .I don´t remember if the restaurant was from 1999 or 2001.

LMPs husband no 3 said after their divorce, he wasn´t the gloved one.
Only Michael and LMP knows what happened between them.
It was something that made LMP very angry.
It´s obvious LMP always loved him even if she didn´t want to and said bad things about him.
yeah, he did, lol. I remember news reports from those days. For a moment everyone was shocked that Michael, being a married man, was involved with his ex-wife. Everyone was like O.O Mike you are a playaaaa!!!!

I consider that photo of them kissing near the restaurant the most romantic photo of all times.

But soon it was back to the usual tabloid nonsense.
Maybe michael did always love debbie, i think when mj started dating lisa marie his love for got deeper as the realtionship grew. I get a feeling he didnt realise at just how many things he had in common with her untill they became more serious.

yeah exactly , Debbie said they both were very emotional during divorce and the Rabbi said the same thing:

Schmuley Tapes, 2000/1

In 1996 he married Debbie Rowe the mother of his two children. The three-year marriage ended when Rowe filed for divorce last October.

“I know he was pretty torn up over it. … We left that one alone,” Boteach said.

“I am not privy to the terms of Michael’s divorce,” says Boteach. “But he is cut up over it. She has made visits to the children, but I don’t know how often. What I do know is that Michael is a very understanding father.”
yeah, he did, lol. I remember news reports from those days. For a moment everyone was shocked that Michael, being a married man, was involved with his ex-wife. Everyone was like O.O Mike you are a playaaaa!!!!

I consider that photo of them kissing near the restaurant the most romantic photo of all times.

But soon it was back to the usual tabloid nonsense.

Really?? Awww...I wish I coulda seen those, I was too little back then to understand all this :p.
What were the news reports like? Could you elaborate a little? Did the media think that MJ & LMP were gonna get back together? I think I saw some reports on Youtube, but those were in different languages, did they play any over in English? Like was the American media interested in their relationship at that point?
This picture is wonderful, with a fairy tale prince on a white horse with his princess in an environment with air Renaissance ..... is pure magic, after all Love is a DIVINE MAGIC ....

Camelot. Maybe Michael or the artist didn't think about the tragic story really is. Camelot speaks of noble intentions and beautiful marked by betrayal, the mortal wounds and death, King Arthur, Guinevere and Sir Lancelot are the main characters. King Arthur is betrayed by his wife when she falls in love with Sir Lancelot who escapes by guilt and remorse in the face of betrayal he did. Guinevere sorry apologizes to King, that forgives but does not return to her. Guinevere enters holy orders where she seeks redemption. Arthur temporarily loses its connection with the Divine Creator, which is the heart of his kingship. He is stripped and gets sick when the land he loves withers. Finally, it is renewed once more by the Creator and out once again to wield Excalibur in the name of all that was to be and accomplish in the world. He is rescued, but mortally wounded in that final quest, and his body was set afloat in the sun. It is a magical tale full of triumph and sadness.

I think the marriage of Michael and Lisa was true and pure, they loved each other very much. Michael showed his happiness, in all places where they were seen together was always smiling.

Sorry for my english.
Michael truly loved Lisa and who knows what would have happened had they stayed together and she loved him. I love Michael dearly but he isn't blameless in what happened, this was a man firmly married to his career at that point. But things happen for a reason and Michael went on to have three beautiful children.
This picture is wonderful, with a fairy tale prince on a white horse with his princess in an environment with air Renaissance ..... is pure magic, after all Love is a DIVINE MAGIC ....

Camelot. Maybe Michael or the artist didn't think about the tragic story really is. Camelot speaks of noble intentions and beautiful marked by betrayal, the mortal wounds and death, King Arthur, Guinevere and Sir Lancelot are the main characters. King Arthur is betrayed by his wife when she falls in love with Sir Lancelot who escapes by guilt and remorse in the face of betrayal he did. Guinevere sorry apologizes to King, that forgives but does not return to her. Guinevere enters holy orders where she seeks redemption. Arthur temporarily loses its connection with the Divine Creator, which is the heart of his kingship. He is stripped and gets sick when the land he loves withers. Finally, it is renewed once more by the Creator and out once again to wield Excalibur in the name of all that was to be and accomplish in the world. He is rescued, but mortally wounded in that final quest, and his body was set afloat in the sun. It is a magical tale full of triumph and sadness.

I think the marriage of Michael and Lisa was true and pure, they loved each other very much. Michael showed his happiness, in all places where they were seen together was always smiling.

Sorry for my english.

I agree. I don't know for sure Michael loved her, but I feel from the bottom of my heart SHE loved him.
Really?? Awww...I wish I coulda seen those, I was too little back then to understand all this :p.
What were the news reports like? Could you elaborate a little? Did the media think that MJ & LMP were gonna get back together? I think I saw some reports on Youtube, but those were in different languages, did they play any over in English? Like was the American media interested in their relationship at that point?

I can't tell you about American reports, cause I'm in Russia and since there was basically no internet then, I watched/listened to Russian news on TV and radio. And everyone was like, while Michael Jackson's wife is at home, Michael is seen with his ex-wife, holding hands, hehehe and they dined together in a restaurant, *gasp*, and he invited her to South Africa etc etc. It was quite shocking and fun at the same time :)
I can't tell you about American reports, cause I'm in Russia and since there was basically no internet then, I watched/listened to Russian news on TV and radio. And everyone was like, while Michael Jackson's wife is at home, Michael is seen with his ex-wife, holding hands, hehehe and they dined together in a restaurant, *gasp*, and he invited her to South Africa etc etc. It was quite shocking and fun at the same time :)

yep, i remember. And I think this is why everyone is so skeptic about his relationship with Debbie and doubted they were "in love", but who knows...